THERE IS AN UNDERCURRENT OF RESENTMENT in the country among the white working and lower middle classes toward immigration. Among such people, the fear of being called a racist has long since become a devalued currency. The problem has become so desperate that such name calling barely registers any more.
Population projections for the middle of this century are positively alarming for such a small island as ours. Yet our leaders see no need to do anything other than tamper with immigration controls. The projected increase to our population over the next 40 years will leave this country with a populace of over 70 million people and still rising, despite what is being proposed to contain it by the Coalition.
That great ‘villain’ of liberalism, Enoch Powell described, back in the 1960s, our immigration policy as madness, complimented by his now familiar observation that such a policy would lead to ‘the river Tiber foaming with blood’, as resentment grew toward the introduction of an immigrant population among British people.
The Britain he knew then would never have tolerated the influxes that have prospered since. But to make matters worse, the ideology of multiculturalism has replaced that of Marxism as the Left’s favourite cause. Capitalism, having seen off that old German fraud, now has to face his successor – Multiculturalism.
Equally dystopian, Multiculturalism poses however a far greater threat. It does so because, in part, its foundations were dug by Western liberal guilt. Guilt is in the very nature of a liberal conscience; no more so than a British liberal’s guilt for their country’s colonial past: and so the doors were left open for all people from our former colonies who wished to live amongst us, to so do. This was then compounded by the unlimited entry of other European peoples who were members of the EU and entitled to unchallenged entry.
But as former colonisers like ourselves, those countries within the EU like Portugal, who colonised such countries as Angola and Mozambique have allowed citizens from such of their colonies into Portugal, and consequently, into the rest of Europe.
YOU HAVE TWO CHOICES if you take a stand against the liberal folly of Multiculturalism. You can either suffer in silence or take the brick-bats and face persecution from the state under its hate crime laws if you seek to undermine the ideology. In other words we are just like Soviet Russia without a Siberian wasteland to transport us too; but this is one geographical detail that liberal Britain wishes it had at its service to brush us under the carpet.
Immigration, its supporters will claim, has always been a vital ingredient of the rich fruit cake of British history. Well yes, but only if you believe in the Disney version of our island’s history. From the Romans and the Anglo Saxons, to the Viking raiders and the Norman conquests, these islands have fought each and every interloper at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives.
Such intrusions have never been allowed to prosper without a fight. None of the conquests of these isles have been subjected to any kind of passive resistance of the type that Multiculturalism advances. Whenever this island has been faced with a conquest of its cultural identity, it has managed to at least challenge it militarily.
The British liberal who now seeks to rectify the mistakes made under the British Empire by admitting all and every foreign national that seeks residence among us to so do, represents pure and unadulterated emotion over reason; and if in the future it leads to violence on our streets, it is no use blaming the BNP.
Liberal guilt is this country’s greatest obstacle, and has been so for the past 50 years. It is such an overwhelming phenomenon that it has managed to place this country’s culture under a threat. Our British/English culture has been diminished to the point of being just another culture in the Multicultural paradigm created by liberalism.
We as a nation have had, in the recent past, to suffer the slings and arrows of liberal guilt; demanding that our nation should admit and forever seek contrition for our colonial past by admitting countless immigrants from our former colonies. Which means we have living amongst us today some 1.5 million Muslims, at a time when Islam is asserting itself throughout the world, and whereby its British contingent has influenced government thinking to such an extent that it is frightened to offend such a minority - even to the point where our government fails to disclose the numbers of Taliban dead for fear of offending them.
I do not believe that members of the chattering classes of any political persuasion, fully comprehends the amount of resentment that exists in the country outside of the metropolitan bubble that is London.
What the politicians like to describe as British tolerance, is in fact resentment. Suppressed resentment, but resentment nevertheless. How much longer such an ill temper can lay dormant before the pressure cooker explodes in society’s face, depends, I suppose, on how successful this Coalition is in restricting the numbers of future immigrants and sending back the 500,000 illegal ones – which, part of the Coalition, wishes to grant an amnesty to.
The white working and lower middle classes want live in their own culture where, if they wish to live among us, ethnic minorities have to give first choice to the host culture and abandon elements of their own if they conflict with the laws and traditions of the host culture - when in Rome etcetera….
THERE IS ONE FORM OF Multiculturalism I do believe in; the Multiculturalism of different nations. If I chose to live abroad I would endeavour to live by the laws and customs of the nation I made my home. I would not expect the culture I brought with me to be given equal status with the host culture: and if I could not live with such an arrangement, then I would be expected to return home to the culture I left.
Multiculturalism cannot work and should not indeed work. Nations have histories, often involving much sacrifice in the form of wars, civil wars and revolutions; it is to create a cultural identity that such sacrifices have moulded our and many other nation’s pasts.
To have it diminished or taken away (by Multiculturalism) will, I hope, always meet with resentment and hostility. Under such a surge of antipathy, any government’s attempt to criminalise it in the form of producing hate crime legislation, will only encourage further resentment and who knows – even rebellion.
We are a planet of nations and long may it remain so. For if a culture means anything, then it has to be part of a nation’s heritage. In such a context Multiculturalism is a liberal wet dream that promises to turn into a nightmare for the rest of us.
Rather than bow to charges of being racist and of being accused of hate crimes, the British people must lay claim once more to their national sovereignty and protest vigorously against Multiculturalism and any further immigration.
THE POLITICIANS WILL QUICKLY get the message once they see that such a demand has a populist mandate; a mandate they instinctively know already exists, which is why they used the rhetoric of immigration controls before the last election. But rhetoric is all it is. The new Coalition is deeply split on the subject. Vince Cable, for instance, insists that our business community demand the continuance of immigration into our country.
Our business community does indeed wish to entertain any source of cheap labour they can get, irrespective of nationality; and our Vince supports them in their endeavours. But our business community must balance their need for profit with their obligation to pay a decent wage to British employees.
I recently saw a report on the television where immigrant farm labour was treated disgracefully by certain farmers who employed them to pick their harvest. Their living conditions were appalling. Was it little wonder that the British refused such employment?
Immigrant labour is used to undermine the level of wages that would be demanded from a British worker. No wonder the business community side with Vince Cable.
Multiculturalism has allowed such an almost Dickensian state of affairs to exist and the ideology and its supporters must be ashamed of themselves.