Hate crime, [is that which is] committed against a person or property, stems from prejudice or hostility towards the victim’s disability, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, transgender identity or age’
Peter Walsh Eastern Daily Press
THERE ARE TWO incidents reported today that sum up the pitiful state of our nation and its feeble and tyrannical culture. Neither incident is an isolated example that require a mere cursory shrug of the shoulders. Each of them are just the latest of such examples of similar incidences, that mark our decline as a culture and a nation. Although with the latter example, it is not immediately apparent without explanation.
The first incident involves Dave Jones the creator of Fireman Sam, the children’s character. Mr Jones found himself passing through the X-ray scanner at Gatwick airport, and, seeing a Muslim women pass easily through without having to remove her hijab, Mr Jones, who had to place his scarf and other items on a tray, jokingly commented to the official, ‘If I was wearing this scarf over my face, I wonder what would happen.’ The guard seemed sympathetic; ‘I know what you mean, but we have our rules and you aren’t allowed to say that.’
This led to Mr Jones’ detention, which involved a visit from another official, this time of Muslim extraction… ‘who stated that she was Muslim and was deeply distressed by my comment’. The long and short of it was that an apology was demanded from Mr Jones; and as his release had been prohibited until he gave the apology, he did so.
It was an innocent attempt at humour without any racial content implied or intended. As he himself said in an interview with the press: ‘I again stated [to the officials] that I had not made a racist remark but purely an observation that we were in a maximum security situation being searched thoroughly while a woman with her face covered walked through’.
I do not blame those officers at Gatwick airport for Mr Jones’ treatment. I blame our politicians who have sown the seed for this type of thing to happen. It is they who deserve to take the blame for Mr Jones’ description of himself as being a player in George Orwell’s 1984. Political correctness has become so fine tuned, that, if Mr Jones’ remark can cause such offence, then what happens if we visit any public institution, like a library, and order the ‘wrong’ book according to our modern times? Even if, because of political correctness, it is not held in stock. The mere mention of its existence could warrant, like Mr Jones, an interview.
THE NEXT example of our country’s decline concerns itself with something we all expect ourselves to take a hand in, if at some moment in our lives, we are called upon to save a fellow human being.
In times past, there have been many acts of heroism, when one human being ventured out to sacrifice his or her own life to save another’s. In the past, one individual out of many has stepped forward and did what he or she saw fit to do to save a life (and not always a human life). Then, health and safety considerations would have been dismissed in favour of saving that life.
Our lifeboat service would, for instance, never have gotten off the ground if Health and Safety had the leverage they have today. Health and Safety would have put a stop to this voluntary service, and it would have fallen at the first fence when creating the provision we see today
Walpole Park in Gosport, Hampshire, was the scene, in March 2011, of an incident that took place in a model boating lake 2/3 feet in depth.
Simon Burgess, 41, had been feeding the swans when he suffered a fit and fell into the lake face down for more than a half an hour before he was recovered dead from the boating lake. The arrival of firemen on the scene, you may have thought would have ended Mr Burgess’s ordeal. But the fire crew were not allowed to enter the lake for health and safety reason (they had not been trained to entre such depths), and Mr Burgess? By this time, if not already dead was fast approaching his ignominious end.
Specialists were called for who were trained to wade at such depths, and when a policeman said he was going to wade out to Mr Burgess, he was prevented from doing so, as was a paramedic who also offered himself up.
The emergency service was acting in accordance with part of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992; which, the Daily Mail found out, only applied to fast flowing rivers at a time of flooding.
There were two ambulances, two paramedics, a rapid-response ambulance; a water support unit manned by to officers and containing thermal underwear, breathing systems, two rafts, 12 life jackets, and two locator beacons. Two fire engines were in attendance, along with 13 fire-fighters. Finally, an inflatable emergency tent was inflated containing emergency equipment.
Although the operation was successful, unfortunately the patient died, is what springs to mind in poor Mr Burgess’s case. Everything that modern technology, medicine and the rescue services, could be brought to bear was - except that none of it was actually used.
IF WE CONSIDER these events alongside every other of the kind. They tell us something about the state of our nation and its culture. The first incident involving the treatment of Mr Jones and his detention for being… what? Fall fowl of one of our ‘hate crimes’ by merely pointing out the obvious; that a woman who wore a covering over her face was allowed free passage through Gatwick’s X-ray scanner without checking her identity? Although we are told that we face ever greater threats from terrorists – some of whom have worn the hijab to escape detection in the past.
Mr Jones’s remark about him wearing his scarf over his face was no doubt meant to point this out in a jocular fashion. Political correctness however is not a joke, but a genuine threat; especially when it is backed up by the law. What political correctness does is make you nervous around ethnic minorities, or gays. The lady wearing the hijab should have been asked to remove it so her identity could be verified. But those officers present were as much victims of political correctness as Mr Jones.
Were these officers apprehensive in asking the lady to remove her for fear of being accused of racism which carries with it, not only a penalty under the law, but also the penalty of the sack? All the lady involved would have had to do is take exception to the official’s request and level the charge of racism against him or her.
