Monday, August 1, 2011


MELANIE PHILLIPS, the journalist who writes for the Daily Mail and the Spectator has been vilified online by various liberals, who have accused her of being partly responsible for the actions of the Norwegian slayer. It was (according to our champagne Bolsheviks’ reasoning) her various pieces attacking immigration and Multiculturalism that in part drove Anders Breivik to such lengths.
                It  appears that conservative writers like Ms Phillips are now to fall victim of the liberal auto-da-fe that has been part of our culture ever since Tony Blair took up residence in Downing Street. For it was his government that imprinted Multiculturalism and its concomitant political correctness on our society from 1997 onwards. It was through ‘New Labour’ that the bile was first channelled.
            Those who opposed immigration were regarded as racists, and so kept their mouths shut. The same applied to Multiculturalism. To question the impact both would have on our culture could never be tested, unless by extremists like the BNP whose rhetoric, as we have seen, led to the debate on both subjects being shut down. Only conservative journalists like Ms Phillips dared pick their words carefully and put their necks over the parapet, and advance a cogent argument against immigration and the new orthodoxy of Multiculturalism.
            For her pains she has been described online by various members of the ‘progressive’ Left as, ‘evil witch’ and has been told that her ‘… vile outpourings have substantially contributed to fear, hatred and violence’. As well as such comments as, ‘you have blood on your hands’.
            Such language in another context, would find a ready contrast with the kind of rhetoric used by the bigoted BNP. Such words will now enter the lexicon of Left-wing bigotry – a dictionary that the Left once thought only belonged to the Right.

MS PHILLIPS WENT TO great (and in my opinion unnecessary) lengths in today’s Daily Mail, to prove just how wrong her assailants had been in their opinion of her. Anders Breivik’s actions were those of an individual probably enthused more by drugs and a Freudian dislike of his father (who was a Norwegian Labour Party supporter) than any irrational hatred of those he killed.
            Today we learn that Muslims are now living in fear following Anders Breivik’s actions. Why this should be, I do not know. Were those he killed Muslims? If Breivik’s motives were purely ideological then surely so should his targets have been. For according to one bulletin I heard after this atrocity, the largest religion in Norway today is Islam itself – without doubt, this would be the spur such a mind needed to attack the Muslim community in Norway.
            I also read, according to a poll conducted amongst the Norwegian people, the most vilified minority in that country are its Jews. The poll was conducted by Norwegian students and therefore, as they say, may be scientifically dubious.
            Anders Breivik’s actions (as Ms Phillips argued in her Daily Mail piece today) are as irrelevant to her writing as blowing up an abortion clinic would be to anything an anti-abortion journalist may write.
            Ms Phillips is not liked on the Left because she often does very well in articulating the conservative viewpoint – which the Left cannot stomach at any price. Having advanced from writing for the Guardian (as many an adolescent must do), she now occupies a position that the Left cannot ignore, and as such she should welcome the Left’s bigoted outpourings. For it demonstrates the power her writing has, and she should continue to produce it.

LIKE MS PHILLIPS, I too am shocked by Thorbjorn Jagland, the Norwegian prime minister, whose comments since the outrage have amounted to a capitulation to the Islamists. Jagland has suggested that European leaders should adopt a more ‘cautious’ approach when talking of Multiculturalism; and further, that European leaders would be ‘playing with fire’ if they continued to use the rhetoric that David Cameron and Angela Merkle used in describing Multiculturalism’s failure.
            Quisling comes to mind when I read such comments from a Norwegian leader. I thought more of Norway than this. Is this the country that every year sends us a Christmas tree to plant in Trafalgar Square as an appreciation for what we did to defeat Nazism?
            Prime Minister Jagland should be warning his small population that Muslim immigration into his country will only confirm Merkle and Cameron’s views of Multiculturalism; instead he seems to be warning them against such views.
            Breivik’s actions were a solitary act. They had no remit other than his own inadequacy. He acted as a flawed human being; he was not at the head of a Right-wing al-Qaeda. He was a loner who carried many emotional problems that could only have found their reward by his actions.
            The debate about Multiculturalism and immigration need not include Breivik’s actions; although the Left will, as usual, use them as if they were the final word on the subject.
            The liberal-Left, it seems, are using Anders Breivik’s actions to bolster their liberal auto-da-fe in the UK, by defying conservatives to speak or write against either mass immigration or Multiculturalism.
            It is up to the centre-Right to guide this country’s political helm; for even the Left in all parties will acknowledge that the majority in this country are overwhelmingly against either mass immigration or Multiculturalism.
            So, Melanie Phillips should ignore her intractable enemies and continue with her journalism without any concern for her critics on the Left.
            She exemplifies, on these subjects, the opinions of the British public. The British public are and have always been against mass immigration and Multiculturalism. The latter being the dogma that Ms Phillips describes as, ‘the doctrine that gives the values of minorities equal status to those of the majority’.
            The UK has its own culture. A culture that has evolved over centuries; a culture that today, in this contemporary but vapid educational curriculum, has been much tampered with by modernism and political correctness - this latter being the product of liberal social engineering.
            This country’s culture should remain the dominant and true culture, to be unsurpassed, overridden or even equalised, by any other that seeks citizenship from any other parts of the world. The British culture is and should remain dominant. If those who wish to live among us from other corners of the world seek to change this via the European court of Human Rights, then, as a signatory of such a document, we should abjure our responsibilities to it.
            Like everything European, our law makers have proceeded without the British elector’s agreeing to whatever acceptance they have made to various European demands made upon us. This is because those on the liberal-Left of all the parties in the UK seek European political and monetary union – in other words a Federal European Union; or, in the common parlance - a United States of Europe.
            So, Ms Phillips must push on regardless. The more she is criticised from the Left, the more she must feel invigorated by such attacks. For her words have hit a nerve amongst her enemies and she should open a bottle of Merlot in celebration of the fact.

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