Friday, July 27, 2012


"with its top in the heavens...lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the Earth." God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So God said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." Babel

WHERE ARE THE campaigning feminists when you need them? I have just read a piece by The Heresiarch writing in Heresy Corner[1], who refers to two reports by Sue Lloyd-Roberts for Newsnight.
            The subject was Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Unfortunately I never saw Ms Lloyd-Roberts reports; but in the current climate reporting this subject in any depth requires a certain amount of courage (especially in working for the BBC), and she should be congratulated for so doing.
            FGM is abuse of the worst kind against young girls and should be stamped on by the authorities. FGM has been illegal in this country since 1988, yet there has not been a single prosecution; whereas, in France, there have been over 100 convictions over the same period.
            According to Lloyd Roberts; “…the UK… is so lax on the issue that girls are being brought into the country from elsewhere in Europe to have their genitalia sliced off, sewn up or otherwise mangled by supposed doctors in the name of cultural tradition, pseudo-religion or virginity-preservation”
            “Cultural sensitivity”, that cowardly expression devised by the Multiculturalist is said to be responsible for the torture of young girls as young as 10 years-old. When Ms Lloyd-Roberts interviewed the senior Met officer in charge of child protection, and tackled him on the question of the abysmal and gutless inactivity surrounding the practice in this country, Commander Simon Foy shamefully[2] suggested that he was "not necessarily sure that the availability of a stronger sense of prosecution will change it for the better".
            For the authorities to stand to one side and let such vile acts continue unabated, can only reflect upon their political correctness, and the extremes to which they are prepared to honour it. In such a context, they are behaving as criminally as the Nazis. I am not accusing them of being Nazis, but just acting like them.
            Now there is something very wrong indeed about the moral confusion that the dependence upon “cultural sensitivity” is causing. People are frightened to act. In Rochdale we saw young girls being literally taken from the streets by a gang of Muslims; to be used for their own or others sexual gratification. Just as with FGM, the authorities knew it was happening but  their sense of “cultural sensitivity” prevailed, and the suffering was allowed to continue.
            Is this what the politicians mean by “cultural diversity”, that other Orwellian expression found in the lexicon of Multiculturalism? FGM is most commonly practiced on the African continent; whereas the misogyny against Western women and girls is found in the Muslim world - including among British Muslim males.

THE FGM AND THE ROCHDALE abuses were of course against female children. As with many cultural practices involving other cultures; the “progressive” Left are nowhere to be seen. In particular, where are the campaigning feminists who have all to readily bared their naked breasts on behalf of women since the 1960s? If it had been white males orchestrating these two barbaric “customs”; those bare breasts would be marching on Downing Street by the thousands demanding an end to male violence.
            The duplicity of the Left know no boundaries. Their silence on both the above issues speaks volumes about their confusion and ignorance. I say ignorance, because they, as good Multiculturalists, never seemed to have believed that other cultures were capable of such behaviour. For why else would they believe in Multiculturalism and stay silent when the very gender that they are supposed to protect and stand by, are so cruelly treated?
            I was born in 1950, and could never have imagined such practices in 2012 being openly disregarded by the law then. Indeed, I could never have imagined such practices happening at all while I was growing up; because of course we would never have bought into such an ideology as Multiculturalism. If we, as we did, brought thousands of immigrants from the West Indies and, in the 1970s, Asians from Uganda; it was done so on the basis of those cultures having to adapt to the British culture. Then there was no equality between cultures. Either those coming into the UK accepted the culture of this country and its primacy; or they should return home to where their own culture was sovereign. It was up to them to accommodate themselves with us, with our culture: not  to downgrade our culture to a position of equality with all the other cultures that were, in the future, set to invade our nation.
            The lack of attention given to either FGM or Rochdale, came about because we relegated our culture and gave equal importance to the 2-300 or so different tongues now waggling in our society.
            The police have been trained into the subtleties of “cultural sensitivity” and have been putting such training before acting on such crimes involving minorities for fear, no doubt, of receiving little ot no advancement for themselves in their careers.
            This is madness brought about by the social engineering of the European liberal politicians who created this new ideology of Multiculturalism. In this country, it seems, its pioneer was Roy Jenkins who I have said ad-nauseum, later came to regret what he proposed.
            FGM is but one of the many customs which a Multicultural society will have to accept if it believes that all cultures are equal; anything less is not multiculturalism. Which is why the Left stays silent over FGM, as well as the events in Rochdale. But what else will they stay silent about in the future? I hope there are no head hunters or cannibals among the many cultures that the incompetent and  ham-fisted Multicultural politicians seek to let loose.     

FGM, AS IN France, should never be tolerated by the UK. Every white and black British citizen knows that such practices are medieval and barbaric, and in any civilised society should be brought quickly to a conclusion through the criminal justice system.
            But what do we have in this country? We have members of the Crown Prosecution Service, as well as senior policemen, all in fear of their pensions, only wanting to do what they believe the Multicultural zeitgeist demands of them. This is why Commander Simon Foy, seeks to do nothing about FGM, using the outrageous excuse that he was “not necessarily sure that the availability of a stronger sense of prosecution will change it for the better"
            Foy should be made to go for such a comment; but of course he will not do so. After all he only behaved as the politicians of all the main parties wished him to. The politicians are to a man and women, in all the main parties, believers in Multiculturalism.
            Multiculturalism is the bane of our society. The floodgates of immigration were opened by the previous government, with little or no regulation regarding numbers. Which means today that cultural anarchy rules because any opposition to such a Multicultural influx would be treated as racist if it spoke out.
            We are in a pickle of our own making, and all we can do is sit to one side and watch the whole grizzly enterprise unfold. The horse has bolted, and our politicians are left with little option but to tinker with immigration numbers and use whatever rhetoric they find suitable for them to pacify the disgruntled majority among the indigenous white population.

[1] Heresy Corner is a website.
[2] Nick Cohen called it “a disgrace”

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