This would be enough, at the very least, to lead their employers to investigate their employees. So, as an employee, why would you want to put yourself through all this? This is why I say that the officer who attended Mr Jones, was as much the victim of political correctness as he was himself.
If you are a white British citizen, life is not as easy as it once was. Mr Jones found this out to his cost, has has many other Britains. We have had people being either dismissed, or threatened with dismissal for wearing a crucifix around their necks (presumably offensive to Muslims). We have had Christians prosecuted for not allowing gays to sleep in their hotel because their faith does not allow them to do so.
The term ‘political correctness’ is as sinister an expression as inquisition. Those who fall foul of it may not face the kind of torture that befell the 16th century heretic. But the mechanics of heresy are the same. Political correctness has spread like a virus throughout our culture. It has been granted the force of law, as the popularist expression of multiculturalism; and it has become a measure of the indigenous culture’s decline.
Tyranny, as far as millions of indigenous white people are concerned, is the word that best exemplifies their situation because of multiculturalism: and it is because of multiculturalism and its appendage, political correctness, that the Britain they felt themselves part of, is now well and truly in national decline. They see their indigenous culture brought to ruin by a multicultural one; and they are right to so believe. Which is, after all, why Mr Jones found himself a victim.
ENFEEBLEMENT of a nation takes hold when two things happen to bring such weakness about. Firstly, we have the stupefying mores inflicted by the cult of safety that permeates all aspects of our society. It has, like political correctness, been met with ridicule. But a whole industry, much of it quango leaning, has been erected to prevent all forms of calamites from occurring in the everyday lives of ordinary people. Calamities that have befallen people since the beginning of time itself are now being guarded against by Health and Safety (HAS) rules .
Secondly, due to the litigation industry, this particular invasion has become a major part of our culture. This second consideration is important. We see adverts on television every night from legal firms promising no fee agreements. These firms were given the right to advertise by government…a Labour government under Tony Blair, a trained lawyer whose wife, let us not forget, is a practicing one.
All forms of human risk behaviour is being curtailed by lawyers because politicians have given them their opportunity, at the expense of the likes of Mr Burgess, to garner their fortunes.
The, some would say harshness, while others the stupidity, of Health and Safety is partly accounted for by our litigious society whose birth our politicians were midwives to.
So we come to Walpole Park in Gosport, Hampshire, and the events surrounding the tragic death of Mr Burgess. Like their colleagues who challenged David Jones, the men and women from the emergency services were no doubt also well aware of what could have been at stake if any of them who attended this event fell afoul, not of political correctness, but of something equally damaging to our nation, health and safety regulation; if by ignoring such regulation they had waded into the lake to try and save Mr Burgess, they could have found themselves without a job.
If they had ignored the HAS regulations and met with an accident while seeking to procure the life of a citizen; such an individual would be surrounded by lawyers pressing him to make a claim. This is why, in part, the individuals’ natural instinct to save his or her fellow human being, has been compromised by HAS at the behest of lawyers.
Mr Burgess was left to die in a boating lake with a depth of 2/3 feet. He should have been recovered much sooner than he was. If he had been, there was a chance, be it a slim one, that he could have survived his ordeal. But HAS, in fear of the lawyers, forbade any attempt to rescue Mr Burgess.
OUR NATION has been in decline economically since the end of the last war. But now we face a cultural decline due to multiculturalism; and a tragicomic decline in our preparedness to do good deeds, exemplified by the events at Walpole Park. Our society has been mismanaged by our politician’s over decades…it was they who created and implemented the ideology of multiculturalism with its manic offspring, political correctness, which is turning a once free and open society into a dystopian hell.
It was the politicians who gave the green light to every ambulance chasing lawyer in the country to advertise their services; which in turn lead to insurance companies demanding ever larger premiums from councils and other organisations, before the most innocent of activities were allowed.
HAS has became all powerful within such an environment, and destroyed any kind of risk taking, with it infusion of asinine regulations. It is hard to believe, looking at the country today, that this island created an Empire upon which the sun never set.
Our indigenous white population have been made to feel like heretics when challenging multiculturalism and political correctness. The hate laws were yet another creation of our politicians; brought in to silence, not only the genuine racists, but people like David Jones whose timid reference to the wearing of the hijab, left him feeling like a criminal who had just tried to smuggle several kilos of heroin into the country.
This country’s politicians have been the architects of their nation’s decline. Whether it is multiculturalism, health and safety, our liberally supine criminal justice system, the European Union, or the rickety gatekeepers defending us from mass immigration. Our political class has brought ruin upon us as a nation.
There is a vast tapestry of failure within every aspect of society that politicians have been the main authors of. Their social liberalism has wreaked havoc. They have deliberately set about, over the past 50 years, changing our society to conform with their brand of liberal paternalism…and it has left our nation beached and helpless, and without any kind trajectory that makes any kind of sense to the white, indigenous people who are starting to feel like aborigines, patronised and ignored by liberal politicians from all the main parties. Is it little wonder that a minority have turned toward the English Defence League, or the BNP?