DAVID CAMERON has succumbed, as I thought he would, to an
appalling image. He has now announced that we will take in more Syrian refugees
because of the pressure this image has put him under: but on the surface at
least, his announcement seems a very odd way of going about things. Those
refugees he has invited on our behalf to join us are to be harvested from
Jordon, and not from those crossing the Mediterranean or trying to escape
Hungary or even from those who land up in Calais.
No doubt
this option has been chosen because the refugees in these camps can be
processed, and their backgrounds looked into before coming to the UK. They can
be filtered out; they can be cherry picked so that we do not have ISIS
fighters, criminals, and any other undesirables that will pose problems for our
society. It is a wise move and an intelligent response to Angela Merkle who has
criticised us for not doing our bit while she announces her intention to allow
in willy-nilly 800,000 mainly Syrian migrants into Germany without carrying out
background checks of each and every individual: well, good luck to her; she
will need it.
what Cameron, Merkle; and the rest of the EU have not thought through; is what
comes next? The winter months retard the deluge until next spring. Over the
winter months Germany will allow in the 800,000 migrants that Merkle has
announced: and other European nations fearful of German power will also,
between them, take in - a further 800,000?
By such
actions, the dam will have been broken; and come next spring and summer those
1.6 million will be replaced with a further 1.6 million asylum seekers. Word
will get out by mobile phones to the extended families left behind in North
Africa and Turkey that Europe is open to them if they can make it to the shores
of Greece and Italy or into Turkey. It is like a leak; once you repair one pipe
another leak opens up somewhere else and this will be I fear the pattern that
our European leaders have set in motion - I cannot get out of my mind the expression
used by the much despised Enoch Powell when a meagre 50,000 people from the
Commonwealth had been allowed entry into the UK. In his famous, many would say
infamous, 'River of Blood' speech; his voice resonated in the hall when he made
the singular declamation, 'We must be
mad. Literally mad'; and who among the white working class indigenous
population today would disagree with him.
Island nation has suffered three such previous invasions: by the Romans,
Saxons, and the Normans. These invasions were not just allowed in to Britain by
an open border Schengen Agreement, but by forces that wished us ill and had to
be repelled: they had to fight their way in, in each and every case. In the
fifth century, Europe was told by Rome to look to your cantons. The Roman
Empire was finished and was no longer in any position to defend its empire.
There followed a new immigration (to use the current vernacular). This time the
Saxon hoards landed on these Isles to establish their ascendency. As many of
the indigenous population of men were killed as they could handle; and their
wives and all other women were fare game for rape by the Saxons. There ambition
was to establish a Saxon bloodline.
In 1066
the Norman conquest of Saxon Britain followed the same procedure; this time
killing hundreds of thousands in their conquest. We are often told that the UK
has always been 'open' to migration; and it is true that our nation's bloodline
has been disfigured by invasion from the Romans onward…but in each and every
case such migrations have been repelled by force, not welcomed in.
time we are not being invaded by armies, but by women and children – where one
simply tragic picture of a two-year-olds corpse washed up on a shoreline, has
effectively unlocked the gates to Europe for what will possibly become untold
numbers from the world's trouble spots: the indigenous populations of Europe's
nations have had to keep their lips zipped for fear of either being called
racist or accused of lacking all compassion for the victims – when neither is
the truth.
is compassion frenzy on at the moment, led by the media; but it is short
sighted, with little or no regard for the future of Europe. As we have seen all
too often historically, a single emotive image can lead to dire consequences;
from Vietnam to Gaza. Emotion is now in the ascendant and reason has the taint
of racism. Reason is being silenced, the stability of European civilisation is
under threat – I say no more than that. But that we cannot focus our collective
brains on such a possibility occurring says something about our plight.
European countries Sweden and Holland are nearing the tipping point where the
indigenous population is threatened with minority status. In Italy the birth
rate among the indigenous population is in decline, at a time when immigrants
are turning up on its shore by the thousands monthly. Other European nations
will also succumb to such a prospect eventually.
pouring across European borders will continue once word gets out that all are
welcome – not by the indigenous population, but by their political leaders.
Angela Merkle has set the ball rolling by inviting 800,000 to suckle at
Germany's bosom; and she now expects other European leaders (her winged
monkeys) to follow suit and Cameron has now caved in because he has been warned
by Merkle, that if he does not take his share of her problem, his European
reforms will never be listened; on top of which I read that his wife has added
to the pressure. It was Sam Cam; you may remember who travelled to Jordan to
examine the Syrian refugee camps and returned to London to pester her husband
into bombing Syria; which the British Parliament refused to do.
It now
appears that she was partly behind his decision to allow in more Syrians; and once
more her husband listened. This is no doubt why he insisted upon taking in his
allotted number of Syrians from Jordanian camps rather than from those
congesting the port of Calais; that are daily launching attempts to cross our
moat and scale the cliffs of Dover.
SYRIA WILL no longer exist whenever the end comes. It will
either come under the control of ISIS, and other equally repellent 'liberators'
of the Assad tyranny; or it will be divided up into lots according to religious
This means that whoever we take in from this
poor benighted country will be permanent residents on whatever soil they settle.
The burden will be ours; and added to the already burgeoning encumbrance of
Schengen and its open borders policy; this latest influx will put even more
pressure on our social fabric. Houses, education, the NHS will face further
constraints – yet emotion demands that we allow such people into our country.
If it
had not been for Schengen and what it has brought about; then I would stand on
Greek and Italian shores to welcome in a restricted number of Immigrants from
Syria. I use the term 'restricted' because it cannot be unlimited. But this is
the Pandora's box Merkle has opened up by openly allowing nearly one million
refugees into her own country; and inviting the other nations of Europe to between
them match it; and the German puppet master is being listened to.
EUROPE IS INVITING another Napoleon or Hitler to rise out of
the ashes of European Western civilisation. Those Syrian immigrants are not
attempting to be dispersed throughout Europe; but only northern Europe; the Nordic countries, Germany, France, and the UK
are targeted by these immigrants. Mark my word, if any more than a small sample
wishes to find their better life in southern or Eastern Europe; then they would
have done so at their first ports of call - Italy, Greece, and Hungary. But
they want to surmount Northern Europe - from where the cash and well paid jobs flows.
None of
this should have been allowed to happen; but it has. A single tragic image of
the dead body of a two-year-old has sent European politicians into a fit of,
'something… anything …must be done'; and without thought or reason they have
acted in fear and passion rather than rationale. European democracy is now in
its third trimester of decline, brought about by ignorance and irrationality.
But above all by the propagandist devices of the BBC and SKY News, both of whom
believe that all people from all cultures can live in harmony – well they can
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