‘He supports suicide bombing on Israel, and I don’t agree with him on that. But he denounced any attempt to have a terrorist attack in Britain and America [probably through political calculation], he thinks the war should be confined to the Middle East. ‘
Ken Livingstone on Sheik Qaradawi in front of a Jewish audience
BORIS JOHNSON AND KEN LIVINGSTONE, will soon find out which of them are going to run London. I must say, I am truly bewildered by those polls that have shown the candidates running neck and neck. One would have thought that the good people of London would have settled Ken’s fate once he announced himself a candidate.
Even after Ken’s supreme act of hypocrisy following his tax arrangements, he has still left Boris with a fight on his hands.
Ken Livingstone is willing to upset one ethnic group in order to harvest the far larger numbers from a different ethnicity. Thus we had Ken sharing a platform with Sheikh Qaradawi, the Islamasist fanatic who openly supports the suicide bombing of Israelis. This demagogue shares the same faith as between 700,000-1,000,000 Muslims living in London. Livingstone, like Galloway in Bradford, does not care who he offends so long as he speaks for whatever minority can reward him with the most votes and give him the power he craves.
So when the shitty Sheikh says such things as, ‘Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption…The last punishment was carried out by Hitler…’, Livingstone can ignore the storm he knows will erupt around him because a) he believes the London Jewish community would not vote for him anyway (all to rich apparently), or b) because he knows that there are nearly a million Muslims in London, hundreds of thousands of whom would agree with what Qaradawi says, and will reward Livingstone for his brown- nosing come the mayoral vote.
Both Livingstone and Galloway[1], as Old Labour socialists, both realise that there is no longer a white working class of any size that they can count upon to secure them the power they need. Like Tony Blair, who came to the same conclusion about the traditional working class Labour voter, this pair sought another constituency that could be relied upon in the same way. Tony Blair sough his new constituency via swamping the country with immigrants in the belief that they would become natural Labour voters.
In the coming years you will see more and more outspoken Labour candidates standing in constituencies with are large ethnic element. Ken Livingstone and George Galloway are merely the pioneers testing the territory.
As far as Ken Livingstone is concerned, needs must when you crave power – especially when it involves running our nation’s capital.
IT WOULD BE A CALAMITY for London and its people if they give Ken Livingstone another chance to create for himself an imperium of London. He will, has he has done all of his political life, seek to divide himself from any person who he disagrees with, or who disagrees with him. He carries upon his shoulders the mantle of destiny and will do all in his power to fulfil that which fate has sought to reward him with – truly a Nero in the making. Let us hope that if he wins he does not acquire a taste for plucking the fiddle.
Boris Johnson is a truly attractive figure, almost a P G Woodhouse creation. If there were a Drones Club in London, Boris would be there participating in some useless prank like trying to knock the helmets off London coppers.
Boris was educated at, among other institutions, Eton College and Balliol College Oxford, where he read classics and became head of the Oxford Union (one could hardly imagine Bertie Wooster reaching such heights).
Unlike Ken Livingstone, Boris is not single-mindedly driven. He is of course ambitious as all people should be. But he does not share Livingstone’s rapacious and predatory nature that leaves little room for any principle that cannot bear the weight of his almost insatiable need for power.
Ken will do whatever Ken needs to do to wear whatever political crown is within his grasp. He will, as many in the Labour Party have found to their cost, drop them without compunction in order to fulfil his need to gain or remain in power, at whatever level of politics he finds himself engaged in.
The Labour Party endorses Livingstone, and many of those who once could not bear his name to be spoken in their company are coming out to support him. Such Labour luminaries as Neil Kinnock, Alasdair Campbell, and Ona King have formed a part of those within the Labour Party who have had nothing but contempt to offer Livingstone in the past; yet now expect the poor Labour voting wretches of London to give this one-dimensional power addicted and unprincipled character the job of overseeing London.
Labour tribalism is nasty and can be a dangerous quality that can easily back-fire. Labour tribalism is the Party’s equivalent of monarchic loyalty, and if Joseph Stalin himself was standing for the mayor of London as a Labour candidate, then the Labour Party would do all they could to secure Stalin’s ambition.
BORIS JOHNSON is, by all media accounts, well liked by the London populace including many Labour supporters. So what I would say to such supporters in London is, vote for your party in the council elections, but vote Boris for mayor: and above all ignore those voices from the past who tell you to vote for Livingstone. Because they, like Livingstone, are the kind of hypocrites they like to portray their enemies of being.
Vote Boris because he appeals to you as a personality with a political brain of sufficient quality to administer our capital city. Do not vote for an ape with a red rosette at the bequest of so-called Labour elder statesmen who loathed Ken Livingstone when they were at their peak.
After an almost life-long support for the Labour Party (I am now 62-years-old), but for the past two years I have supported UKIP. I would have, after much reflection, considering my life-long affiliation to Labour, supported the Conservatives at the last election; but I do not believe they are any longer fit to call themselves Conservatives. So I satisfy myself with UKIP.
But if I were a citizen of London, I would look to the man rather than the party, and in doing so would vote unreservedly for Boris Johnson. While I am not a citizen of London, I am a citizen of the UK and London is as much my capital as those who live within its precincts. So I believe I am entitled to as much of an input (short of voting) into who should govern my nation’s capital as anyone else living in London.