BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH is one of those awful representatives of luvviedom, who, because he is one of such who tread the boards and are eulogised by the critics; then elevated to blue ribboned celebrity status by the media; and as part of the tribe that believe themselves to have insights into the world of current affairs that the rest of us poor ungifted cannot possibly emulate. That gilded cage that the top echelons of the thespian fraternity live within, and twitter their profundities to the rest of us almost on a daily basis; is their sole remit to any pretence of reality. They live apart from the common heard, either in the Hollywood hills or in the more salubrious and trendy parts of London ignorant of the world outside that of their bubble-like existence.
They flit from country to country by means of a high-end celebrity class luxury private jet, or slumming it in business class with Virgin Atlantic; they are then taken by limousine to the five star luxury of the trendiest hotel in whatever city they wish to bless with their opinions on arrival: where they are surrounded by the world's media and where a simple sneeze can ignite controversy.
This is the shallow world in which Benedict Cumberbatch has taken up residence: the world of fandom; the world where a simple comment upon the weather can always bring them publicity. This culture of celebrity; this shallow culture orchestrated by the media but used by the likes of Cumberbatch to advance their views: views many of which are unrelated to their profession and where such views are no more worthy of respect than those of any other Englishmen whom the media ignore.
Celebrity culture is the bane of Western civilisation. We no longer listen to the well educated, who find the world a far more complex arena than the luvvies can ever hope to understand; if they did they would shut up and listen, which they rarely do; they stick limpet-like to the liberal vessel floating uncharted in the world of unreality.
Benedict Cumberbatch has used his celebrity status to opine against the way this country has reacted to the Syrian migration into Europe: we, the UK, he insists, have been proven parsimonious in the number of these 'refugees' we are prepared to take amounting to only 20,000 over the next five years, and only from the Syrian refugee camps in Jordan, and not from those pressing their case on Europe's Eastern borders.
IF WE HAD NOT signed up to the Schengen Agreement on open borders (which has added, so far, over five million to the UK population), then maybe we could have accepted a bigger quota of Syrians – but we cannot. Cumberbatch and his fellow blue ribboned thespians will never come into any contact with the problems provided by mass immigration.
Perhaps, his ultimate educational residence, (after volunteering to become a teacher at a Tibetan monastery in Darjeeling) was the University of Manchester to study drama; which in itself would, he believes, qualify him to pontificate as a good liberally minded actor, on all the problems of the day, once he became successful in his chosen profession – but this could only come about if the critics elevated him and his performances as an actor to almost God-like status: only then would his romantic banalities be listened to regarding immigration.
After his latest declamation Cumberbatch will no doubt be hoping for the reward that all good liberal thespians crave for before a knighthood or becoming a Dame - the title of a UNHCR Good Will Ambassador.
If we were to compete with Germany in the amount of Syrian migrants we take in, the NHS would fall apart at a far more catastrophic rate than is currently the case: we now need to build hundreds of more schools just to cater for those extra hundreds of thousands of children that have arrived because of our support for European open borders: our teachers are leaving the profession in record numbers fleeing from ill-disciplined classrooms where dozens of different languages have to be catered for: while a million new homes are now needed to cope with the increase of population.
Social tensions are becoming ever more apparent (hate crimes have increased), and not only between the indigenous people and the rest. Many second and third generations of Afro-Caribbean's, Muslims and Indians also take exception to the open border influx from the continent. Indeed, the arrivals from Portugal, Romania and Albania, and every other member state of the EU that are entitled to live and work in the UK have united those migrants from our one time colonies; thus temporarily plastering over their own cultural grievances with each other which are never referred to by our media because of their very own racist connotations – because immigration and racism to our multiculturalist, is a black and white issue void of any shades of grey.
Now Benedict Cumberbatch wishes us to pour more oil on the fire by inviting hundreds of thousands of Syrian migrants to help contribute to the funeral pyre of our indigenous culture: a culture, part of which embraces the NHS and cradle to grave welfare. Neither of which will survive an assault that expands our population at an exorbitant rate in such a short time.
The liberals like to blame the difficulties within the NHS on old farts like me, because we are living longer – no mention of the impact of five million migrants, which Cumberbatch wishes to add to, being blamed on the decline of the NHS. As far as the NHS is concerned; if I could wave a magic wand and return those Europeans who entered through open borders back to their various nations; then the 'living longer' blame-game loses its credulity (if, that is, it had any in the first place).
LUVVIES, ALL LUVVIES, should do what they know best – perform: and at least go on a fat free diet as far as their emoting is concerned. I recommend that they zip their mouths, and before they open them again, study all the angles of a given pet venture into an area they know little of; and do not think the situation through before lending it their support. It appears to me that our celebrities, because their views are being taken so seriously by our celebrity culture, are pontificating emotionally (the natural impulse of all liberally inclined actors).
Benedict Cumberbatch is a good hearted thespian liberal who joins the pantheon of such. Once upon a time those such as Cumberbatch would have impressed their hand in a rectangle of newly laid concrete in Hollywood – the Hollywood equivalent of a knighthood. Now neither this or his talent, and the knighthood it is surely guaranteed him; should entitle him to pontificate upon global affairs that he has no more right, or even a workable knowledge of, to give his verdict upon. We of course also do the very same thing when we offer our opinions.
But Cumberbatch's opinions like those of, for instance, Vanessa Redgrave and many, many other of their melodramatic liberal and pseudo-revolutionary kind, who hold little claim to popular opinion which they both despise anyway, because, when it comes to our indigenous culture, popular opinion to them means racism and nationalism, which between them amounts to Fascism. It means everything the liberal mind working in politics stands against.
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