THE EU ARE ASKING, NAY, DEMANDING, A BUDGETARY INCREASE. Our feted emperors who govern us from Brussels, and whose powers are such that they now render the election of national governments’ meaningless, are now insisting upon an annual increase of between 2.9% and 6%. The lower figure would require from the British taxpayer an additional cost of £450 million; while the larger percentage increase would require an annual enhancement of £900 million. It should come as little surprise that the larger figure has been conjured up by the EU’s parliamentarians, whose gravy train needs to be kept well oiled and running exorbitantly, because of our European representatives prodigious craving for ever greater financial entitlements.
Our Coalition has had to make demands upon the British people, and those demands represent a litany of financial constraints and sacrifices. Every department of state, we are told, has to make savings of up to 20%: our defence budget, for instance, will be eviscerated to the point where, somewhat comically, our aircraft carriers will be missing their one vital component – aircraft.
The public sector faces job losses of 800,000 people; while the welfare budget faces a somewhat innovative attack from the Coalition that seeks to remove all of the parasitic barnacles from its vast hulk.
Sacrifice on a vast scale will therefore be required, and may result in street protests that will challenge the authority and determination of the Coalition to see their “project” for the nation’s economical recovery through to a satisfactory conclusion.
Our budget deficit of £170 billion has and will continue to exact its price on future generations until it is eliminated from this island’s economic history.
SO HOW CAN DAVID CAMERON, under such circumstances demanded by his Coalition, justify any kind of increase to our contribution to the EU budget?
If the British people have to face such belt tightening that it leads to our ineffectiveness to defend ourselves, then why should we give a penny extra to the European Union? It only makes sense if all of the mainstream political parties have a hidden agenda - to be part of a European Federalist State .
This I fear is the journey our politicians, from all parties, have set this nation’s compass too. Cameron will demand the freezing of Europe’s budgetary increase, but will settle upon a compromise of 2.9% and treat it as a victory. Such is the meandering ebbs and flows of the strategy that seeks ultimately, to give birth to a Federal Europe.
The modern Conservatives under David Cameron will go through the rhetorical motions of nationhood for the sake of his party’s history; a history that Cameron uses for his own purpose in order to retain power. But Cameron is as much a European Federalist as any other mainstream political party.
The EU budget should, at the very least be frozen if not, like all national budgets, be cut. We elected this coalition to look after our nation’s interests, and in so doing we are about to be made to pay for the good times. We knew and understood at the last election that whoever was elected would have to tackle the deficit, and we the people knew what this would mean. What we never envisaged was that, given such conditions, our government would increase the number of carriages on the European gravy train.
If, as I suspect, Cameron agrees to a 2.9% increase to the budget, it will amount to yet another betrayal following on the heels of MP’s expenses. For what will the extra £450 million per annum be spent on? How much of it will, for instance be distributed among MEPs and bureaucrats to enhance their pensions and salary increases?
The EU accounts have never been signed off. Corruption abounds; European tax payers money is removed from their wallets at the blink of a pickpockets eye, and the European public, I would like to suggest, remains mystified; but this implies that the European taxpayer has any inkling of what is going on; or, if they do, do they really care? If they did care, then those commissioners would not have the audacity to demand any kind of increase; and our national leaders would not countenance such a demand.
At least if Cameron had said no to any increase, then the £450 million saved could have at least put aircraft on our carriers and aided in the defence of our nation, instead of lining the pockets of both the unelected as well as the elected, but politically spayed MEPs.
While the Brussels’ bureaucrats continue to build their palaces, the ordinary European citizen must sacrifice a large part of their and their children’s futures. The people will tolerate sacrifice, but I hope they will not tolerate unfairness.
Any kind of increase to the EU’s budget cannot under any meaning of the word, be classed as a victory by David Cameron, and will hopefully be seen as iniquitous by the taxpayer.