Tuesday, July 5, 2011


BIMBO AYELABOLA, THE NIGERIAN MOTHER who applied for a six-month visitor’s visa after discovering she was pregnant in order to avail herself of the NHS, has been discovered issuing Avon catalogues and selling their full range of beauty products.
            Of course, this is illegal under her visa conditions. But as her visa expired last month, Ms Ayelabola probably thought the restriction no longer applied; besides which she is fighting her extradition, and hopes to eventually become a further addition to the Multicultural soup, which we are told we must embrace in all its dystopian grandeur.
            It is reported that Ms Ayelabola has already cost the taxpayer some £200,000 since her arrival in our midst. Her five children were born prematurely, and it is being suggested that their numbers are due to Ms Ayelabola’s  over fondness for the fertility drug Clomid, which she took in double dose for eight time longer than recommended.
            I can well imagine the dilemma felt by the numerous agencies she has come in contact with since turning up like a bad penny on our shores. For there is no doubt that, from whatever department of state or branch of the social and health services Ms Ayelabola has had cause to visit during her stay; those ‘professionals’ that dealt with her case were sensitive to her needs having been on various awareness courses. This of course also meant that in their dealings with Ms Ayelabola, these professionals were aware of her colour and what this could mean to their careers if  in any way it were ‘mismanaged’.
            This lady should by now be on her way back to Nigeria. But as we all know, it is not that simple. First of all, she has taken advantage of her right  to apply to live here. If this is turned down she will no doubt appeal; and if this is turned down, the European Court of Human Rights will become involved. For there are many lawyers out there who sail under the flag of ‘human rights’, who will no doubt be only to pleased to stretch out Ms Ayelabola’s length of stay.

THE AYELABOLA CASE IS  a mere tip of an iceberg that goes under the name of ‘health tourism’; except that, Ms Ayelabola does not wish to remain a ‘tourist’, but prefers to become a citizen . Our creaking public services, including the NHS, have had to come to terms with ever larger increases in immigration into this country putting ever greater demands on the public purse for the inevitable expansion of public services.
            Tony Blair, if you remember, signed up to the Schengen Agreement, which allowed the free passage of (among other East Europeans) the Poles, to come and live and work in the UK, as newly amalgamated citizens of the EU ‘family’. Blair, like the leaders of other European countries, was offered a two year adjustment period in order prepare for the inevitable influx; but Blair decided this country needed not such interregnum  and the arrivals began with Blair’s signature.
             Also, as a onetime colonial power, our politicians had felt it necessary to invite those citizens of our onetime empire to come and live among us out of a kind of liberal guilt. It is because of this invitation that this country no longer harbours the anchorage  of values that gave us an empire in the first place.          
            Instead of the solid values of the kind that had kept this island free and had seen off every challenge to its nationhood since 1066, we live today without such an anchorage. Our politicians are now hard at work trying to convince us that our future lies not within nationhood, but within a federation of territories or states under the umbrella of a European Union.
            On top of the waves of people that have amassed in this country from the onetime colonies, the Schengen Agreement on open boarders became the final nail in our coffin. Ms Ayelabola is here, living among us like thousands of others like her, because our leaders directed us toward the European Union whose romantic formulations gave us open boarders and a court of human rights that will ultimately have its say upon whether Ms Ayelabola has the right to live in this, our, country.
            We, like every other nation within Europe, have all been ill-served by their politicians. They have so ordered our lives that our votes at national level are a devalued currency and will soon be rendered meaningless by the sovereignty of the European Union (EU).
IN TEN OR TWENTY YEARS TIME this country will no longer be able to afford its public services. Our politicians will tell us that crippling debt in 2011 will prove to have been our nemesis following years of irresponsibility, despite attempts at unpopular deficit reduction. But by then our population will have surpassed 70 million, due in part, not only to the children of settled immigrants, but also due to the swelling of future numbers of newly arriving immigrants (legal and illegal) that the European Court of Human Rights have yet to have their say upon, but whose decision will be final
            Immigration and European romanticism will have effectively destroyed, firstly, this country’s system of public services, but also the nation state itself. I could elaborate on the latter but it belongs to another piece.
            By unnaturally inflating our population, and by allowing it to continue because of liberal endeavours regarding the influx of immigrants, the whole of our system of public services will be unable to cope with the influx and will be undermined by such undertakings; and it will not be enough to blame (as I am sure future politicians will try to do) the present deficit.

BIMBO AYELABOLA IS A SMALL fish in a great pond. She serves as a portrait of what is happening on a vast scale in this country. This Nigerian lady has found herself marooned on a friendly shore (although she may not see it as such). She has arrived knowing that she will prove hard to remove. This lady, like thousands of others, with a similar purpose, know all too well that once they land in the UK, the whole paraphernalia of a liberal conscience will be harnessed to their cause, and where such a conscience proves not enough under UK law, then they can turn to Europe.
            For Europe is the future regarding our laws. Our politicians have signed away our sovereign right to make and enforce our own laws. Our politicians (from all the main parties) have been willing accomplices in the neutralisation of effective governance of this country.
            Every attempt at new legislation within our parliament, is met with a referral to European law, as the final arbitrator over whether such laws will be permitted onto statute, and become the law of the land.
            Immigration has done more harm to our public services than the deficit will prove to have done. But we prefer to blame the bankers for our current situation. This scapegoating helps the politicians to get away with the greatest scandal of all – the uncontrolled influx of immigrants from whatever corner of the world that they have been allowed to accumulate from over decades.

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