Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Great and the Good as always, speak above the heads of the plebs

“NO-ONE SHOULD BE IN ANY DOUBT: prisoners are not getting the vote under this government”: thus spoke Dave.
But Lord Lester of Herne Hill; late of Trinity College, Harvard Law School, chair of the legal sub-committee of the Campaign Against Racial Discrimination (CARD); Council of the Institute of Race Relations, British Overseas Socialist Fellowship and the National Committee for Commonwealth Immigrants; founder of the Runnymede Trust; special advisor to Roy Jenkins at the Home Office; adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Law at University College Cork (Ireland); and appointed by prime minister Gordon Brown as an advisor on constitutional reform; and patron of the Family Planning Association -  begs to differ
The term the Great and the Good was designed for the likes of Lord Lester. He accused the prime minister of placating  “the right wing of the Conservative party”; when in point of fact Cameron, if he is placating anyone, it is the British people, who are overwhelmingly supportive of continuing the ban. But in any such case Lord Lester would have accused the prime minister of “popularism”; a favourite rebuke of the European elites whenever an elected politician has the majority support of the people who, after all, elected them.
If the people of this country, for very sound reasons, support the banning of  a prisoners “right” to vote; there is nothing the European Union, or Lord Lester’s curricula vitae   can do about it. In a democracy it is the will of the people that becomes the sole arbitrator of the kind of society in which they chose to belong.
Lord Lester believes that we will have to comply with European human rights law, and allow prisoners the right to vote. The self-importance of this man, following his life-long forays between dinner tables of the chattering classes in London and academia, is another characteristic of the Great and the Good.

LESTER, LIKE HIS Europhile brethren, find the whole business of having to obey the wishes of the electorate in circumstances unfavourable to their own wisdom on a particular issue, somewhat difficult and taxing. They regard democracy as the best system of government if the people see things their way; and on those issues that the people do not? Well then democracy is prone to being defective. Defective, that is, in the sense of being “popularist”.
            When  a citizen commits a crime he or she must have their freedom taken from them and with it all the functions normally associated with it. It is part of the penalty for stealing, burgling, raping, or murdering, or any other crime that carries a prison sentence.
Voting is the main function within a democracy. It is the right of every law-abiding citizen. Indeed it is a privilege; a privilege that cannot be expected for those who behave outside of the law. The laws are made by the people that are free, and who vote. Those that are not free; and only for the period that they are not; must not be given the vote.
            If such people care so much about their right to vote, then let them stay free of prison. After all; are not the prison reformers looking for ways by which they can keep people out of prison? So such a constituency lead by Lord Lester should welcome this latest demonstration of opposition to European legislation.
            Prison is meant to be a punishment, which involves sacrificing many of the options enjoyed on the outside. This must surely include voting. After all, parts or whole of our prison population enjoy flat screened television plugged into Sky Sport, where they can watch Premiership football; something which millions of ordinary law-abiding citizens are not in a financial position to enjoy.

LORD LESTER WAS recently told;“ that in Beijing two weeks ago a British delegation was there to discuss the rule of law and some of the senior Chinese officials said ‘oh then will you please tell us why Britain is flouting the judgement of the Strasbourg court’. If that has reached Beijing then it stains our fine international reputation of the rule of law.”
            If I were part of the delegation, my first response would be this. Why does China torture and imprison hundreds of thousands of dissidents? Why does China not allow its people the sovereignty of the vote in a democratic election with multiparty participation? Why does China railroad and trample the homes of hundreds of thousands of peasants when they embark upon infrastructure development?
            This is the kind of riposte any Western democratic nation should make. But not our noble Lord, he just takes it at face value. He does so because he, like the Chinese hierarchy, are like minded when it comes to the distrust of the people…which in democratic terms means “popularism”.
            As Lord Lester should know, the Chinese are in no position to muddy our democratic waters. China is a curious example to use to better any kind of democratic argument. Yet Lord Lester uses it to bolster his; which cites only desperation. This may be because our noble Lord seeks, as a lawyer, not to better a democratic argument but a legal one.
            That Britain is “flouting the judgement of the Strasbourg Court”, as our tenant of the red benches insists, is neither here or there. It is the flouting of the people’s will that overrides our eminent, yet Europhile lawyers opinion.

THE GREAT AND THE GOOD are recruited by politicians ( not elected by the people) to oversee any of the government’s troubled areas. These new political constructs  were given the title quangos…comprising unelected members of the Great and the Good.
This Quangocracy as it has become known, which, as part of the Great and the Good, Lord Lester belongs, is fast becoming, like the European Commissioners; unrepresentative of any popular franchise  to control their behaviour. Yet having the power to override the popular will if it transgresses.
The popular vote and nothing more should govern the governance of a country. It should not be transgressed by political expediency.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Jewish people care for patriotism and nationhood

