OVER THE COMING DECADE the government will have to find
another million school places, because of what is referred to as a spike in the
population – 'spike'; now that is a word that could pass for liberal Newspeak
on any day of the week. But what caused this spike in the population? The media
(and here I mean Sky and the BBC who have been reporting the story) gave no
detail regarding the character of this mini population explosion – just that we
needed a million more school places.
I would
not mind betting that it is the birth rate among the immigrant population that
accounts for the need for a further million school places; but the liberal
media, for obvious reasons, do not wish to go down such a road to investigate
the truth of my assumptions – could it be that they share them?
I have
no evidence but merely an assumption; but it is an assumption based upon two
facts. Firstly, there have been an increase of over five million immigrants
living in the UK since 2008 (this of course does not include the illegals).
Secondly, we have been terminating 250,000 pregnancies a year – and here is
another assumption: the vast majority of those seeking termination have been among the white indigenous
population, the majority of whom see abortion as another form of contraception.
When it
comes to the NHS, what do we find? People living longer (including old farts
like myself) as well as the obese, who are both being blamed for the current
state of an over-burdened NHS. It is such pressures represented by the likes of
myself and the lard arses that bear the full force of responsibility (so the
politicians and so many parts of the media tells us) for causing the NHS's
state of dysfunction. But yet again immigration receives no mention as a
causative agent for the NHS's decline.
it is far more expensive to train new nurses in this country; we seek trained
nurses from abroad because it is cheaper; thus depriving the nation's they
arrive from of their skills – but conscience
driven liberals do not mind this because they can use such people to attack
those who oppose mass immigration – their continual mantra is that the NHS could
not exist without such flows of immigration into its precincts – it can and it would, and
it should. There are plenty enough indigenous applications to join the nursing
profession, who are being turned away for economic reasons.
AS WELL AS SCHOOLS and the NHS; housing is another issue
that a manufactured population increase can have an impact on within a nation.
We need hundreds of thousands of more houses to be built to accommodate an
increase in our population. These houses need to be situated on many Greenfield
sites. The English countryside can no longer be guaranteed under the indigenous
people's protection. Mass immigration yet again plants its footprint on our
nation's heritage - and our multicultural society is ever ready to oblige them.
increase on such a vast scale that has happened in the UK since 2008 cannot go
ignored as the liberal elite are intent upon doing. Demanding that no questions
be asked on this subject on penalty of committing a hate crime, is a blasphemy
against free speech. Yet through the so-called hate crime edicts introduced by
various British governments; the British public are being reduced to silence
for fear of prosecution.
INCREASES IN POPULATION due to the sexual proclivities of an
indigenous population are to be welcomed. But this is not what is happening.
Such indigenous proclivities are now in thrall to immigrants. It is they who
are filling our schools, hospitals, and the much needed new houses: leaving the
indigenous people who complain, sectioned off by the liberal hegemony as bigots
following their complaints.
are being censored by the liberal commentariet. I look and listen to
broadcasters; especially when it comes to news items about the NHS's problems.
As I wrote above it is the elderly and obese who are the liberal patsies for the NHS's troubles: but occasionally the
subject of GP's contracts that has lead to the lack of out of hours service by
GPs, is also given a mention. Now, all three causative reasons are perfectly
reasonable, and undoubtedly play their role in the failings of the current NHS.
immigration is barely mentioned; and when it is, it carries the neutral form of
expression, 'over population' without any reference to mass immigration as
being in any way responsible for such an amplification in the population; an increase
which contributes to the current (I would say) decline of the NHS.
decline started by the very people who brought this venerable institution
about. It was the Labour Party who (rightly) proudly boasts about their party's
seminal part in this institution's creation. The Labour Party has accrued much political
capital (especially at election times) from being the author of a free at the
point of need medical treatment embodied by the NHS.
But the
irony is, that it will be because of the actions of the Labour Party, that the
NHS will finally be forced to fold, whoever is running the country; unless,
that is, parts of the NHS are farmed out to the private sector - which is of course anathema to the British
people and the three main parties.
that an ad-agency came up with and promoted something called 'New Labour' after
Tony Blair became leader of the Labour Party in June 1994. It was Blair, who
through his government's actions, effectively brought about what will be seen
as the eventual demise of the NHS.
of all, he pledged multi-billions of pounds to the NHS, but with the proviso
that it reformed itself to New Labour's specifications. The money was handed over;
two thirds of which went on doctors and nurses pay and conditions – as for the
reforms; people are still left scratching their heads.
Blair then
allowed his then Health Secretary John Reid to renegotiate GP's contracts to
the detriment of the people who use the NHS today. This resulted in six figure
plus salaries for GPs without having to provide an out of hours service, which
has contributed to the pile-up at our A&Es.
But it
was Tony Blair himself that opened up the floodgates to mass immigration in
2008 - Immigration has made the major impact on the survival of the NHS…it has
now become a money pit draining off cuts from other parts of the state sector
in order to feed its veracious appetite for extra funding. The NHS has now
passed the £100 billion mark. Our
politicians are competing against each other to find even more resources to
keep the NHS afloat.
uncomfortable fact is; that if the current (let alone any future) immigrant
population had not been allowed to become such a strain on all our public
services; the NHS would not be in the difficulties it currently finds itself in.
Us old farts and the morbidly obese, and even John Reid's GP contracts would
have all either had no, or an insignificant impact on the current state of the
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