Friday, October 31, 2014

Maureen – a true mensche

WELL SAID, WELL WRITTEN, and well observed. I have just finished reading Maureen Lipman's piece in Standpoint magazine. I had wondered what all the fuss was a about when her comments were mentioned on Sky's late night Press Preview. Then the reviewers gave the viewers a flavour of her views on Ed Milliband: views that were to encompass that infamous vote (on a three line whip no less) recognising the 'state' of Palestine; while also criticising Ed and his shitty little coterie, such as the likes of the; ' Chuka Harman Burnham Hunt Balls brigade…' Maureen refers to who are seeking to lead our nation once more into the socialist abyss.
            I hope, but doubt, Ed Milliband will read her words in Standpoint, along with those she accuses. But what I do hope is that this polemical tour de force will be read by every Labour Party member and voter…she is a wonderful lady.
            I myself, having once shared Ms Lipman's regard for socialism from, imprecisely, the age of 14, until poor old Michael Foot was set upon to become party leader and introduce when  Gerald Kaufman described the 1983 Labour Party election manifesto as being the longest suicide note in history. Yet I still clung on however even under Neil Kinnock's embarrassing leadership, which had promised so much after he overcame Derek Hatton and the Liverpool Militant Tendency during the 1985 Labour Party conference; when his speech electrified myself and the conference. But then, finally, came the awful performance he gave at the Labour Sheffield Rally on the eve of the 1992 general election, which put an end to any chance that Labour had of winning – leaving us with John Major.
            Looking back, like Ed Miliband today, Kinnock was an embarrassment. Celebrity-struck, accident prone, and verbally incontinent, the voters were right to reject the boyo at the ballot box. He then went on to become a European commissioner and a member of the House of Lords, having celebrated a life of living off the public tit.
            My hope was revived by Tony Blair and New Labour. I am sorry Maureen, but Tony Blair was no socialist, which by this time was part of my attraction for him and New Labour, and kept me voting for the party. He was a social democrat, and the reality was finally setting in. Socialism could never accommodate, but always acted against the grain of human nature.
             By 2010 I had long outlived my association with socialism; an association that had taken me from membership of the Communist Party of Great Britain and the Labour Party; to voting for Ukip today (but only provisionally) during my 64 years.

I AM NOT JEWISH, but I was born and brought up in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War and all that it meant. The Jews were the victims of that hell; six million were eviscerated in the most sadistic way; and on an industrial scale by the Nazis.
             To today's liberal generation, the state of Israel, that beacon of hope for those who may still be suffering within the Diaspora, has become the enemy. The Left has joined the traditional anti-Semitic far Right in attacking Zionism, while, in the case of the Left, many use the noun to shield themselves from accusations of anti-Semitism.
            That great promise of a Jewish homeland, realised in 1948, was immediately set upon by the Arab world shortly after; and has been preyed upon ever since whenever the opportunity arose of perceived Israeli weakness , as in 1948, 1967, and 1973.
             The parliamentary vote acknowledging the 'state' of Palestine, was a disgrace; an anti-Jewish act committed by a secular Jew leading Her Majesty's Official Opposition. If he could not have directed his party to oppose such a motion, he should not have used the whip for his secular Jewish political convenience. He should have at least allowed a free vote - but he refused.

MAUREEN LIPMAN has not realised fully why Ed ordered a whip on this vote; although she hinted at it when she wrote that the Jewish vote is so small to make a difference in this country, and so it is not needed by any party to win anything.
             But it is a different matter regarding the Muslim population - especially those populations in northern areas, where the demographics are changing in cities like Bradford, Leicester, Birmingham, Rochdale - all traditional Labour territories.
             Muslim sympathies are with the Palestinians; and the Labour Party especially, are becoming ever more dependent on the Muslim vote in the north, its once traditional indigenous working class heartland; and Ed and Labour will do what is needed to secure the northern constituents support even, if it may mean at sometime in the future, pushing through sharia law in parliament, if this is what is demanded by demography for their support.
             The traditional white indigenous Labour supporter that the party could once count upon are becoming a minority in many wards of such cities, and will sooner or later become the minority within such cities as a whole. Which is why the Labour Party are turning to Muslim communities to achieve and hold on to power.

THE LABOUR PARTY is not what it once was; and Maureen has to understand this. Today, the party's traditional demographic in the north is no longer wholly white and indigenous working class; although the party still takes for granted the traditional white working class demographic in these areas when it comes to electing a Labour government. And the party will continue to rely upon its core white vote until the multicultural demographic changes in such cities. Then the white indigenous working class will no longer matter to the Labour Party.
            When this unhappy situation arises, the Muslim communities will be effectively in control of large parts of our once white working class northern cities. It is then that Islam will finally impress itself upon our laws. Although other cultures, such as those representing India and Afro-Caribbean, may rightly take exception.
            Maureen Lipman, like myself, had been a 50 year supporter of the Labour Party. But I would press her not to believe in the return of David Milliband to the party to achieve any kind of sanity. We as a nation are too far gone down the road of multiculturalism to extradite the indigenous population from the swamp created by our politicians.
            Maureen, you and I, even if we hang about for the next 20 years, are on the way out, just as the country we once new is one the way out. But I think we should go down fighting, and not go lightly into that dark goodnight, by voting Ukip, it is, to put it crudely, for those traditional Labour supporters over 60…shit or bust time.
            For the next 20 years we are doomed to witness the follies of our politicians from whatever of the main three parties they represent. Labour, Conservative, as well as Liberal, have now become nothing more than vehicles fighting, not for a principled ideology, but power, and power alone. It will soon be power and power alone that will determine who will govern…traditional political ideology is now dead; and so I sincerely hope that Maureen Lipman's Standpoint piece will persuade other traditional party voters in our age bracket at least, to abandon the Labour Party; even if they cannot bring themselves to vote Ukip.


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