WHEN IT COMES to the three main parties they hear no
evil and speak no evil when it comes to immigration. As far as the British public
are concerned, little the politicians say on the subject, amounts to little
more than rhetoric. Immigration is the subject politicians wish would simply go
away. In the past whenever this subject was broached, the main parties simply
loaded their sling-shot with racism and hurled it at those with the courage to
speak out. Thus, the subject was driven underground; and it took real courage
for someone to draw the politicians attention to what was occurring to the
indigenous culture of these isles.
BNP was used to censor the real concerns
of the British people by the politicians. These publicity hungry fascists
became the politicians favourite tool for stifling debate. Ordinary people were
forced to keep their tongues still when immigration was mentioned, for fear of
being associated with the likes of Nick Griffin's mob. So immigration continued
to flourish; and the opposition fell silent.
that is 2001, when the web site Migration
Watch was founded by Sir Andrew Green. At first Sir Andrew was besmirched by the liberal elite, and his
thoroughly researched web site was, by inference, seen to be in sympathy with
the BNP[1] by
the politicians. But now Migration Watch
is the primary and trusted source for information on immigration; and if anyone
(and they are few and far between) has earned his place in the House of Lords,
then Sir Andrew Green certainly has.
THE BRITISH PEOPLE have always been ahead of the
politicians when it came to immigration; but they were not only never listened
to; but were assailed by the wretched hate crime if they dared to speak out.
The British people have always supported capital punishment, but they were
never listened to. Only the polls that favour the liberal agenda are taken
seriously by whatever government is in power.
now we have another poll taken by the Left's bĂȘttenuor , the Daily Mail,
that reflects the true opinion of the British people regarding immigration.
It makes unhappy reading for the three main parties, and so they will shrug
their shoulders complacently once more, and take comfort in the fact that it is
the Daily Mail that produces the poll,
as if its hated and 'demonic' editor Paul Dacre personally conducted it.
Entitled Enough is Enough, the Mail's survey of public opinion's findings is
poll findings comprises a series of questions. Q1 asks: on January 1st
2014, immigration controls on Romania and Bulgaria expire, allowing free entry
to these nations to work freely in the UK.
we continue to restrict such numbers,
82%, were in favour. Abandon restrictions 10%, and the don't knows 8%. Q2 asks that under EU rules Britain could face legal
action and fines if restrictions are not lifted. Should the government ignore
this threat? Yes 64%; no 19% ; and the don't knows17%.
asks. Who should have the final say over who should be allowed into Britain?
The UK government 80%; the EU 5%; other 5% (whoever the other are).
Since1997,immigration has added 2.5 million to the population. Has the public
been adequately consulted about this change? Yes 9%; no 79%, and the don't know
asks. Net Migration - the difference between the number of people arriving and
leaving- added 176,000 to the population last year. Is this… Too many 80%; too
few 4% About right 16%.
Q6 asks.
Ex Home Secretary Jack Straw said opening UK boarders to Eastern Europe in 2004
was a 'spectacular mistake'. Do you… Agree 66%. Disagree 18%. Neither 2%,and don't
know 4%.
Q7 asks.
Since 2004 has the impact of immigration been good for British society as a
whole? Yes 19%. No 64%. Don't know 17%.
Q8 asks.
Has immigration changed your local community. For better 11%: for worse 4%. No
change 29%, and not sure 18%.
asks. Is immigration putting too much on public services such as schools,
hospitals and housing? Yes 85%; no 10%; and don't know 4%.
asks. Has recent migration effected the ability of young Britons to find a job?
Yes 76%; no 14%, and don't know 10%
Which party do you trust most on immigration? Ukip 22%; Labour 17%; Tory 11% ;
Lib Dem 4%; another 3%. None of the above 44%.
poll is pretty resounding. The vast majority of the British people believe,
rightly, that immigration has caused a demographic tsunami; which is resulting
in dire consequences for our public sector, and undermining the people's
tolerance of immigration.
a popular fascist party were to emerge on the back of flooding the country
with immigrants, then it will be the liberal elite that rule the three main
parties, who would be to blame. For they have tested the British publics
patience beyond endurance; and they will no longer be fobbed of by political
gestures which amount to very little.
three main parties should be thankful that Ukip has come along and become the safety
valve for the people's frustration and resentment; for without Ukip, groups
such as the EDL and the BNP would be the sole repositories for the people's
anger on immigration.
are not racists. I would not have anything to do with them if they were. What
Ukip articulate are the concerns, not only of the white indigenous population,
but first generation Afro-Caribbean's, on the two most important issues to them
- Europe and immigration, which are linked by the betrayal of three generations
of politicians who signed every piece of paper put before them by Europe
without any consultation with their people.
IF YOU SEE OUR (MULTI) CULTURE in terms of the
greatest motorway pileup your imagination can conceive - so vast, in fact, that
it would be too costly and impractical to clear away. If you can conceive of
that, then you can begin to understand the analogy with the uncontrolled capacious
immigration, that Tony Blair put in train 2004; a process that has been
followed up ever since.
country is on the brink. Its people have been ill served by their political leaders
(both nationally and locally) on the issues that for decades[2]
have troubled them. Neither Europe or immigration has had much appeal to the
British people. As far as Europe was concerned the people were prepared to sign
up to a trading relationship known as the Common Market in the 1970s - but not
to the forfeiture of the nation state and national sovereignty.
fact the leap from a Common Market to a Federal Europe has come about by this
country's politicians, from all the main parties, by press-ganging their
citizens into it without any kind of say.
and immigration are intertwined because of Europe's open boarders signed up to prematurely
by Tony Blair. The two issues cannot be separated as we shall see next January
when Bulgaria and Romania are allowed free access to Europe.
BUT IMMIGRATION also covers nations not only from
within, but from without Europe. We have 250,000 Somalian's living among us,
some of whom have offered their services to the civil war in Syria, and if they
survive will return home as battle hardened jihadists. We also have 2.5 million
Pakistani Muslims living among us, many of whom have trekked to Afghanistan to receive
training in the war against the West; and if just five percent of the 2.5
million Pakistani population living among us were radicalised; this would mean
that we would have 125,000 Islamists living in the UK: and if five percent of
this number became hardened jihadists willing to kill our citizens; it would
mean that 6,250 outraged Muslims would be living among us protected inadvertently
by the Muslim community.
So whether
immigration emerges from Europe or from without (and let us not forget the estimated
500,000 illegals), the British people can see all to clearly the dangers ahead.
Dangers which the politicians have chosen to ignore for fear of the black spot
of racism.
politicians have brought us to this sorry mess; a mess which, like the pileup mentioned
above; has no workable solution available to resolve it… we may be entering a
new Dark Age in English history; one troubled by new antagonism.