KEN LIVINGSTONE has been brought back to political life, just when you thought his wretched presence could no longer damage the country. This one time leader of the Greater London Council, 1981-1986, before it was abolished by Margaret Thatcher in 1987; went on to become MP for Brent East from 1987 -2001 eventually ending up as Mayor of London in 2000 as an independent and again in 2004 as a Labour candidate: in 2008 and 2012, he unsuccessfully tried to get re-elected as Mayor of London. After this he disappeared into the shadows; he appeared less and less often in the tabloids who loathed him: however he had the occasional outing on the BBC or Channel Four; and wrote the odd piece for the Guardian; but he no longer had what he always craved – power: power of the kind all authoritarian instincts crave; the power to rule unambiguously without the need to face re-election.
He knew this would never happen in this country; but he admired those countries where democracy (seen as bourgeoisie construct) was done away with. Cuba for instance; this socialist playground for Western bourgeoisie Marxists[1] who arrived in the country blind to the decay inflicted on the colonial architecture: architecture once noble and pleasing, but since 1959 had been allowed to become corroded and crumbling: everything about this overly perceived romantic yet iconic Western Marxist socialist state, has always existed in a time period that had been in stasis since the revolution. The bourgeois Marxist visitors to Cuba over decades remained blind to the political prisoners; blind also to the imprisonment of homosexuals: a community of which no Marxist state then and no Muslim state now could ever tolerate.
If you needed evidence of the physical throwback to an earlier decade then all you have to do is book a holiday in Cuba and witness the 1950s Cadillac's that still flourish to this day on the streets of Havana, 56 years after the Marxist revolution deposed Batista.
I HAVE HARPED on about Cuba because I bet Ken Livingstone and the socialists of his generation see Cuba as a kind of Mecca for the success of socialism. For those like Ken in the UK, Havana has been their socialist Holy Grail. Ken's generation (myself included) were seduced by the events of 1959 when Fidel Castro and (especially) Che Guevara broke out from the Sierra Maestra and overthrew the dictator, President Fulgencio Batista in his Havana lair.
Livingstone still dreams the dream, as does Jeremy Corbyn which is why the latter has resurrected the former and chosen him to (would you believe) conduct a defence review for an incoming Corbyn led Labour government to implement. Livingstone rises from the dead to once more do his nation the same kind of disfavour he has always prided himself upon.
The brutal kakistocracy known as socialism which both Livingstone and Jeremy Corbyn seek to imprison the British people in would be disastrous for the UK[2], or any other civilised country or civilisation that became its victim.
LIVINGSTONE IS a creature of the past who was rehydrated by the comedy of errors that made Corbyn leader of her majesty's opposition - Evelyn Waugh could not have scripted the scenario any better. Livingstone has once more, thanks to Corbyn, been given back his voice on the political stage. He may not command the same position of power he once did; but thanks to our latter-day Prince Mushkin, who now leads her Majesty's opposition; Red Ken has risen once more. And there is little doubt, that if asked for, Corbyn would give him a safe London seat to stand in.
Livingstone is by now the pensionné-terrible who loves to speak his politically correct mind and whose only orgasm in his later years is achievable by making Tory's angry, and upsetting the Daily Mail readership that he despises with the same alacrity he loathed every Labour prime minister with the possible exception of Michael Foot whom he merely pitied.
The Livingstone of old would use our latter-day Mushkin to advance his own ambition and exploit his naivety to his own advantage; just as in the Lord of the Rings Grima Wormtongue nearly succeeded in controlling King Théoden. I think Livingstone is a suitable comparison to literatures Wormtongue and has been so throughout his political life. He exudes Wormtongue's same kind of Heap-like slithery charm: he keeps his true political purpose hidden from the media and when he appears on our screens, a more affable and genial interlocutor could you could never imagine.
On such occasions he becomes 'our Ken' in London and among its liberal media, as well as the multi-ethnic communities that are on the point of displacing the white indigenous population of our capital city. Ken Livingstone is the creature of Metropolitan London and will always find a place to feed within its radius. Livingstone will always find a well rewarded media home in London. He will never be forgotten by such a media; a liberal media supported by the British tax payer as far as the BBC and partly by Channel Four are concerned.
KEN LIVINGSTONE has been a failure. He has done little in his political life to advance any other individual than himself. He tweaked the right buttons in London where the white indigenous population have been long done away with and sent to Essex and other parts of the south and eastern counties. From East Anglia to Kent the white indigenous population that once garnered their capital city have been deported from London by the migrant influx. Soon the London populace will comprise a minority of the white indigenous population; and Livingstone would leap with joy at such a prospect.
Livingstone and those who think like him or sympathise with him now comprise the Metropolitan London elite; every portal of power in the city is under their control from parliament, the arts; and the media either support him or sympathise with his views.
I read a piece several months ago about Livingstone as mayor, was set upon turning London into a city-state; a kind Florentine throwback to the age of the Medici with no doubt himself being the latter-day prince of his city-state.
The Livingstone's and Corbyn's have been the ruination of their party – do not give them a second chance at ruining the country.
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