Thursday, December 18, 2014

CIA torture will not turn the West into Nazis

I GO TO BED EARLY and usually wake up at about midnight, and stay awake until 3.30 in the morning, before dropping off again: then waking once more at 6 am to begin my day. During those early three and half hours, I usually watch a film on the horror channel as well as tune into Sky News. I always follow their press preview every hour from 10.30 pm onwards; and if you want to know what the metropolitan elite's spin on the news is, you should listen in because it is very educational for those of us who live outside of London.
            CIA torture has made the news this week, in particular the publication of the US Senate's Intelligence Committee's rebuke to the CIA: and the Sky press reviewers, comprising liberal journalists, editors, ex-editors, and those describing themselves as writer/film makers, or PR consultants and historians - in other words those who garner themselves with all sorts of titles respected only by the Metropolitan elite among whom they belong and whirl among, who are the sole participants of the press reviews either by Sky or the BBC -  the latter of whom I cannot bring myself any longer to watch.
            They disagree with each other more often than not, on the level of the scale of a particular disagreement, rather than outright opposition to each other. This is because, as liberals, their political views are similar. So they are like Jonathan Swift's Lilliputians and Blefuscudians who went to war over which end of a boiled egg should be cracked open – their disagreements are of little more significance than that. They are liberals discussing the right liberal stance to take.
             This week they all acted in harmony like bleeding the heart liberals they are. When it came to torture and rendition; no-one was prepared to stand up for the CIA – except that is the Sky viewers, who apparently thought those tortured deserved their fate. This is because Sky's viewers are in the main, set apart from London and no doubt share the view of one time vice president Dick Cheney, who said: "We asked the agency [CIA] to takes steps to catch the bastards who killed 3,000 of us on 9/11 and that is exactly what they did. They deserve a lot of credit." Indeed they do .
             The torture methods used by the CIA to gain intelligence, however horrific, are part of the price the West must pay to defeat Islamism. Members of ISIS, including the hundreds of "British citizens" who have gone to join them, must understand that we in the West can be as ruthless as themselves in the pursuance of their defeat. ISIS sees the West as effete, weak, and degenerate; and are therefore exposed to their ruthless ambition to assimilate the West into their caliphate.

OUR LIBERAL ELITE will surely bring about the final demise of the West within Europe. Those press previewers who abhor the CIA for their actions; had better be ready for the consequences of their liberal loathing of such methods.
             The liberalista have their own moral boundaries that fall far short of their enemies ruthless ambitions. If we present ourselves to our enemies as decent, and almost Jesus- like[1], as our liberals seek to do – then our enemies will rightly laugh in our face and use whatever methods they need to use from the ISIS catalogue of brutality and vindictiveness .They will pounce upon us in the knowledge that we in the West obey a moral code that they despise; and are right to do so when it comes to trying to defeat them.

IT WAS WINSTON CHURCHILL who advocated total war against Germany, which led to the bombing of German civilians, resulting in many hundreds of thousands deaths. Where for instance, should this act be measured on the scale of war criminality?
           What the CIA did in terms of the torture they indulged in, comes nowhere close to what the allies did during the Second World War, when they bombed cities like Dresden killing between 50-100 thousand civilians in Dresden alone: Dresden was just one city we bombed. Does this make us war criminals or Nazis for adopting their ways…we did what was needed had to be done to defeat our enemy and preserve democracy: but there is no doubt that by today's standards, such bombing will eventually be considered a war crime, if the Sky's press reviewers have their way in the coming years, if, that is, such a review will remain in existence.
             In both cases: the bombing of German cities and the torture meted out by the CIA, have both helped preserve Western democracies. This and this alone should be our bottom line as it has always been. The sole criteria should be the survival of democracy and do whatever is needed to keep it alive. Applying the methods of our enemies does not turn us into them. We found this out during the Second World War…we never became Nazis for adopting their method of bombing civilians.
            Churchill never became another Hitler and the British people were just relieved to have seen yet another trespasser on British soil defeated and the war brought to an end; whatever it took to so do.
            CIA torture, however horrific, could not match the Japanese and Nazis efforts during the Second World War… or, for that matter that of Islamism, and in particular ISIS, who readily behead women and children and slaughter men of the Shia faith.

WE IN THE WEST must do, as we did between 1939 and 1945, all that is required of us to do to defeat our enemies: and this is what, after 9/11 the CIA have sought to do and should continue in their work to so do. The West is under attack from Islamism. It first struck against the Twin Towers in New York  killing just over 3,000 New York citizens.
            How could the Senate's Intelligence Committee (SIC) have set this ball rolling? They have opened a Pandora's Box that will only advantage the West's enemies in ISIS. We in the West must retain secrecy, but are now left to once more pick at our scabs because of SIC (sic). This includes torture to seek out our Islamic enemies; who are quite prepared to undermine the West's defences, in order to kill innocent people.
             Let SIC ponder upon this. The committee has done great harm to the interests of the West by their presentation. This is a bag of worms that will not go ignored by the Western media; resulting in the West's inability to out-flank and reduce its IS enemies will be at least made questionable by these disclosures.

[1] I refer here to Christ's final words on  the cross; "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do".

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