Saturday, September 29, 2012


THE REPORT INTO THE Rochdale scandal where children as young as 10 were kidnapped and plied with alcohol before being raped, has just been published. There were 47 victims of this gang of nine Asian paedophiles who were jailed for between four and 19 years earlier this year.
            In total 127 warnings were given by NHS staff to police and council social services about these practices, yet they went ignored. Between 2004-2010 health workers made 83 formal attempts to educate Rochdale council into what was taking place in their town in the 21st century; but again to no useful purpose.
            Rochdale’s MP Simon Danczuk, said ‘[the investigation] confirms this culture within Rochdale council, as case files  show social workers believed young girls who were raped were “making their own choices” and “engaging in sexual activity”.
            But I believe there was a far more sinister motive as to why this band of Asians were allowed to hunt down and violate both physically and emotionally these white children, than has been mentioned in this report. To describe such vulnerable young people as ‘making their own choice’ by ‘engaging in sexual activity’ says more about the prejudice and intolerance of the so-called ‘professionals’. Social workers and the police; and now it seems this report, has ignored the elephant in the room.
            Why for those six years between 2004-2010 did these professional bodies chose to ignore the warnings and allowed what amounted to child brothels to exist around them, with their full knowledge?
            I have not read the report, but the press mentions no content related to the elephant. The elephant in the room is of course multiculturalism, and the Asian Muslim culture in particular.         
Only Jack Straw, the former Home Secretary, has pointed to the elephant and acknowledged that, 'There is an issue of ethnicity here which can’t be ignored,' he said. 'It is true that if you go into the sex offenders wings of prisons there are proportionally more white men than Asian men. But there’s also the separate issue of grouping in the Asian community.'

THE POLICE AND SOCIAL SERVICES, as well as Rochdale council, all feared upsetting the Asian community by arresting those who were responsible, even after, in the case of the police, some of these young girls found the courage to come forward and complain about the disgusting way in which they were marketed for sex.
            Our modern police are given, as part of their training, instruction on multiculturalism, homophobia, as well as gender awareness: while our social workers need no such introduction, as they are inherently liberal in  nature and sympathetic to all minorities (except of course these sexually abused white children).
            Why these children were for so long exposed, was because both the police and social workers turned a blind eye preferring to see these young victims as ‘making their own choices’. In other words deserving the outrages that members of an ethnic minority subjected them to.
            How many of these young children were of Asian origin? Let me guess – none. Political Correctness is the equivalent of Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book; not of Communism, but of Multiculturalism. These children were the victims of the political correctness taught to the police during their training.
            Why these wretched individuals were given what amounted to a free hand to do what they did, was because they knew they were members of a minority community, against which the authorities, whether in the form of the police or the social services, were instructed to tread warily when investigating any such illegal behaviour by minorities.
The Rochdale police were frightened to act. Remember, these assaults had been going on for six years or more and the police had no intention of upsetting the Asian community. When I say Asian, I  mean Pakistani; for to blame  every culture encompassed by the whole of Asia, on the cruel happenings in Rochdale would indeed be racist.
IT IS MY GUESS that had the same scenario occurred in Bradford or Birmingham, the police and social services would have done exactly what their counterparts in Rochdale did. For there is a greater sensitivity in Multicultural Britain to the needs of minorities than (as proved in Rochdale) to the indigenous population.
            The Rochdale case will indeed replicate itself throughout those areas of our nation where Muslims from the Pakistani community   seek to use white females to satiate their lust. For by doing so they do not,  as so many of them believe, fall foul of the Koran and Islamic teaching, where of course the infidel is comparable in status to the black slaves that were used to harvest cotton and alleviate the lusts of their white masters in the southern states of America as well as throughout the Arab world.
            Our politicians are terrified of the multifarious minorities they have brought into being through granting them citizenship, and among whom, they now seek to govern. But of all such minorities, it is the two million Muslims, mainly from the Pakistani community that they fear the most. I now realise that if the police in Rochdale had stamped on these practices, it would have needed the go-ahead from a serving prime minister – such is the sensitivity surrounding a large Muslim minority.
            We have, in this country, been reduced. The indigenous population has been reduced. Our needs have been supplanted by Multiculturalism and made secondary to the needs of up to 100 other cultures we have allowed to live among us. Our schools are engaged upon the indoctrination of our children into perceiving as normal a Multicultural society with its many different cultural practices.
            The outcome of such an educational impulse is of course Rochdale, where other cultures can practice what we would perceive as cruelties without interference. Thus we have arranged marriages, genital mutilation, and, the latest from Africa, child exorcism. How long will it be before liberal Britain no longer sits on the fence  in order to safe-guard its conscience?  It has always been the top of the fence rather than either side of it, that has protected the liberal conscience from many sleepless nights.
            The Rochdale scandal is just another feature of Multiculturalism and its conduit of political correctness. We have either to come to terms with our Pakistani community by bowing down to their every wish as we seem to be doing; or we challenge them to either obey our laws above those of the Koran; or they should depart our shores to a more welcoming home in some part of the Muslim world where they and their  religious laws will be more welcome.

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