Friday, November 28, 2014

Now we must add Somalia to Pakistan in the great child rape scandal

WE MUST NOW make an addition to the roll-call of debasement that many of our nation's finest cities have joined. Bristol has now joined Rochdale, Rotherham, Derby, and Oxford, in the pantheon of ignominy that these cities have been brought to by multiculturalism's cultural diversity. We now have the conviction of 14 members of the Somalian community who ran an inner city sex ring involving British girls as young as 13; who were abused and raped and, according to the Daily Mail, "Some were persuaded to have sex with their 'boyfriend's' friends as it was Somali 'culture and tradition' and 'men always have sex with each other's girlfriends'".

            Whatever their sentence the same liberal behemoth that inveigles itself upon every aspect of our culture, and allowed these awful events to be facilitated through multiculturalism; will now treat these wretches as victims, who will, whatever the sentence, be released having served a fragment of their pitiful punishment. When released they should of course, if justice means anything to their victims, be deported as part of the sentence to the country from which they came. But this would fall foul of European human rights law and would send human rights lobbyists like Liberty into a real old paddy.
            As for the victims. Well, they came from what the Daily Mail calls "good families". One can only conclude from this that the girls who were raped and abused were not drawn into the so-called "care system" as were those in the Rochdale case, along with the other cities whose authorities allowed such practices to go ignored because of upsetting multicultural sensitivities within their ethnic communities…where they no doubt feared the kind of reaction we have seen in Ferguson surrounding Michael Brown's killing over past 48 hours

WHEN OUR liberals (here I mean the so-called baby boomers -  of which I am one) gave themselves up to multiculturalism in the late 1950s 1960s, like so many an inadequate drawn to a religious cult; they did so because they had a guilt complex about British colonialism; and so they took the ideology of multiculturalism at face value. Instead of what they believed to be the persecuting of what was once known as the Third World; liberals wanted to assuage their colonial guilt by helping our one time colonies; and they replaced what they saw as colonial oppression with liberal patronage; of which multiculturalism is the ultimate ideological expression.
            How many liberals in the early days or even today, would have truly understood the cultures that were now, and then, being unleashed into a white Western country with a 2,000 year history of fashioning our own indigenous culture to meet the needs of our own people? Only to now see other cultures being allowed to impregnate their own cultures within our own in the name of diversity?
            Did those liberals understand that, under the title multiculturalism, other cultures would continue to be allowed to practice their own culture, including genital mutilation, arranged marriages, honour killings, homophobia, misogyny and sexism generally, child exorcism, and racism of the kind used by the Islamic community when treating young white women as mere vassals for their lust.

WHY ARE NOT OUR feminists angered by the events in the above named towns and cities? These feminists seem to have mutilated their own tongues in the same way that their "sisters" have had their genitals mutilated.
            I can tell you why. It is because they are PC multiculturalists. They have bought into the liberal paradigm of multiculturalism and will only take to the streets in protest if, for instance, a Canadian police commander suggest that women who wear what he considers sexually provocative clothing deserves, according to the feminist lobby, to be raped.
            When however, women of the ethnic communities suffer a far greater torment at the hands of multiculturalism such as genital mutilation, slavery and sexual abuse from within a particular ethnic centre of the population; our UK feminists remain silent; and the placards remain blank and unpainted: until, that is, what they perceive to be a white indigenous male misogynist, either speaks out openly, or falls foul of the feminist agenda. Only then will the sisters take to the street en-mass.
             Multiculturalism began on my generation's watch. I am a baby boomer, and have seen the rise of the liberal hegemony - a fantasy I indulged in, in my youth through colonial guilt as disciple of the Left. I am now 64 and immune to such idiocy.
             This, the latest political ism, serves no better purpose than those that have historically anticipated its creation, such as colonialism, fascism or communism. Multiculturalism is just another occupant of the ideological market place like fascism, communism, and now, a European Federalism. It seeks to smother the country in a web of alien cultures and expect the indigenous culture to comply freely on pain of being regarded as racists by the governing class if they protest.
             The advance of multiculturalism has been constructed upon the charge of bigotry and racism if anyone took exception to its progress. The indigenous population has been cowered by such an indictment by the liberal hegemony. It should no longer remain the case. Bigotry and racism are concrete terms. But they have been abused and have been deliberately understated by liberals who take easy exception to any remark they deem unfit to conform too, or ill-conforms to their own prejudices.

THE UNFETTERED ABUSE of children in towns and cities like Rochdale, Rotherham, Derby and Oxford, were a bi-product of multiculturalism. Children suffered needlessly because of an ideology; the ideology of diversity; the ideology of multiculturalism; a liberal concept that brought about silence through fear; and allowed children to be abused in its name.
            But the liberal classes, that through the decades, conjured up this creation and imposed it on the white indigenous people, will go unpunished, not unlike the ideologues of earlier dystopian visions such as Marxists, socialists, and fascists. Like the poor, sadly these ideologies (now including multiculturalism) will always be with us.



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