Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Socialist entrapment

THERE IS A FARE chance that with the help of the SNP, the Labour Party will have enough support to govern the country come next May's general election if the polls remain consistent over the next two months. Both the SNP and Labour will be ideologically coupled. Both Salmond and Milliband will promote socialism when and if they are given the opportunity to work together in government.
                 So socialism, not for the first time in the West's political history, could be about to rear its ugly and disfigured ideology once more. Tony  Blair sought to tame if not slay the beast that almost bowed this country toward third world status in the 1970s. There has never been a more pernicious political ideology than socialism: it has failed in the cruellest experiment in social engineering that has ever taken place within society.
                 Wherever it has been tried it has singularly failed at great human and economic cost to the country that has tested it, either through revolution or occupancy (as in Eastern Europe after World War Two). From its early 'achievement' in Russia, it quickly turned into a kind Frankensteinian[1] monster that brought only suffering to its people: suffering on a majestic, multi-million death scale;  only matched in its brutality by the Nazis.
                There is an excuse for someone who, for the first time deliberately bangs his or her head against a brick wall and seeks to avoid such stupidity in the future – a lesson would have been learnt; however asinine  the act was to begin with. As long as such individuals learns from their experience they will have improved their awareness of one of the stupidities of life.
                 But with socialism it seems we never learn – especially angry and idealistic young men and women; as well as those who cling on to their idyllic vision well into middle age - who then pass on their ideology like a virus  down through the generations via our educational establishment. Our schools and universities, under the premise of a  liberal education which indoctrinates on behalf of a Left-Wing liberal 'progressive' agenda for the country.

I CAN UNDERSTAND THE  attractiveness of socialism, for I once believed in it myself. But it is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The sheep's clothing is the credo of Socialism – equality = collectivism, and the supremacy of the state. Human beings are not equal, we all have different abilities, both physically and intellectually. We are individuals first and foremost, and by definition we are each different from the other.
                 Freedom allows individual talents to prosper without any kind of state constriction on what is or what is not allowed to be spoken of. Freedom allows individuals to prosper- to attain wealth as reward; for instance for inventing the computer, and all kinds of software, and the social media which, it seems we are becoming more and more dependent upon – socialism could never have discovered or even manufactured such technology as the social media (partly because under such a system of socialism, the autocracy of state power would never have allowed it). Socialism would have been, for instance, the drag anchor on technological progress.

YET SOCIALISM IS STILL BELIEVED IN. Particularly by Ed Milliband, who no doubt serves as an example of a type of Oedipus complex; but targeted more toward the father than the mother.  
                Ed is a senior sibling  who, it seems, could not bear the elevation of his younger brother David to the leadership of the Labour Party in his place – daddy would not have approved. So he placated the unions in order to  become leader of the Labour Party in his brother's place. It was a soiled and grubby gesture, but one which has proved successful; and considering Ed's attachment to his parents, one which they would no doubt be proud of –  this, no doubt, is what Ed thinks and aided him in his decision to undermine his brother.
                Ed  sees himself as his parents only Marxist hope for the UK. Ed is determined to hold the banner of Marxism that his father once held and carried to his grave beside Karl Marx in Highgate cemetery.
                 He has personal issues which have nothing to do with the governance of a country, but more to do with his relationship with not only his father Ralph, but his brother David. David, on the other hand, had no such personnel issues, being the spare to the heir - so to speak. But he did deserve the support his party and parliament gave him. But it was not enough.
                 The Labour Party had after all introduced the electoral college comprising three constituents -  the  MPs,  the membership,  and the unions. The membership had voted for David Milliband, as had the MPs. It was the Union block vote that heralded Ed's success. It was the anti-democratic face of the trade unions that promoted Ed Milliband: and come any victory next May these unions will hold Ed to account.

THE ENTRAPMENT OF SOCIALISM, has fed itself into the psyche of our youth and has done so since the 1960s. From the age of 16 (1966) I was fascinated by the romance of revolution – which is why today I cannot be too hard on those young British Muslims who take themselves off to the Middle East to become jihadists under the adoption of IS.
                To me capitalism was cruelty personified (in my terms, personified by the dark satanic mills of the 19th century). I joined the Labour Party, but it was not radical enough; I then joined the Communist Party of Great Britain – once again not radical enough; in fact socially it was more conservative than the Conservatives.
                In the end I found myself attracted to the Socialist Workers Party, but I never joined. But throughout all of this up until the last election, I voted Labour- but never again!
                Socialism can only boast of failure wherever it is applied.  Having done more harm than the little good the Labour Party achieved with the foundation of NHS; this minor jewel set within a gold plated band to be worn and handed down by generations of Labour politicians to remind the public that the NHS is only safe in their hands. The NHS is all that Labour has had to offer the country before and after Clause V was silenced by Tony Blair.
                Socialism took a firm grip upon naiveté; that most fundamental trait in human nature (especially among the young) which clouds the brain with idealism and make matters far worse than they were.

SOCIALIST IDEOLOGY has wrought much misery in its wake. Rather than tolerating the continued impact of human nature on society; our nature is still deemed to be reformable by socialists who failed in every attempt to reform it at great cost in human lives – yet the voodoo magic still persists and will no doubt continue until ever more victims are to be accounted for by history.
                Socialism is the curse upon human technological development. The trail of misery and failure accompanies its application wherever it is tested. Never was there a more seductive but cruel political ideology ever to come among us, than Socialism.
                 Humans are not born equal - it is true. But the opportunities must be equal. Equal opportunity to advance educationally from whatever background from which you emerge  should be the one and only equality – THE END.

[1] In this case the part of Dr Frankenstein was to be played by Karl Marx.

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