Monday, July 18, 2011


LORD GLASMAN, DESCRIBED as being one of Ed Milliband’s top advisors has called for a freeze on all immigration. In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the noble Lord speaks of drawing a line and insisting that Britain is “not an outpost of the UN. We have to put the people in this country first”, implying that, as things stand at the moment, this is exactly what the UK has become – an outpost of the UN.
            Of course, the Labour Party was quick to distance itself from Lord Glasman’s comments, insisting that they were his own views and not representative of those of the Labour Party.
            Closing the stable door… is one aphorism that springs to mind. For was it not the noble Lord’s own party that deliberately, as a process of social engineering, set the immigration ball rolling? Having thrown the working class out with last week’s rubbish, the previous Labour government hoped to find their replacement within large scale immigration, calculating that they would be rewarded at the ballot box.
            They immediately stifled debate on this one subject close to the voters heart. Multiculturalism was to be the new orthodoxy after the death socialism. So if anyone challenged that orthodoxy they would be called racist - the modern counterpart of heretic.
            The last government did great damage to this country’s social fabric. They allowed more or less unhindered, hundreds of thousands of immigrants from outside the EU to enter our country. But then, they signed us up prematurely to the Schengen agreement that allowed a further explosion of migrants, mainly from eastern Europe, to seek employment by right within the UK. It was a decision that could have been delayed for three years and most other EU countries took advantage of the delay. But the then Labour government were in the middle of their great social experiment.
            When we signed the Schengen agreement, we were told that, government calculations estimated that no more than 13,000 people would take advantage of their right to come and work here; in the end, nearly half a million were to eventually take advantage of the agreement.

LORD GLASMAN HAS finally had his Damascene conversion, and is prepared to speak bluntly on this issue. Ed Milliband however, despite admitting earlier this year, to too many mistakes having been made by his party’s previous governance over immigration, he still felt the need to distance the Labour Party from his advisors comments. During Labour’s 13 years in power three million people were added to the population through immigration
            It is the sheer weight of immigrant numbers that has caused Lord Glasman to become so outspoken; he told the Telegraph: We've got to reinterrogate our relationship with the EU on the movement of labour.
            “The EU has gone from being a sort of pig farm subsidised bloc. to
the free movement of labour and capital.”
            I assume that by “reinterrogate” the EU on the issue of movement of labour, he means persuading a rethinking of the Schengen agreement; a development that would meet with enthusiasm, especially among the North European nations.
            Which brings me back to my half finished aphorism. For the damage has already been done; and been done by Lord Glasman’s party. To call now for a freeze on immigration and for the EU to revisit the Schengen agreement is too little too late. For, short of forcefully removing our unwanted immigrants; which is wholly impracticable as well as being Nazistic, there is now very little we can do.
            Freezing the influx is needed and should be put in hand at once, but even this measure still weighs heavily upon the liberal conscience, and is unlikely to happen. But even if such a measure proved practicable, it would not in any way compensate for the damage that has already been done.
IMMIGRATION WAS NEVER about race but numbers. To the last Labour government, their numbers mattered little. For they were needed, or so we are told, to do the low paid work our own people refused.
            If this argument were true; then there is indeed something wrong with our welfare state that keeps in idleness over two million people who must receive more in state handouts than those immigrants that are employed in the kind of jobs the unemployed turn up their noses at.
            Rather than tackle head on the numbers in receipt of state handouts, the previous government, for what they judged to be their own electoral advantage, brought in millions from abroad to do the work.
            Lord Glasman should now speak further on this subject. The horse may have bolted but he can still help change the perception and the conscience of the liberal mind from within all parties, that has helped weave this tapestry.
            That a freezing of future immigration still challenges the liberal conscience and is considered extreme, does not bode well for the future of our nation.

IT APPEARS THAT  we are governed by weak and supine politicians throughout Europe. But it is those who fit the description within my own country that I wish to concentrate upon.
            “Enoch Powell was right” - this is often heard in pubs and taxis throughout the land. It is a comment familiar to our politicians and is often mocked by them; and if anyone dare take such an observation seriously, then they have recourse to the various quangos of the race relations industry to turn to for redress – I will not mention justice in this context; for it would be ill-deserved.
            This one time MP for a part of Wolverhampton  went even further than our noble Lord in his hostility to immigration; and it was this accrued Powellite hostility that has kept our Tory politician’s mouths shut on the subject for over 40 years; and allowed their Labour opponents to make hay on this issue.
            Enoch Powell, if you listen to much of the liberal intelligentsia, was a racist. He was not of course; but to the colonial guilt ridden liberal establishment of his time, Enoch became the demon incarnate of racialism. It was from him that all prejudice and narrow-mindedness flowed into the tributaries of, first of all the National Front, and then the BNP.
            When Enoch Powell spoke, the working-class people that the Labour Party hierarchy came to despise, sat up and listened. In so doing they truly represented their British culture, that evolved into a single tongue that eventually carried the world before it.

IN CONTEMPORARY TERMS, Lord Glasman, through the nature of his current intervention on the subject of immigration, could be compared with the demon Enoch. I say this because Lord Glasman’s somewhat sensible and rational observations on immigration, could, in the contemporary age be considered racist – especially by his own party’s leadership - the same leadership, you remember, that admitted to past mistakes on immigration.
            I feel that immigration into this country has become unstoppable. It has been made so by, in the first instance, the pea-brained liberalism that sought to salve its conscience by allowing almost free access into this country of members from all the countries of empire that they felt guilty about this country occupying. This was the first influx of people who apparently despised colonialism, but still sought citizenship of the “mother country”.

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