A NEW BOOK by Newsweek
editor Edward Klein[1] tells of how the
Clintons and Obama's loath each other,
and how Michelle Obama seems to rule the roost in the White House; and suggesting
that the president defers more to his wife than he does his advisor's: and while
'enjoying' a round of golf with the president, Bill Clinton sought the
president's support for his wife's presidential candidacy before he leaves
office - but he was acknowledge only by the
suggestion from Obama, that his own wife would also make a great president.
we know from the Clinton presidency, Hillary's influence then was no less
interfering than is Michelle Obama's today. Unelected presidential wives have
not part to play in the running of government; it is a contempt of the
democratic process that such a say should be allowed by the wives of presidents:
and it is only weak presidents that succumb.
It is not only American presidents. Previous
and present UK prime minister's wives, and a deputy prime minister's wife, are
also pussy-whipping their husbands. Cherie Blair's influence on her husband was
always guessed at; but the guesses seemed accurate. Cherie is a strong willed
feminist who chose the legal profession over politics, no doubt believing she could
wield more influence on politics by instructing her husband as prime minister,
than she could ever have done sitting on the back benches as an MP, while
enjoying the wealth of a successful barrister[2].
Cameron who visited various refugee camps that the Syrian conflict had created.
She told her husband David of the suffering she bore witness to; and told him
that something had to be done about the Syrian president Assad. David decided
to enter the Syrian conflict on behalf of Assad's opponents; hoping to
replicate his earlier Libyan adventure.
the House of Commons vote turned against him.
After what had happened in Iraq, parliament refused to oblige the prime
minister and his wife Samantha. It was Samantha who sought to pussy-whip David,
which she was successful in doing.
THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER'S pussy-whipper, one Miriam
González Durántez , now known as Miriam
Clegg, and overseeing another pussy-whipped and politically correct political
husband. She is, like Cherie Blair, yet another lawyer probably far more
intelligent than her husband; and like Cherie Blair, another Roman Catholic
whose influence on Nick Clegg, will be equal to that of Blair and Cameron.
I could never imagine the wives of
the following prime ministers having such an influence on the way the country
was governed. Churchill, Atlee, Eden,
Macmillan, Douglas-Home, Wilson, Callaghan, Thatcher[3].
It was under Tony Blair that wives began to interfere in the governance
of the country, and it has continued since. Prime Minister's wives should keep
their noses out parliamentary business; and their husbands should tell them so:
and the same would apply to husbands of a female prime minister.
All that such interference by wives
of political leaders show, is the weakness of their husbands among the public,
and not only among the men.
Edward Klein tells a convincing story when it comes to Michelle
Obama's influence on her husband. She is the stronger of the two, but is
unelected and has no role to play other than attending photo-ops with her
husband. Barak Obama has shown from his behaviour over Syria with his talk of
lines drawn in the sand, as well as over Iraq; that he is, as Hillary,
according to Klien, insists, Obama "…can't be bothered and there is no
hand on the fucking tiller half the time," later following this was up by "You can't trust the mother
Hillary had imbibed to excess in the grape at the time. But it is often the
case that what we really think rises to the surface during inebriation. Klien's
view rings true to me; and following this, the Clinton's opinions also ring
true. Obama was the white liberal's great black hope. The first black American
president - hallelujah!
just as Michelle Obama is (to put it mildly) overseeing her husband's control
of the levers of power; then so did Hillary when Slick Willie governed the
nation. In all cases, including on the Republican side when Nancy Reagan sought
to protect her husband from a hostile liberal press and media.
IT IS ONLY on the Left where wives of prime
ministers and presidents see themselves as part of the electoral process by becoming
relevant, not through democracy, but through marriage. This must stop. It is
damaging and can lead to the wrong decisions being taken by their pussy-
whipped husbands.
wives of presidents and prime ministers fancy themselves controlling the levers
of power; then let them do what Hillary Clinton is a about too do - run for
office. Let the people give them their right to exercise power…not marriage.
Until the wives of leaders are given a democratic mandate; the husbands should
tell them to stay clear.
[1] Blood Feud
[2] My
brother believes that Cherie Blair was the persuasive force behind her husband
allowing the premature invasion of Poles into the UK, because like herself, they
would be of the Catholic faith; and no doubt, like Charles the First; Tony's
wife hectored him into reinvigorating the grip of Papal dominance that once
ruled these isles.
Dennis preferred golf to politicking; and even if had taste for it; he would
have been quickly put in his place. For dear old Dennis was also pussy-whipped.
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