War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” - John Stuart Mill
THE ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER  Benjamin Netanyahu has retaliated against Hamas in the Gaza Strip after days of witnessing missiles raining down on his people. He has stepped up his response, and there is now speculation that he may use ground forces to entre Gaza.
            The Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi has condemned Israel’s retaliation, and the longer Israel’s latest involvement in Gaza continues; then you can bet that the European Union will melt back into jelly (after acknowledging Israel’s right to defend itself) by echoing Morsi’s criticism.
             This latest challenge to Israel’s right to exist was replied to with the assassination of Hamas’s military chief Ahmed Jabari. After which Israel has since launched dozens of air strikes; this in turn has brought appeals from the West to Israel to “do their utmost to reduce tension”.[i] But at least William Hague did blame Hamas for the latest crises, which is the usual practice for Western leaders, until things hot up, and we see civilian casualties; then the temper becomes less supportive.
            Everybody knows that Hamas use their own people as shields for their activities; and knowing that Western politicians will shit themselves when the world’s media show dead civilians being dragged from bombed buildings.
Hamas stores her munitions in civilian areas (including houses); they even have children accompanying their missile units in the hope of turning away Israeli pilots: knowing that if these children are killed, their young bodies will be carried through the streets for the Western media to pounce upon and give the ‘moral high ground’ back to the anti-Zionist Western liberalista, who will then protest and march once more on behalf of the poor downtrodden Palestinian.
This circus that is once again unfolding, and which, during and after every performance, Israel is seen as the music hall villain, must cease. The Palestinian cause has become the holy grail of the liberal-left. As with all causes adopted by the Left, the Palestinian one will end in as much unhappiness and disillusionment for them as did their dreams of socialism.

THE UNITED NATIONS, being the UN, came forward with an opinion only after Israel responded to the missile onslaught on her people. Ban Ki-moon, the UN General Secretary, used his press office to deliver the following message after talking to Israel’s prime minister; “(Ban)expressed his concern (to Netanyahu) about the deteriorating situation in southern Israel and the Gaza Strip, which includes an alarming escalation of indiscriminate rocket fire from Gaza into Israel and the targeted killing by Israel of a Hamas military operative in Gaza," .
Then he  expressed the hope that; "Israeli reactions are measured so as not to provoke a new cycle of bloodshed." So, once more, Israel is expected to shoulder the blame for a conflict it never started. I say this because if events go the way of previous conflicts between Hamas and Israel; then before this one is over, it will leave Israel as the bad guy…a scenario which of course the Palestinians have cottoned on to through their use of the West’s media which they rightly observe to be manned by the very useful liberal idiots who are prepared to believe every press release that they, Hamas, conjures up.
Prime Minister Netanyahu is disliked as much by the current incumbent of the White House, as he is by the Muslim world. He is disliked because he insists upon the state of Israel’s right to exist. Whereas the Palestinians (and I include the leadership of the West Bank) see no place for a Jewish state and will therefore resist its continuance through armed conflict.
Netanyahu is no Right-wing extremist; although such a moniker fits neatly into the left-liberal political demonology of those it sees as its enemies. All he wants and insists upon is the right of the people of Israel to live in peace, and for the state itself to be left alone to continue to flourish; and flourish it has. It has turned deserts into fertile and productive fields. Something the Palestinians never managed.
It is believed that Netanyahu is an admirer of Winston Churchill; and why do you suppose this to be the case? It is because Churchill defended these isles against Nazism, in the same way that Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to defend Israel from not only the Palestinians; but  after the Arab Spring, the whole Arab world. Since the Arab Spring Israel has been put under even greater threat; and if the Israeli prime minister is seen as an extremist; then so must Churchill himself have to be so considered; after his country’s declaration of war on Germany.

THE WEST MUST DECIDE for itself whether they support Israel or not. If they do then they must commit themselves wholeheartedly to Israel’s existence. If they feel themselves unable to do so, then they must live with the consequences of a world without a Jewish state. For having helped destroy such a state, then the Islamic world will turn their attention to the West itself; which has allowed millions of Muslims to live among them; hundreds of thousands of whom can be quickly turned and present the West with a formable fifth column.
            Israel must do whatever her leaders see fit. We are entering the final episode of Israel’s adventure. It will be the final confrontation between the Jewish state and the Arab world. A world that has changed from being diplomatically pliable… even after two attempts by the Arab world to secure the demise of Israel.
            Today, Israel is confronted by Arab nations that have seen their old leadership overthrown. But only to be replaced by, in Egypt’s case the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is an arm. While Syria, in the throes of a civil war, may seek to involve Israel in a conflict on the Golan Heights in order to find support in the Arab world; it just represents another cause for concern for Israel.

ISRAEL IS AT THE epicentre of the political earthquake known as the Arab Spring. While Western liberal enthusiasts of the Arab Spring sought a democratic outcome that encompassed the overthrow of Arab dictators; their accommodation with Israel, meant peace and less blood-letting.
            I feel the West will come to regret their support for the Arab Spring, when the Arab world finally united under Islamism, turns its attention to Israel. Even today the Foreign Secretary, William Hague  is about to recognise the Syrian opposition and as a consequence allowing it to be armed.
            Our politicians are once more about to mess-up big time. They should look at the big picture and see the perilous state that their support for Arab Spring will leave Israel in. The actions of Western politicians today will reap a bitter harvest tomorrow for Israel.


[i] William Hague