Monday, June 30, 2014

From small acorns grow mighty oaks

HOW MANY TIMES have we heard the excuse, "they only represent a small minority of the UK Muslim population," when politicians and the media seek to excuse some or other support for some Islamist act of terror, by various imams or young Muslim firebrands?
            I well remember watching Channel Four News in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 massacre. A report (and considering Channel Four News' liberal bias, I was surprised it was aired) showing Palestinians celebrating the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and watching John Snow trying to appease such behaviour along the lines of  "a small minority" of angry young Palestinians. They too presumably represented a Muslim minority of Palestinian opinion in the West Bank.
           This minority argument has to be challenged. First of all, a minority they may be. But the majority of UK Muslims they live among represents a forest in which to hide. Think of the Muslim youths who have taken themselves off to Syria and Iraq to bring about a Caliphate. Estimated at between four to five hundred, these emissaries of hate have become hardened fighters, trained in the harsh realities of war, that the average indigenous white civilian in this country cannot comprehend let alone stand up to.
            Sooner or later they will return to this country; but not before hundreds of others join them in the struggle to create a caliphate encompassing Iraq and Syria, built upon the brutal psychopathic protocols of the ISIS operatives as they advanced through northern Iraq. When or if they come home they will meet with little or no resistance at our boarders, for their passports have branded them British citizens, and our security services admit that the problem is beyond their ability to cope, especially as there are hundreds of thousands of so-called "illegals" living among us that the boarder agency has not been able to screen.
            So they will, upon their return, hide in the dense regional forests of Muslim communities that flourish north of Reading and in parts of London. To warn of the dangers of this kind of demographic will be seen by the liberalista as Powelite in its insinuations toward the wider Muslim community - and will be regarded as racist.
            We have allowed a population of over two million Muslims to live among us, and if we add this to those living in Europe then there are 15 million Muslims living on our continent - the forest to hide in grows ever larger for the "minority Islamists" to hide in.

BUT WHAT happens when the demographic continuum reaches a stage when Muslim communities hold, numerically, decisive political power in various parts of our cities and towns? What happens when they have what a constituent of Enoch Powell described as the "upper hand" in such areas? In a democracy, with numbers comes power when it is time to vote; and politicians will make more and more compromises with our indigenous culture to the advantage of Islam in order to cling on to power.
            There are two ways that sharia law can be incorporated into English law. First of all by Muslim voters demanding it in constituency areas they control. In such areas candidates of the three main parties will be, by then,  Muslim; and they will have to promise that Islamic law will be accommodated in English law, as the Last Archbishop Of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, was prepared to see happen - thus it begins.
            The larger the ( European)Muslim population's become, then the more powerful they will feel, then the more radical they will become; and as the forests grow and expand ever deeper, a European caliphate will no longer remain the pipe- dream of a few thousand young radical Islamists. As its reality becomes realisable to the whole Muslim community, then the talk of  'unrepresentative minorities' spewing forth from the mouths of liberals, will be seen by those they once called racist, as the great 'I Told You So' moment of all time. But it will have come too late.
            Will Powell's infamous 'Tiber foaming with blood' analogy turn out to be prophetic after all? The Tiber has, after all, long since been crossed in our case - crossed not by Caesar's legions, but the legions of mass migration, speaking a hundred different tongues, and representing a hundred different cultures. All of which are cantoned into different areas of the country living separate lives in the name of cultural diversity - the poisoned chalice of multiculturalism.
             Someone once said that 'we live in interesting times.' It is doubly true today. The world has never seemed more unstable and volatile than it is today; not since the years leading up to the Second World War has the world been experiencing such a flux. Islam is on the march, uncertainty reigns in the Ukraine; and the European continent is hell bent on becoming a super-state to compete with the Anglo sphere. In all these three areas instability, war, and social unrest threatens.
              Thankfully, I will probably not live long enough to see this turmoil unfold. It is a poisonous brew concocted out of idealism and its co-associate naivety; as well as the vanity of politicians like Tony Blair. But there are also those who added their own ingredients to the stew; I refer to the continental liberalista who opened European doors, including our own to swaths of people from Pakistan, India, Somalia, Nigeria, Algeria, Mozambique, Angola, Iran; and from Europe, Poland, Romania, Portugal; as well as 26 other European nations who have open access to our borders - the continent of Europe has become incendiary.
              The manifold problems the West has brought upon itself; from the rise of Islam, and mass migration, to the structure of a future federal Europe; will make conditions especially in the UK, but also in the rest of Europe, unpalatable for each of their indigenous peoples - it is not the end of history, but the end of the European West.


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