'London is not the city I knew as a child and it saddens me that many of the unwelcome developments have largely been the result of mass and rapid migration.'
John Cleese
I HAVE NOT SET FOOT in our capital city for over 30 years and so I will have to take John Cleese’s word for it that London is no longer an English city. Although, to be honest, when the “bleedin’ obvious” stares you in the face daily from your television screens, it makes one wonder whether EastEnders is overrepresented by white faces.
I HAVE NOT SET FOOT in our capital city for over 30 years and so I will have to take John Cleese’s word for it that London is no longer an English city. Although, to be honest, when the “bleedin’ obvious” stares you in the face daily from your television screens, it makes one wonder whether EastEnders is overrepresented by white faces.
Mr Cleese says that it is impossible to find an Englishman in certain parts of London and I find it wholly believable that this is the case. For London has become a foreign land speaking multiple foreign tongues (estimated at 300). Our nation’s capital has become a Multicultural soup of different cultures; each regarded of equal value by the white liberal politically correct overseers; but abjured by the multiple cultures that compose its make-up. For, quite rightly, no culture, if it is worth the name, can so easily, as Multiculturalism demands, regard itself in any other way than superior to any other. Cultural egalitarianism is like matter forming an alliance with anti-matter – it cannot exist, and should not exist.
Immigration into this country has caused great harm to the English speaking people. Resentment abounds among the English at the proliferation of foreign tongues and customs that our politicians have allowed to take seed and flourish. Is it really racist to want to keep alive and superior, our homogeneous culture?
If our culture held sovereignty over all others, then perhaps other cultures would find themselves tolerated. But nothing less than the equality of all cultures including the host culture will suffice for the Multiculturalists.
JOHN CLEESE, like Professor Starkey before him; will no doubt immediately be brought under suspicion. As a Liberal Democrat, Mr Cleese is more vulnerable to his party’s judgement than the maverick professor of history.
But I hope Mr Cleese stands his ground and embellishes, rather than retreat from his original comments. He is right with his comments made to Australian television about the proliferation of “unfamiliar” cultures that seeks to overpower and replace the English culture he was brought up with; English culture in London is now under the severest of pressure. Even London’s mayor, Boris Johnson has, as a means of being re-elected sought also to embrace multicultural London.
London is a city apart. A city separated from the rest of the country by its un-prohibited acceptance of other cultures. The rest of the country has indeed many pockets of multicultural communal activity; but such activity is resented in every community in which it manifests itself.
London, like most Western capital cities, has its various quarters where ethnic minorities congregate and lead completely separate lives from the host culture amongst whom they chose to live … separately: and the host culture has encouraged this separatism as a wholly good thing. The word used is diversity: another, more appropriate term would be multicultural apartheid.
If we are to have a multi-ethnic arrangement, then there has to be a pecking order, with the host culture dominant. This alpha culture is superior to all others, and if other cultures take up residence they must realise that the host culture must dominate and all others must accept this as a condition of residency. The secular laws of the host culture are superior to any religiously based laws, which must stand to one side in abeyance to the secular law; and if this proves impossible for any particular ethnic group; then they should be invited to leave and seek residency in a country where their culture has a better fit: for not all cultures are compatible and, in a fit of liberal idealism should not pretend that they are.
London (or, as it is known on the continent, Londonistan) would indeed be unrecognisable, to myself if I were to visit it. For instance, hundreds of thousands of white working class Londoners were packed off to the Essex new towns in the 1960s and 1970s; leaving their council houses and flats to be occupied by the influx of immigrants that started to change so drastically John Cleese’s childhood memories of the great city.
Since those early influxes, the country has become (to use a Thatcherite expression) “swamped” by immigrants from all corners of the world, and, from 1997 onwards, deliberately so. For it was under Tony Blair that the great Multicultural experiment took off.
JOHN CLEESE BEMONES the state of his beloved London and risks Lefty vilification for his troubles. But next week a report is to be published proposing that more green field sites should be opened up to development by relaxing the planning laws.
Rural Britain is quite rightly up in arms; but what has caused this need for more of rural Britain to be covered in concrete and asphalt in the first place?
According to Migration Watch; by the middle of this century this country’s populous will increase to nearly 70 million people due mainly to both the influx of further immigrants and the birth rate among immigrants. The birth rate among the indigenous culture, however, is set to fall. Indeed the yearly rate of abortions carried out among women has reached 250,000. The vast majority of which comprise white British females who have, in the majority of cases, used the procedure as another form of birth control or life style choice. For I cannot believe that 250,000 women every year suffer dark nights of the soul before aborting a human life. If so our psychiatric nurses, doctors and specialists would, in terms of their numbers, run into countless hundreds of thousands - which of course they do not.
The mess this country is in today is due to “progressive” politicians at every level of social and economic policy. So strong became their grip with the election of Tony Blair, and the further electoral success that lay in wait; that the Conservative Party under David Cameron sought to realign his once great party (the party of history and tradition) behind the New Labour phenomenon and seek to imitate the Blair vacuity; which, it seems, has been Cameron’s greatest accomplishment. Or was it? For Coalition government suggests a failure of Cameron strategy.
IMMIGRATION WILL, in the future, occupy the concerns of the voter…even the ethnic voter. The sheer weight of numbers allowed onto our shores will cause great damage to this island nation and cause resentment within the indigenous culture. It has gone far beyond expressions of racism: such words have lost their ability to scar or scare the accused. It no longer matters because events have become so frustrating for the indigenous culture that such name calling is irrelevant. It is also irrelevant, because, in a Multicultural society, racism’s boundaries go well beyond the purely white and black set-up. For racism is not only a white man’s ailment, but also an Indians, West Indians, Pakistanis, and black Africans.
White Britain does not hold a monopoly of racist language, but it is preferred to acknowledging the racism that exists between all cultures. For humanity share, if nothing else, the same nature and with it the same prejudices against cultures other than their own. Which is why Multiculturalism cannot and should not work.
For the Multiculturalists do not understand that all cultures claim superiority over all others. A nation’s culture is the hall-mark of its nationhood and civilisation; and is deeply personal to the member. To reduce British culture, as the Multiculturalists seek to do in this country, to a mere equality between it and all other cultures, is both treasonable and will lead sooner or later to social conflict.
London, I believe, is becoming alienated from the rest of the nation. The title “Londonistan” has a serious point to it. The name was given us by the French after home grown terrorist, educated by imams in various mosques such as Finsbury Park, took themselves off to Pakistan for military training before being sent to kill British soldiers in Afghanistan: while at the same time our rulers in Westminster sat back and deliberately allowed it to happen, for fear, if you please, of antagonising the two million Muslims living among us.
John Cleese was brave to say the things he did and should continue in the same vein. Multiculturalism has been, wisely, rejected by both David Cameron and Angela Merkle as a divisive force that creates apartheid between cultures instead if integration into the host culture.
The mass migration deliberately orchestrated by the last government as policy, has caused much resentment among the indigenous people; and only when liberals like John Cleese speak up and point to the elephant in the room, will immigration become, what it has failed to become in the past – a proper subject for debate.
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