DENISE FERGUS, THE MOTHER OF JAMES BULGER, has had the impertinence to question the treatment given by the authorities to Jon Venables, who appeared in court this week on charges of downloading child pornography from the net.
Mrs Fergus spoke of her anger at the way Venables’ identity was hidden from the public in court as he gave evidence to the court via video. This in itself is an abuse of the system that surely demands a comment from Liberty on behalf of Mrs Fergus. Venables is no longer a child and should not be treated as if he were. The system of screening a defendant’s identity is being abused, and Liberty should have said so.
It seems that all of the agencies from this latest government down want only one thing, and that is for Mrs Fergus to go quietly about her business and let them go quietly about theirs.
In March of this year a social worker who was looking after that other murderer of James Bulger, Robert Thompson, gave an interview with the Daily Mail.
Thompson is now 27, and, unlike his accomplice remains free. And will remain so because, in the word’s of the social worker, ‘Of course I can’t be sure, no one can, but I can’t see Robert going the same way as Venables,’ he said. ‘He is just too smart, too calculating.’
If you think Venables is bad, then this interview would have disabused you. The ‘prison system danced in attendance around him[Thompson]’. Apparently Thompson never cried or had any regret, and if the subject of two year-old Jammie Bulger’s murder was brought up, Thompson just shrugged: ‘It was something that happened, and I don’t want to discuss it with you.’
If Venables treatment was the same as that given to Thompson (and there is no reason to believe it was not), then they must feel like Gods, knowing that they are beyond the reach anything other than the mere perfunctory.
EVEN WITH THIS GOVERNMENT, Venables’ identity will be recast upon his release from his latest outrage, to the tune of £250,000 of taxpayers hard earned cash.
Denise Fergus is like a limpet clinging tightly to that vessel of state known as the Justice Department and its new Secretary for Justice, one Kenneth Clarke, whose ‘hail and well met’ countenance was so rudely put paid to by Mrs Fergus’s description of him as a ‘stuttering buffoon’. Well said Denise.
There is something going wrong with this country, a wrong which I thought this new government would have at least tried to put paid to; and if the new government had been a Conservative one instead of the stew we have had served up to us, then what I hoped for may have happened.
What I sought from voting Conservative for the first time in my 60 year life, was that they would turn their backs on the social liberalism of the last government when it came to crime.
The last government managed to make the criminal the victim instead of his or her true victim. Whether it was burglary or murder, the true victim was invited to take part in a rather disgusting affiliation with the criminal known as ‘restorative justice’ where the true victim was invited to help their tormentor on his or her road back to release by confronting, and hoping in the process, to inflict such guilt and compassion upon the criminal that he or she could be released after their pitiful sentences, and be returned to society fully forgiven by the state.
WHAT THE AGENCIES WORKING WITH Venables and Thompson would like, would be for Denise Fergus to perform an act of such ‘restorative justice’. They would then welcome her back into the fold, if they could only trust her to confront these two with the actions they did, in the hope that, according to their belief, these two could be returned to society to lead ordinary lives. For to these people, it is not a matter of punishment but restoration.
But Mrs Fergus would, I hope, refuse; and in so doing, she would be proving to be nothing but trouble to all of the agency’s involved with these two murderers. They want her to disappear and leave Venables and Thompson to them. She is a hindrance, and may she continue to be well into the future.
I have read that Venables was relieved to be returned to prison; but this will not stop the liberals wanting his release when he comes up for parole after a year served of his current sentence. If Venables felt relief at his capture and detention, then why not honour it by keeping him there for the rest of his life.
We are in a fix generally in this country regarding crime. The liberal (what Karl Marx called) superstructure, are now so cut off from the small c conservatism of the British people, that they act as if those people were worthless currency.
The criminal has become the victim; while the victim, if left still alive, is told to get over it – but of course not in those words; but by innuendo.
Denise Fergus should continue to trouble the authorities. She should continue to show the repellent nature of both the ‘restorative justice’ system as well as Kenneth Clark’s Erewhon view of criminality.
Denise Fergus should never fear any rebuke for her crusade. For there is much yet to be discovered about her child’s murder by these two criminals.
Never ever be forced on to the defensive in your attempt to see justice brought to Jamie. For justice has not been brought up to date. And until it is, ignore those who hope time will diminish your vigour.
Denise Fergus is a repulsive, loathsome, self-indulgent professional victim, and has been given a free pass by the media of her home country to behave a deplorable manner for two decades in a way no other parent of a murder victim ever has, in the UK or anywhere else.
It's interesting, and speaks poorly of her defenders, that no one ever considers that her own unrelenting hate campaign might actually have CONTRIBUTED TO, and perhaps DIRECTLY CAUSED, Venables' subsequent offenses. And by the way, the very child porn laws that sent him back to jail will not stand the test of time. They don't meet any sane criteria for fairness or consistency, and will ultimately fall apart. If the very laws that sent Venables to jail are unjust and illogical - and they certainly are - then he shouldn't even be in jail today. These laws didn't even exist a few decades ago, and a few decades in the future they will crumble to dust, I absolutely guarantee it.
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