A CONFIDENTIAL classified document leaked to Die Welt and taken up by the Gatestone Institute makes interesting and unnerving reading for the people of Germany. The document reports that by the end 2015, Germany will have received 1.5 million asylum seekers[1], with 950,000 arriving within the last quarter. Now, once Germany welcomes these people as Angela Merkle has done; their relatives will seek to join their kin on German soil: according to the document this could swell the numbers to more than 7 million - on top of which, the German authorities have estimated that 290,000 migrants have entered Germany without being registered.
But the most disturbing content of this report revolves around the levels of crime attendant upon the arrival of such numbers where crime, particularly among the youth has gone ignored by the German police fearful of promoting a backlash from the indigenous citizens of Germany. The report says; 'The behaviour of these highly delinquent youths towards police officers can be characterized as aggressive, disrespectful and condescending. ... When they are arrested, they resist and assault [police officers]. The youths have no respect for state institutions.'
This attitude of appeasement by the German authorities fearing a backlash reminds me of what happened in Rochdale, Oxford, Rotherham and other cities in the UK; where gangs of Asians were effectively given licence by the local authorities (who turned a blind eye) to the kidnapping from the streets, of young girls (usually from state 'care') who were taken to some hell-hole and gang raped. It was tolerated in our country because of fears of upsetting the Muslim population who British government after British government had and still has, at every opportunity sought only to appease, out of fear of being accused of racism by the 2.5 million Muslims that we call British.
In the case of Germany, the same kind of fear among the authorities operates. In Berlin a classified police report revealed that; '…a dozen Arab clan's hold reign over the city's criminal underworld. The report says the clans, which are dedicated to dealing drugs, robbing banks and burglarizing department stores, run a "parallel justice system" in which they resolve disputes among themselves with mediators from other crime families. If the state gets involved, the clans use cash payments or threats of violence to influence witnesses.'
In Duisburg according to the President of the German Police Union: 'In Berlin or in the north of Duisburg there are neighbourhoods where colleagues hardly dare to stop a car[2] — because they know that they'll be surrounded by 40 or 50 men. These attacks amount to a deliberate challenge to the authority of the state — attacks in which the perpetrators are expressing their contempt for our society.'
So this is the truth of mass migration. Liberal politicians and simple minded Bishops of the rapidly disintegrating Anglican Church shout, 'Come one, come all!', without even intellectualising the consequences for our society of such an invitation - dear God; how I hate heart driven idealism with little or no appeal to the brain.
ANGELA MERKLE has, by her dangerously misguided invitation to the mass influx of Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanistan's, and even Pakistanis into Germany; will, in the coming years prove socially hazardous for the Indigenous German people. Merkle will not be treated kindly by history for what she has unleashed upon her country and its indigenous culture; which she has now put under threat by her starry-eyed welcome to possibly 7 million Muslims, in addition to the 1.5 million already in residence within Europe.
Those she has welcomed on her peoples behalf will never return to Syria; and the same goes for all other migrants from Muslim countries that have now forced their way into Germany from Eastern Europe at Angela Merkle's invitation to take refuge: it will count for little when peace is restored to the region from which they came and they will no longer wish to return. By which time Germany will have on its hands, as second generation of Syrians born in Germany, with the right to leap-frog EU border after EU border, because of Schengen.
The EU was meant to bring our nations together into a single superstate; an ambition that was done to bring an end to European conflict that had plagued European history – but once more idealism was preferred to reason (let alone reality). Now we have the free movement of peoples, and very little harmony; as the growth of the Right suggests. If this wretched free movement had not taken place, then the debate about Syrian migrants would have taken a far smoother course and resistance would have been less, and sympathy for the migrants at least stomached, if not wholly tolerated.
Age old boundaries have been done away with, with nothing more than a vision of childlike romanticism to replace them; resulting in misfortune after misfortune resulting in the chaos surrounding the single currency; and now we have Herr Merkle's invitation to increase the Muslim population of Europe from 15 million by, according the leaked report, a further 7 million.
Which, given that the indigenous birth rates are falling in many European countries, and the propensity for large families exist among those Muslims that live in such countries; how long will it be before Western values are overtaken by Sharia Law? How long will it be before Owen Williams, the previous Archbishop of Canterbury's wish for sharia to be incorporated into English law comes about? Not very long once the demographics change.
What is happening in Germany, we in England cannot escape from unless and until we renounce the Schengen agreement which our spineless political supplicants to EU regulation are incapable of doing – so let the flood continue unabated until the same kind of conflict the EU was created to stamp out; re-emerges on the continent in a different form.
[1] The status asylum seeker only applies to those migrants who seek refuge from oppression in first safe country they enter; which in this current crisis are the island of Lesbos, as well as Italy, and Turkey. Once they leave these safe havens and proceed deeper into Europe targeting Germany as their final destination – they then lose the asylum tag and become migrants…economic migrants.
[2] What we in the UK would consider no-go areas.
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