week millions of people play the National Lottery knowing that the odds are
stacked against them winning the jackpot. To be exact 13, 983, 816 to 1 against.
These are insurmountable odds; odds that make those of us who play each week
the fools we are. Those who win of course set the example for the continuance
of our twice weekly acts of stupidity, when our inner reason is sabotaged, by
what? Greed? Or is it not greed, but just the need to unburden the brain of the
endless pressure of financial demands on our family budgets?
But what about our chances of
being born in the first place in order for us to play the lottery? If you think
the odds of 14 million to one are gargantuan; then think about odds of between
200,000,000 and 500,000,000 to 1 against. There are over six billion people
living on this planet who have beat these odds – yourselves and myself
included…because we are alive, and
living as human beings. But think how lucky we are to have been here in the
first place.
Every time a male ejaculates he
releases between 200 and 500 million
sperm cells. Only a maximum of 200
million however reaches the egg and have a chance of fertilisation. Millions of
sperm die after ejaculation, while millions of others die during the journey to
the egg; and of those hundreds of millions, the norm is that only one impregnates
the egg and fertilises it – resulting in you and I.
Just think how lucky those of us
who survived this transition are. We (those alive today) have already won the
greatest of all lotteries; that of having been born in the first place, and
anything that comes after in terms of luck will never compare to that single
sperm cell out of 500 million that finally enters the egg and fertilises it. It
is to me at least, truly astounding. To think that I won the greatest race -
that of being born into the world. A race greater than that accomplished by any
Olympic athlete in terms of the odds.
Those of us who live today as
well those in the past, have all been blessed with such a fortune that
surpasses any we may make in life, whether through winning the lottery or through
ambition and enterprise. Being born will always be a human individuals greatest
lottery triumph.
ODDS ARE indeed cruel; for each of us living today and in the past could have
had been replaced by 500 million other identities and become physically
different human beings, were it not for the demands, and a fluke of nature. One
would suppose that if such odds had been overcome and a pregnancy achieved, the
mother would wish to see it through to its completion. Such arithmetical odds
would surely have demanded that the mother once impregnated, then the resultant
child should be allowed its chance in the world.
But sadly the kind of human
self-interest commonly represented within human nature now overwhelmed the
self-interest of the feminist-kind. Women demanded the right of abortion and it
was granted by liberal progressives (both male and female) who sold us the
proposition that abortion should no longer be part of the back street.
At this time any woman who fell
pregnant outside of marriage was cast aside by the society in which they lived.
They therefore ventured into the realm of backstreet abortionists carrying their
problem. Abortionists varied in quality
and 'sophistication', but none knew how to safely abort a foetus, so in some bizarre
cases; a deep bath and quantities of gin was supposed to relieve the women of
her 'burden'; and considering the morality of the times, such births did indeed
represent a burden for the women who put
themselves in the hands of a backstreet abortionist..
Pregnancy outside of marriage had put an
unbelievable strain on women who fell within the realm of such pregnancies: but
society at the time was equally culpable in the death of a living foetus
because of its attitude toward unmarried pregnant women.
We were told in the months
leading up to the implementation of the 1967 abortion act that pregnant women
would not give up their children lightly, and many a desperate hour would be
spent deciding whether or not to forfeit their child - and In the beginning
this was true. But as this law transcended the generations; this consideration
became ever more shallow and abortion became the easy choice instead of the
reflective one.
TODAY ABORTION is, sadly, considered as another form
of contraception. It is now given on demand. It no longer requires a second
opinion by a second doctor. This is simply because the second doctor will
always agree with the first. Within the NHS virtually all doctor's are
pro-abortion on demand. So the caveat that the original Steel Bill sort to
implement against abuse of the act, no longer applies.
There are 250,000 abortions a
year taking place in the UK. To pretend
that women consider their conscience before proceeding is no longer a credible
position – abortion has become another
form of contraception: based not upon the concept of guilt (if it ever was);
but upon convenience.
Abortions only add to further the
odds on being born. But such additions are not within the realm of male
ejaculation, but within the realm of feminism. Women have been given the power
to chose whether someone like themselves should be given the chance to live,
and they have decided that they should not if they represent an inconvenience
to their lifestyle.
Most if not quite all those women
who abort out of convenience, no doubt consider themselves humanitarian and
civilised; each caring for their fellow human beings and outraged at any inhuman
act such as, for instance, the beheading undertaken by ISIS, or the treatment
of women by Jihadists. But when it comes to a foetus their compassion goes out
of the window; and only expediency matters to them. They do not believe (and
have been encouraged in such a belief by the medical profession) that the
foetus are in some way not human, which it is – it is a human foetus, which, if allowed to develop could become part of the
next generation of medics, scientists, writers, philosophers, artists. The very
professions our liberal elite pay homage to.
Abortion was once used only to
save the life of the mother if the birth threatened her life. Today, along with
the condom, pill, and morning after pill, abortion has been added to the list
of contraceptives. Did David Steel ever foresee this? I doubt it. No doubt Mr Steel genuinely believed that by
legalising abortion, women of all people, would not abuse the Bills intent. But
if they did, then there was the two-doctor safeguard to prevent idle use of the
The Steel
Bill was meant to end an obvious cruelty from being committed by means of the
backstreet abortionist; but which however developed into the Laissez-faire approach to abortion. The Left
always believe in the inherent goodness of mankind, which is how socialism,
liberalism, One Nation Toryism, and communism fashioned themselves. But none of
these forces considered human nature as a part of the baggage of being human -
and neither did David Steel.
Instead of righting a wrong, David Steel unleashed a greater wrong; one which he never foresaw – the unlimited right to abort foetuses; now seen as mere pieces of tissue unrecognisable as human; but nevertheless still human. Just as a gorilla foetus is a gorilla in the making, and it is the same with all other species. And it is the same with humans, and not to respond to this with anything more than a shrug of the shoulder is a blasphemy, not against God, but against humanity and its continuance on the earth.
Abortion hinders the human potential for unlimited and unrestricted advancement in all aspects of human culture. Of the 250,000 lost souls that were put an end to prematurely last year, how many may have become scientists gifted with finding cures for cancers and many dozens of other diseases? Or how many others would have, given the chance, would have found their mark in other aspects of science or the arts?
At the very least abortion is a waste of human potential. A potential that encompasses the furtherance of all the sciences as well as the arts. Abortion will eventually help bring closure to the Western democracies, by limiting the human potential because of abortion.
Instead of righting a wrong, David Steel unleashed a greater wrong; one which he never foresaw – the unlimited right to abort foetuses; now seen as mere pieces of tissue unrecognisable as human; but nevertheless still human. Just as a gorilla foetus is a gorilla in the making, and it is the same with all other species. And it is the same with humans, and not to respond to this with anything more than a shrug of the shoulder is a blasphemy, not against God, but against humanity and its continuance on the earth.
Abortion hinders the human potential for unlimited and unrestricted advancement in all aspects of human culture. Of the 250,000 lost souls that were put an end to prematurely last year, how many may have become scientists gifted with finding cures for cancers and many dozens of other diseases? Or how many others would have, given the chance, would have found their mark in other aspects of science or the arts?
At the very least abortion is a waste of human potential. A potential that encompasses the furtherance of all the sciences as well as the arts. Abortion will eventually help bring closure to the Western democracies, by limiting the human potential because of abortion.