Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Anti-Semitism is a centuries old virus; and one which still holds no prospect of a cure.

IT SHOULD NOT surprise us that anti-Semitism has reared its foul head once more in Europe. Today's Sunday Telegraph opines, "It is hard to believe that anti-Semitism is still a problem in 2015". Why is it so hard to believe? The Jewish Diaspora is 2,000 years old. So why does anyone find it hard to belief that Jews are still facing persecution in 2015. What is it about a new century that make people believe humans are any more civilised in it, than in any other century of human history?
               The Holocaust was meant to change everything about our treatment of Jews. Killing on a heartless, ruthless, sadistic, and more importantly, on an  industrial scale six million men, women and children; was meant to once and for all bring an end to Jewish persecution –  it has not. We kid ourselves that such a leviathan of hatred stored up over the centuries by bigots could be brought to an end by the Holocaust.
                Jews never believed that European programs and later the Holocaust would bring an end to their misery; which is why they became determined upon creating a homeland, to which they could turn when anti-Semitism flowered once more. The state of Israel is an existential necessity for Jews throughout the world who, in the past, have always been blamed for the follies of politicians who have made the Jews shoulder the blame and resulting in the programs.

TODAY'S JEWS, within Europe, as they do in Israel itself, face being surrounded by hate. Not only from the radical Right, and the radical (pro-Palestinian) Left; but also from Europe's Muslim population. In other words, the Jews of Europe face a perfect storm from which it is increasingly being seen that Israel is their only safety net – the last redoubt for the Jewish race
                The Right's anti-Semitism needs little explanation. It was from the Right that the first caricature of the Jew was born – he was a greedy miser, a pawn broker preying upon the poor, and a money lender; he also partook in the ritual sacrificing of children. His hideous face was often portrayed with an exaggerated hooked nose – later he was turned into the extortionate banker demanding vast amounts of interest on any loan. 
                The Left on the other hand were the friends of Jews who helped protect them, for instance, when Mosley's Black Shirts entered London's East end where the Jewish community lived. Many Jews themselves were of the Left (including Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky, and of course the Miliband's). The Jew and the Left were synonymous. They were ideologically joined at the hip; Jewish intellectuals favoured the Left, and the Left favoured them.
                But today the pro-Hebrew Left are an almost vacuous sub-species of the Left that con-joined itself with the Jewish experience. Today what has evolved within the Left is what they like to call anti-Zionism. Zionism basically means a homeland for the Jews. Its founder was Theodor Herzl who sought a homeland for his people to escape from European anti-Semitism and bring about a nation for Jews to find safety in, and Israel was the Jews ancient homeland. However Herzl's ideas only really found a resonance among European Jewry following the Holocaust.
                Today the Left have found a new minority to support – the Palestinians. They no longer have the kind of empathy they once did for the Jew. They now see the Palestinians as their primary victims of choice; as they once did the Jew; who is now seen as the Palestinians' persecutor. The Left do like their minority victims and, as far as the Left is concerned, the Jewish people have now passed their sell-by date.
                 But what the Left do not like, is being regarded as in any way racially prejudiced. To the left racialism is what the cross and garlic are to the vampire. So the Left's way around this calumny is to adopt anti-Zionism, which pretend that "Palestine" belongs to the Palestinians and the Jews have no right to build their Zionist state on what is the homeland of the Palestinian. This they say does not make them anti-Semitic; which indeed it does not. But anti-Zionism can act as a shield protecting the anti-Semitism within many who profess anti-Zionism.

MUSLIMS ARE THE FINAL and most significant part of the anti-Semitic pact that combine to create the perfect storm for the Jews. Whenever the state of Israel is forced to act to protect its people from rockets fired from Gaza – so anti-Semitism among Europe's Muslims (and the Left )take hold, and synagogues are attacked: Jewish cemeteries are attacked. And as we were witness to in Paris earlier this month - at a kosher supermarket. Jews are an easy target for Muslims.
                 I will not use the word Islamists to describe both the attacks on the offices of Charlie Hebdo or the Jewish supermarket. Those Muslims who caused the slaughter were protected from within the Muslim communities. I believe that a majority of France's Muslims felt sympathy for the kosher supermarket attacks. But I also believe that the vast majority of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world felt an even greater sympathy for the Charlie killings in Paris: European liberals, however, who believe in free speech and tolerance prefer to ignore this reality.
                 Our politicians parade the same mantra that these episodes of Islamist violence do not represent the views of the Muslim population as a whole. They represent the cravings of a Muslim Islamist minority, who have somehow misread the teachings of the Koran.
                This is nonsense and I believe the politicians know this to be the case. But in the UK we have allowed to live among us three million Muslim 'citizens' whose citizenship the indigenous population had little say in allowing them entry into the country in the first place. Indeed, any opposition that did speak out was treated with a savage response by the political class. Racism was the charge, and it zipped many indigenous mouths shut for fear of becoming 'hate criminals'.

ANTI-SEMITISM IS alive and well today as has always been the case. The Jews were left to wander the earth without a home; despised, victimised, and finding themselves the scapegoat wherever they found a brief respite. Compared to the Jews, the Palestinians have got off lightly.
                There have been more Palestinians killed by Muslims than have been killed by Jews. The Palestinians have sought refuge among their own kind…only to betray the hospitality given them. Both in Jordan and Lebanon the Palestinians brought only trouble to themselves and further military conflict with Israel.
                In Jordan, for instance, the Palestinians were given refuge in the kingdom; then tried to take over the kingdom for themselves resulting, so they hoped, in a state of Palestine. A war then broke out whereby 20,000 Palestinians were killed by King Hussein's Jordanian forces; and the Palestinians were once more turned away from their own kind.

ANTI-SEMITISM has not gone away, the prejudices are part of folk law and carry a resonance to this day. But today the European anti-Semitism comes from European Muslims; as well as the hypocritical Left who support the Palestinians and loath the Israeli state.
                Israel is the only solution left to world Jewry when they find themselves persecuted. If the two political extremes can no longer tolerate a Jewish presence among them; then let the Jewish state accommodate them as citizens of Jewish state rubber stamped by the UN in 1949.


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