Sunday, January 23, 2011

“We got it wrong” (Phil Woolas)

THERE IS PERHAPS no greater threat to the stability of this country in the medium term than the arrival of large scale immigration on to our shores. It says something  of the seriousness of this subject that those who now discuss it publicly are not automatically targeted as racists and bigots as they were several years ago. Now even ex-Labour ministers who once pointed the finger are sharing their doubts publicly. Former Communities Secretary, Hazel Blears would have been run out of the Labour Party if she had said 10 years ago that, "The effects of migration can put a strain on public services, especially when there is a large movement into an area in a sho In 2007 Liam Byrne, the then immigration minister said there had to be “swift and sweeping changes” to the immigration system, while David Blunkett, then Home Secretary, insisted to the contrary, that there was “no obvious limit” to immigration.
            We have since learnt that Labour welcomed and even encouraged large scale immigration as a weapon to beat the Tories over the head, while also hoping to profit electorally from  the arrival of such large numbers. This is no doubt why Mr Blunkett could see no obvious limit to immigration.
            The enforced silence over the issue of immigration that has been demanded of us by the politically correct has led to some frightening statistics:
A migrant still arrives almost
every minute.
We must build a new home every six minutes for new migrants.
England is already, with Holland, the most crowded country in Europe
(except Malta)
Immigration will add 7 million to the population of England in the next 24 years - that is
7 times the population of Birmingham.
To keep the population  of the UK, now 61.2 million, below 70 million, net immigration must be reduced by 50,000 a year. With balanced migration it would peak at about 65 million.
Revised September 2010
The UK’s population is 61 million today.

The Government forecasts it will hit 70 million in 2028.

70 per cent of this growth will be due to immigration.
                        This country has always welcomed those fleeing persecution in other countries and I hope it will continue to do so.  But what we are faced with is a threat to our stability as a society and the evisceration of our indigenous culture by the orthodoxies of an ideology called Multiculturalism.
            The last time we had immigration on this scale was in 1066, when the immigrants in question had to fight their way in at great cost to them and ourselves. “Ourselves” being at the time, Saxons, who had once themselves been intruders, but also died in their thousands to defend the country they had created for themselves since the 5th and 6th centuries. This
island’s peoples have never gone quietly into that dark night. But today it seems that this legacy of resistance has been neutered by Multiculturalism. Rather than stand out against
these intrusions, our politicians have merely acknowledged them as a by-product of  Globalisation - the buzz-word for the 21st century.
            I can remember when zeitgeist once decorated the vocabulary of our political class. Nowadays it has been replaced by Globalisation, a term no doubt as equally ephemeral in the cultural lexicon of the times.        
IMMIGRATION INTO THE UK on such a scale harbours the real possibility of violence just as it surely embraces resentment among not only the indigenous white population but also those  second generation migrants who have managed to adapt to our culture, and who came to this country in the 1950s.
            According to a YouGov poll  commissioned by Migration Watch taken in 2009 on behalf of a Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration,  80 per cent of adults were concerned or very concerned about immigration into the UK, while just 20 per cent supported the [then] current levels of immigration.
            Karen Dunnell, the National Statistician, has said that net immigration[2]
 would need to be cut by 80 per cent if the government wanted to keep this country’s population below 70 million by 2028.
            It was, you may remember, Margaret Thatcher who once used the term “ being swamped” to describe the state of immigration into this country and was vilified not only by her natural political opponents and the liberal media, but also by many within her own party. She now sits, like Miss Haversham, exploring what might have been. But she made the mistake of speaking before her time on a subject that could so easily destroy all political ambition in a gifted politician.
THE LAST GOVERNMENT sought to evangelise the benefits of mass immigration with heavily corrupted statistics which has led to the people’s distrust of all government “facts”. For instance mass immigration (which is what we are being faced with) was presented as a necessity not only to our economy but to any economy.
            Immigration has made its contribution to all modern economies and will continue to do so. But it must be done so in accordance with strict measures such as four-yearly work permits. In this we way we attract the skills on a basis that never promises citizenship, but helps both the immigrant and his family living abroad, as well as the British citizen.
            On the issue of immigration the politically correct from all parts of the political  spectrum have either willingly, for ideological reasons, or for pragmatic reasons, supported the Multicultural agenda. They have accordingly buried our culture for both idealistic and self serving reasons – both of which will prove to be disastrous for our nation.
            The modern politicians have ill-served their people and may have, through their actions, done what even Hitler failed to do. They have managed to destroy our nation’s culture and handed it over to a non-entity.
            While we in the West succour to our breast and seek to assimilate among us as citizens, ever more foreign cultures, we sacrifice our own culture. While those who live with us demand we accept their culture – thus Multiculturalism is born.  It was born from our acknowledgment of the historical guilt we inherited from our colonial past.
[1] The difference between those emigrating and those immigrating

[1] All of the above statistics have been provided by Migration Watch
[2] The difference between those emigrating and those immigrating

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