EGYPT ARE CARRYING out bombing raids on northern Libya after
the IS beheaded 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians. The IS are expanding and
recruiting as it advances toward its intended Islamist Caliphate. IS moved from
Syria into Iraq, and now into Libya - at the same time young Muslims are rallying to its cause
throughout Europe; and Sunni Muslims are protecting IS in those areas under its
authority (such Sunni civilians are not as innocent as the West would like its own
citizens to believe - or wishfully think themselves into believing).
with a nose for history must know at the very least, that something big is now
afoot - even if the fog is yet to lift on what is actually occurring. We can however
be forgiven for speculating. Those with a knowledge of the Crusades between 1095-1291;
as well as the 16th century European invasion by the Ottoman Turks
under Suleiman, should be able to see a pattern emerging; if not in kind, then
in ambition. IS has a mutual liking for their predecessors medieval forms of
torture and blood-lust – now – here in 21st century, IS uses beheading
in the name of the Prophet – a form of execution that even the UK and France
have long since done away with – which must say something.
2,000 'Libyans' who had departed North Africa for our European shores made the
comparatively short crossing of the Mediterranean. They were picked up by
Italian coastguards and transported to safety in Italy. Such arrivals are
threatening to swamp Europe: and how many among them may turn out to be IS
sympathises planted to enact an atrocity in Europe? Sooner or later Italy will
call for an amnesty, (if only because their sacrifices are not being taken
seriously by the EU) which will give such arrivals under EU law automatic entry
into every part of the European Union including of course the UK.
We have
in Europe a population of 15 million Muslims (Suleiman would have rejoiced at
such a quantity before he attempted his assault on Europe). Two point five
million of whom we have living among us in the UK. So let us look at the
broader picture. IS are ruthless and capable of such a ruthlessness that
terrifies Western politicians who want only to be popular and win elections;
but also have to cater for ever larger Muslim constituents if they wish to
succeed to political office.
WHAT DOES SUCH A perspective conjure up? Very little it seems
for our political class who prefer the nurturing approach toward Islam within a
multicultural society. Islam is a genuine threat to the West. A threat the West
sees only as an 'Islamist' threat.
Meaning that in the UK and within European Islam, it is considered 99% on board
with the UK and the West generally.
is a decumbent mantra presented to us by our politicians and the Western media
after a terrorist attack by members of the Muslim community that insists always
that; 'The vast majority of Muslims
living among us are peaceful and law abiding citizens'. This is the tune played
out on such occasions, by our politicians who wish to pacify the white
indigenous population whenever Islamists strike.
It is
all about the changing demographics. Muslim communities are reproducing, in
percentage terms, at a far higher rate
of reproduction than are the indigenous white population comparatively speaking.
This factor will eventually hand additional political power to the Islamic
community within the cities of the UK where they are maximised – and give them
a greater persuasive power on the political (in particularly Labour) parties
that will eventually demand sharia law to sit beside English law, with the hope
of one day replacing it – at least within their populated areas.
And our
politicians who wish to advance up the political mountain to greatness
will accommodate such an ambition, even
if meant English law being replaced by religious law in many heavily populated
areas of the country occupied by Muslims - so the problem is not only external
but internal.
BUT GETTING BACK to the external nature of the IS threat: today's Daily Telegraph (18th
February) has the following headline on its web edition; " Islamic
State 'planning to use Libya as gateway to Europe'". According to the report the IS jihadists are
using northern Libya as a possible entry point into Europe. Thousands of
Muslims have made their way across the Mediterranean, in the full knowledge
that if they make it to an Italian shore; they are virtually free to enter any other
part of EU.
Any generation other than the
modern one would have turned such people away and returned them to North Africa.
Modern Islam bears nothing but ill-will toward the West; yet the West does
nothing to assail such an attitude; rather it seeks to appease it. The West is
like ancient Troy, and the Muslim population that has been sieved over decades to become citizens within
Western culture, is the wooden horse that will eventually unleash Powell's
river of blood.
It is only the West's weakness
that makes IS so powerful; just the same weakness has allowed 15 million
Muslims to come and live among us in Europe through the guilt of empire torturing
the minds of all European liberals; with little thought given to the social
consequences on the indigenous cultures that have never been given any kind of consideration
on whether such other cultures should be welcomed.
Multiculturalism never faced any
kind of public support through the ballot box at a general election; or through
a referendum. Our political classes throughout Europe took it upon themselves
to invite other cultures among the indigenous ones - and if the political
classes were opposed? Well, then the clarion call of racism was heralded by
liberal Europe to all those who resisted their intensions. So all opposition to
Multiculturalism carried the black spot of racism.
FACES an internal and external threat (a two-pronged attack that should never
have been allowed to happen) from the Muslim world. Islam is a proselytising
religion; but one which does not stop at recruitment through persuasion, but
also through coercion and terrorism; and in extremis medieval barbarism - as we
have seen practiced by IS. But before you think that IS is a kind of
Frankensteinian creation unrepresentative of Islam. Then think back to 9/11 and
al-Queada, believed to be behind the Twin Tower attacks in New York where 3,000
people died.
We are at war with Islam because
Islam is at war with us – we never threw down any gauntlet. But It has become a
war the West must win if its values are to survive intact – values which Islam
despises, even among those who the politicians and the media tells us are
perfectly safe and supportive of democracy. Islam is a fossilised faith;
attached to barbarism, and unable to comprehend (even in the 21st
century) any kind of rationality in their thinking; blinded as they are by
their religious faith.
The Christian faith was once no better in terms of torture and
cruelty hundreds of years ago. But I place my emphasis on once. Today the Christian church has retreated to the other extreme
within (especially, but not exclusively) Europe. Today the modern Christian
Church, whether Catholic (under today's Pope) or Protestant have become as
liberal as the continents politicians; and supports multi-faithism throughout
the continent.
IS THE MODERN THREAT to the West; and the longer we chose not accept it through
a kind of liberal dementia, then the harder it will be to save democracy.
Modern Islam gets its strength through liberal tolerance with its Western guilt
built in – Islam preys upon such liberal weakness of the type that refuse to
bomb Islamists if they use civilians as human shields
I fear that (not thankfully in
my life-time - I am soon to be 65) the Muslim world will take full advantage of
the liberal nature of modern Europe's political class to subvert democracy
(both internally and externally) and once more set its sights on the conquest
of Europe. It will be, I regret, far more easily achievable than in the past
because modern Europe lacks the same kind of ruthlessness it appreciated in the
past to keep the Muslim advance at bay both externally and internally – the
liberalism that plagues modern Europe may prove to be the nail in the coffin of
European democracy – liberalism will bring about the death of tolerance it
represents; because of liberalism and its adherence to any and all forms of
tolerance ; it will eventually lead to its destruction.
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