TURKEY KNEW she had the upper hand. Our weak and pathetic EU leaders have added to our open border problem and paid Turkey double what they offered in recompense for the return of immigrants from Greece who crossed illegally. They, the EU leaders, manage to make our situation worse with every decision they make. As part of their current deal comes the promise of the free movement of Turkish people into Europe. So our present difficulties with open borders will have been added to as part of a trade-off with getting rid of Syrian migrants: by doing so these feeble apostates of the nation-state will only replace one problem with another – if it works. If it does not and the tsunami of human flesh continues to enter Europe; it will be added to by the ability of Turkish citizen's to travel throughout the EU.
These perfidious representatives of every nation they speak for who tirelessly work on behalf of the grand EU project, will stoop to all kinds of practises and make all sorts of promises to keep the EU show on the road. They put EU loyalty before national loyalty, which makes them double agents caught between the various EU countries they represent and the greater European ideal. They want to be rid of the great migration problem emanating from Syria and other Muslim countries in the Middle East, and as from far afield as Afghanistan and Pakistan. They wish to do so in order to concentrate everyone's mind once more on their beloved European project. And they are prepared to pay any dishonest price to do so; as we are seeing with the EU's negotiations with Turkey.
This European migration is a distraction that the EU is prepared to pay a heavy price to avoid in order to keep on track the European ideal of federalism; for they know the damage it can do to any prospect of achieving a federal union which open borders exemplify. And this is why the EU representatives have cow-towed to Turkey and given that country all that they have asked for in exchange for ridding the continent of outside immigration.
WHAT A HAPLESS BUNCH we have representing us in the UK, as well for that matter, other countries in the EU. But I am only concerned about my own nation; it is up to the people of the other member states to speak up for themselves. Turkey is now, by the demands it has succeeded in making, cocker hoop. The movement of peoples has played into Turkey's hands. Turkey can now demand anything from the EU. Our 'representatives 'at the EU are fully prepared to go to any lengths suggested by Turkey to eliminate the hundreds of thousands (and perhaps many millions) of migrants entering Europe.
We on this continent are in a terrible mess brought about ultimately by European federalism; a concept even at this late moment in EU history, our prime minister insists he opposes. But if Cameron truly believed that either this was not the intended purpose of the EU; or if it was, he would give us his word that the UK would not be part of it; he cannot deny that he knew the true intent and purpose of the EU.
Cameron believes in a United States of Europe and has worked to bring it about. That was until his party, many of who were and still are sceptical became attracted to Ukip. At first Cameron thought to swat them away as a boggle-eyed irrelevance until Ukip started to steal Conservative support. From that moment, Cameron began taking Ukip seriously and was led eventually to promise a referendum on this county's membership of the EU. It was an undertaking that promised deep-rooted reform to the EU to put before a referendum. Cameron knew that he could not deliver on what he promised; so he once more appealed to his party to trust his judgement and yet again people kept (however precariously) their belief in his judgement; especially over an issue that meant so much to our people. And the politicians wonder why the public who vote them into power are so cynical about promises to purchase power. The English are the most distrustful of party politicians and cynicism has always proved well founded; and may such suspicion of their politicians remain.
Whatever those who believe in remaining tell you about the dangers of leaving; remember this, they come nowhere near to the dangers of remaining. This dangerous experiment will explode in their faces. Every interwoven strand keeping this body together will unravel, as it nearly did with the euro - and still has a near certain chance of doing the same again in the future, the next time successfully.
Political union will be resisted, which is why European politicians do not like to mention it in public. When the people of Europe fully comprehend the nature of the federalist beast they are being asked to become part of they will resist, and ancient national antipathies will resurface once more as we are seeing in the EU today over migration. This great historical folly, of a new kind of Bonapartism that our European bureaucrats are mapping out for the people of Europe, will end in tears for the peoples of Europe. I will vote to leave knowing that it is a lost cause. I am afraid that people often have to learn the hard way; but, this time, I hope it will not be too late to get back on the right track of nationhood.
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