A POPULUS POLL, said to be the largest of its kind ever undertaken has found that two thirds of white Britons believe that immigration has been bad for this country. The poll was conducted among 5,000 people who were asked 91 questions. The poll was commissioned by the Searchlight Educational Trust, an anti- racist organisation of the Left; and as such will be hard to dismiss as in some way counterfeit, on the grounds that the questions were in some way corrupted by the political ties of those who commissioned the poll.
The poll was part of a report to be published by Searchlight Educational Trust called Fear And Hope - The New Politics Of Identity. Among its findings, nearly half (48%) of respondents said they were prepared to support a far-right party as long as it did not display fascist images or promote violence; while 52% agreed with the statement that "Muslims create problems in the UK".
The poll’s findings seem to have shocked Jon Cruddas, the Labour MP and author of the report’s foreword who’s language leaves us in no doubt as to the magnitude of the report’s findings. "Put simply” he says, “unless political parties step up and provide a new language of material well-being, of identity and belonging, then these political forces might refract into more malign forms. As such, the political class has been warned."
Let us take Mr Cruddas at his word when he says that the report’s findings will "ricochet through the body politic", and ask how a representative of the people could have remained so ignorant for so long about the feelings of the people he is supposed to represent? He and the Searchlight Educational Trust must be permanently holed up in London to have been so taken aback by their poll’s findings.
I find it extraordinary that any sitting member of parliament can claim ignorance of the people’s views on immigration and multiculturalism. This poll was not needed as far those living beyond the boundaries of London were concerned, for they live with the follies created by our “political class”, as Mr Cruddas refers to them.
For decades now the white British have been cowed by taunts of racist if the word immigration was used in anything other than a positive light. They were forced to hold their own council in matters of Multiculturalism. A new crime even emerged, punishable by a spell in prison.
The hate crime became part of the 21st century legal lexicon. It forbade nigger, paki, wog and other such profanities from slipping of the tongues of the white British – while leaving kaffir to go unpunished.
IT WAS JON CRUDDAS’ own party, encouraged, no doubt, by such organisations as Searchlight Educational Trust that were the true architects of Multicultural Britain. It mattered little that such an ideology went against the grain of white British public sentiment. The great experiment went ahead despite such opinion because the British Left were plagued by colonial guilt and wanted to give up whatever needed to be given up to salvage their consciences.
It has been said that one of the prime architects of Multiculturalism, Roy Jenkins, latter came to regret his contribution to its materialisation in this country. Instead of encouraging the full integration of different nationalities under the supremacy of British culture, as the indigenous culture, the nation was set upon the path of Multiculturalism where all cultures were of equal and separate merit, and the indigenous culture of no more worth in its own homeland than any other.
Is it any wonder that resentment grew as this wretched system made its advancement to the total exasperation of this nation’s white people? Millions of white British think that we have a proud history, a history that deserves celebration and not the condemnation as the Left has seen fit to embrace. Jon Cruddas was no doubt one of those young and ambitious politicians who thought that it was the political class who controlled the nation’s tiller and its ocean was metropolitan London.
All this poll has done is to confirm what we in the regions already knew and did not need these findings to enlighten us.
We the white British knew, for instance, that many of those who came from abroad to live among us in the 1950-60s shared the same hostility to immigration today as we the indigenous natives (for want of a better and less 19th century phrase) also share.
What the liberals failed to comprehend is that many post war immigrants to these isles share the same concerns about immigration today as does the white indigenous (dare we call them), aborigines?
THE LEFT, RATHER ARROGANTLY ASSUMED, that their perspective was shared by the vast majority of different ethnic communities that form what they like to promote as Multiculturalism.
But if we look further into the findings of the Populus poll we discover that immigration was considered to have been a bad thing by 43% of Asians and 17% of blacks. It also found that 39% of Asians and 21% of blacks believed that immigration should be halted either permanently or put on hold until the economy recovers.
I think this finding more than any other shakes the confidence of politicians like Cruddas and left-wing groups such as the Searchlight Educational Trust.
If naivety is the hallmark of the Left; it needs no better confirmation than the reaction of Cruddas and the Searchlight Educational Trust to the poll they commissioned.
Tomorrow this report will be put before the public in a blaze of publicity. But it will be primarily aimed at the political class. For its findings about immigration and the ordinary people’s attitude toward it have been well known throughout Britain since Enoch Powell first dared raise the subject.