ANGELA MERKLE'S come one come all welcome to Syrian migrants, does not seem (as anyone she was prepared to listen to could have told her at the time) to have been a very good idea. But Herr Merkle was insistent that Germany could find a home for 800,000 refugees, with more to follow. Which poses the question – where to put them? Well the small town of Sumte in what was once former East Germany; a town of just102 people has the answer. German officials have sent 750 migrants to live among them with little or no concern for the town's residents or their feelings. Like it or lump it seems to be the authority's silent response. Angela Merkle (just voted the second most powerful person on the planet) has spoken; and she who must be obeyed, will be obeyed. All she now has to do is await the announcement from Sweden that she has secured the Nobel Peace Prize; thus continuing the tawdry tastelessness of many of its previous recipients going back to Henry Kissinger.
There is the belief in Germany that the counterfeiting of Syrian passports amounting to tens of thousands is taking place, according to a German police forensic expert interviewed by Mail Online. The unnamed individual is convinced it is happening, the Mail quotes him as saying; 'I know their documents are false but I cannot prove it.' So the Mail Online reporter Nick Fagge set about trying to counterfeit a Syrian passport, ID card and driving licence under the name of a dead Syrian by paying $2,000 via the black market in southern Turkey – he was successful. With finances large enough to pay the people traffickers; the migrants have also managed to pay $2000 sums for such counterfeiting if they needed it - it would have been cheap at double the price to gain access to Germany.
Germany has made a mistake of historical proportions that may not only cause social unrest in Germany; but also throughout the mainland of Europe. There is growing resentment in country after country from west and east Europe to this open door policy of mass immigration from outside the continent of Europe that Merkle has unleashed. I now understand how, after the Treaty of Versailles following the end to the First World War, the German people turned to the Right after the call for reparations by the victors brought Germany to its knees. The same may…just may…be happening now because of Angela Merkle's ill thought through invitation not only to the free movement of peoples throughout Europe; but now extended to external cultures that have little or no understanding of Western culture and values – many of whom even despise our culture and values.
If in the coming months we will see throughout, particularly in northern Europe, the advance of the Right: this will be because of the supine and indolent tolerance of all things multicultural by Western liberalism to the point where in Europe, national cultures are relegated to equanimity with whatever multi-cultures are invited to become resident among us; even those that have only recently been exposed to democracy and use it opportunistically rather than principally - such as the arrivals from Syria.
IS IT LITTLE WONDER THAT David Cameron chooses a more studied approach to allowing Syrian migrants into the UK than the more emotional and, I would suggest, the more guilty (because of her country's past) German chancellor's unrestricted invitation to those migrants to live among her people. By deluging her country with migrants; she is stirring up the very past she seeks to bury, as all Germans do. But she has gone far too far. The German people have tolerated through Schengen, people from all four corners of the EU. Germany has also tolerated 3.5 million Muslims (more than the UK) to live among them. Now Angela Merkle has opened her country's borders to over a million more Muslims from Syria and other parts of the Middle East and Pakistan.
The small town of Sumte is a measure of the problems that Angela Merkle has unleashed on Germany: by reliance no doubt on her countrymen's guilt for the past; she is using it to serve her own purpose by waving through this vast addition to her country's population.
DAVID CAMERON'S more measured and judicious response to the potential dangers was the correct policy. Cameron said the UK would be prepared to allow 20,000 Syrians into this country over a five-year period. But he said such a compilation would be drawn from the refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon. In this way those 20,000 who wished to come to the UK would be allowed to; but only after their backgrounds were checked thoroughly – thus the five years. It is cherry-picking in order to limit any potential jihadists from entering the UK; and it is right to cherry-pick.
This is the way to approach this issue. Emoting, like Merkle, only creates further problems over and above the ones of free movement of peoples. The weight of numbers over the coming decade to enter Europe from the Middle East and from as far as Afghanistan and Pakistan; will only torment and frustrate the indigenous populations from within Europe in the countries the migrants are given residency in.
I feel that the whole of Europe in the coming decades will be transformed into a vast bedlam where social fissures will grow; tensions will rise; hatred will fester on all sides; and where the laws on hate crimes will be ignored and eventually have to be annulled.
Very few people believe that those migrants from Syria will ever see, or want ever to see their country again. Nobody sees Syria as it once was geographically, when eventually the fighting stops and the country is divided up in accordance with the land occupied by the various assailants.
The Syrian migrants (or, I suggest, the vast majority of them), will remain as citizens of the EU and their numbers will grow, as has the other 15 million Muslims on the European continent; as the demographics change the balance of power will shift; the fissures I mentioned above will begin to appear and a democratic Europe with its indigenous cultures will be left fighting (literally) for their survival.
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