Friday, September 5, 2014

Labour must not be let off the hook for Rotherham

FOLLOWING THE JAY REPORT into the harrowing events in Rotherham; the Labour Party has suspended four party members from the town for their part in the scandal[1]. The four are Councillors Gwendolyn Russell and Shaukat Ali both suspended, as well as the council's former leader Roger Stone and ex-deputy leader Jahangir Akhtar, pending an investigation.
            This is indeed a meagre broth. When will there be a top to bottom investigation into the Labour Party regarding these events? Suspending local party pawns is not enough by far. The Labour Party created the climate that zipped thousands of mouths shut;  many of which that allowed these events to go unpunished for years. The Labour Party were the authors of political correctness that Cameron's Tory Party bought into, and the Liberal Democrats were natural franchisees of anyway.
            The Labour Party between 1997 and 2010 drove political correctness ever forward[2]. The success of Tony Blair cowered the Tory Party into submission regarding political correctness; what with the party's past associations with Enoch Powell and its many voters and party members who opposed immigration. The Tory Party was Christened the nasty party; and Cameron tried to create a New Tory Party as Blair had done with New Labour before him (but in both cases they destroyed the essence of what their respective parties were brought into being to do).
             Labour had 13 years in power, and the Tory Party were desperate to return the nation to what they believed had been the natural order that had existed before universal suffrage. So the Tory Party moved into the Labour Party and Lib Dem trenches and became social democrats one and all; and all that now remains is the meaningless pie-fighting with each other over the despatch box each and every Wednesday.

THE LABOUR PARTY  lost no opportunity in slapping down any criticism of immigration and multiculturalism with the usual admonishment  - racist. Its effect proved immediate as far as the Tories were concerned. Throughout the Labour years political correctness influenced the behaviour of local government, social services, education, and policing. The ordinary indigenous citizen was afraid to speak out for fear of falling foul of that other politically correct offspring…the much loathed and feared hate crime; which allowed no criticism of multiculturalism that mentioned either race or colour: or criticised other cultures for their uncivilised customs which the indigenous Western culture disapproves of as being medieval.
            All those Labour Party supporters who belong to Labour in Rotherham, whether on the council or within social services; or whether just part of the vast network of Labour functionaries enforcing political correctness in particularly northern Labour cities are all culpable. These cities, with their high immigrant demographic, the Labour Party now relies upon for protecting its Westminster seats: and they will contemplate whatever is asked of them by the immigrant population to keep every Labour northern seat at Westminster.
         Thus we have the real purpose of political correctness by Labour – to keep them in power. With the demise of the traditional industrial working class the Labour Party had to begin to look elsewhere – its talk of winning over middle England with a Blairite soft- conditioner, to replace the industrial working class, bore fruit. It kept the Labour Party in power for 13 years.

THE LAST LABOUR GOVERNMENT, has to be brought to book for inventing and proceeding with political correctness, and advancing Multiculturalism. I continue to bang on and on about this because it seeps deep into my country's white indigenous culture and will eventually overwhelm it and leave the indigenous people of this country as enfeebled as are the native Americans of the USA.
             The Jay report was proof of what many of us always knew anyway. If the report had been completed under a Labour government it might have gone the same way as, for instance, the Chilcot inquiry into the 2003 invasion of Iraq; or the BBC's Balen Report[3] - it would have been kicked into the long glass until it was no longer an embarrassment to the party or institution responsible.
             In the case of Rotherham it was the vehicle of political correctness of which the Labour Party were the primary architects that has led to this current scandal and will continue in the future for as long as political correctness is ingrained within all public institutions such as the educational establishment, the welfare state, NHS, police, and social work. Political correctness continues a-pace, and when the evil of Rotherham has been put to bed by the media; its viral impulses will continue within the state sector.
            In the meanwhile the Labour Party will be let off scot-free come the next election because so many of their northern working class supporters[4] still believe in the romantic idyll of the party that the likes of Dennis Skinner and Tony Benn believed in. They still believe in the ancient practices of socialism; and want to believe that Ed Milliband shares their beliefs.
            Not for the first time will what is left of the Labour voting working class be disappointed, if they elect Ed Milliband. Time after time, after time, have the white indigenous working class been let down by the Labour Party: and even after Tony Blair prematurely allowed open borders to all and sundry from Eastern Europe to come among us to undercut the indigenous working classes wages, enough of the white indigenous working class are still prepared to vote Labour next May…if only to defeat their class enemy - the Tories; who are no longer any such thing. It is truly bewildering what is happening.

[1] No doubt hoping to defer criticism from themselves.
[2] It reminded me of Chairman Mao's cultural revolution without the guiding principles of a little red book of comprising the chairman's thoughts,
[3] This report was commissioned by the BBC into the corporation's ant-Israeli bias, and has never been published.
[4] Support is still strong enough to give Ed Milliband an office he is dangerously  ill-equipped to oversee. His brother new this when he stood for the LABOUR PARTY leadership. But it looks as if we are likely to have a have a Marxist Ned Flanders leading our nation come next May's general election

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