Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lord Bates pulls the plug on immigration

HOME OFFICE MINISTER Lord Bates is set to become the Left's villain of the week following Jeremy Clarkson last week, and Nigel Farage every week before Clarkson. The noble Lord has the temerity to point out that official figures show that one in four births in the UK were born to none UK citizens. Quoted in the Daily Express Lord Bates said: "In the year ending December 2011 an estimated 7.8 million people were born outside the UK and living in Britain, while 4.9 million were non-UK citizens.
"For the calendar year of 2013, births in the UK to non UK-born mothers accounted for 25 per cent of all live births. That is why we need to reduce immigration."
                Naturally Nick Clegg and Ed Milliband have waded in to criticise Lord Bates for stating the bleeding obvious; which did not need statistics to confirm  a-priori what the white indigenous British public already knew. Milliband and Clegg would have preferred these stats to have been kept under lock and key; at least until after this May's general election. But thankfully Lord Bates was concerned enough about the implications of such statistics on the white indigenous population to release them long before.
                Fifty-five per cent of the UK's population increase over the past decade was caused through immigration; and it will continue to do so as part of the miserable legacy of the previous Labour government who deliberately opened up the country to what Margaret Thatcher once referred to as a country 'being swamped' by immigrants; but she was not prepared for what both Blair and the EU intended.
                By signing up to the free movement of peoples within Europe; the last Labour government opened the floodgates to mass immigration from within and from without Europe; and the Cameron government has done little to turn the tide, despite failed promises of reducing net immigration to the tens of thousands before this May's general election.
                We are nearing the tipping point regarding immigration: if it continues, with ever more  immigration, multiplied even further by ever greater birth-rates, then the ordinary and abandoned white indigenous people with their island's 2,000 year history behind them, will be brought to a slow end and replaced; but by what? A mishmash of different cultures fighting among themselves over the pickings of what will be left of the Britain that the white indigenous people created over centuries.
LORD BATES cannot possibly claim ignorance of what he has now announced. My guess is, up until the rise of Ukip, he preferred the safety of silence; as many others have before him (the racist fear effecting any response). Why the liberal establishment hate Ukip and loathes its leader so much, is because he was not afraid to articulate a large rump of white indigenous political opinion regarding the twin evils of the EU and multiculturalism. In doing so he has allowed a debate on immigration that would never have been tolerated by the liberalista that represents our establishment.
                Ukip, and in particular, Nigel Farage, have brought the other parties to heel when it comes to immigration. He was first described as a swivelling-eyed loony by various members of the three main parties who sniffley dismissed him. But Farage fought back. He is very intelligent and articulate; and he expressed many of the indigenous population's fears  about both the EU and immigration, that made millions of them unafraid to vote for his party. After last year's local and European elections; no longer do the other parties put two fingers up to this interloper upon the cloned three party system which the English public, are today being faced with.
                They no longer dismiss his party as racist but now take both Farage and his party seriously. Cameron would not have even offered any kind of referendum on Europe had it not been for Farage, who stole away many Tory voters that Cameron had dismissed as elderly and out of touch with the modern world that he and his modern Conservative Party now reigned over – until, that is, last May's European elections; after which Cameron had second thoughts.
THE FRIGHTENING official statistics regarding birth rates among the foreign gatecrasher's legally allowed entry, and those of the indigenous population, is unnerving. It is unnerving because there is no political party among the pro European triumphret who has the vision to see how the resultant catastrophe will unfold.
                The white indigenous population will, over time, if the trend Lord Bates describes continues; as it will of course continue to do so, because of the unwillingness of  the liberal hegemony to act to prevent it.  The white indigenous population will over decades become a minority within what was once their own nation.
                The genie was let out of the bottle by Blair's stupidity in the first place; but also accompanied by a Blair clone who was elected to the leadership of the 'Conservative' party - David Cameron.
                Cameron, like Blair before him, seems to care little about what is good for the nation's indigenous white population. All they care about is their own place in history and winning as many elections as they can, and to provide ever more column inches praising their efforts.
                Blair allowed into the country millions of east Europeans in order to represent a new foundation of future Labour voters to replace the white indigenous working class that was lost to the party by Margaret Thatcher, who released the union grip on all forms of ancient technology – especially in the printing industry. But also in many other industries such as coal and vehicle manufacturing where union power resided and tormented weak politicians that headed both the Tory and Labour parties; and almost turned the nation into a third world country, had i not been for Margaret Thatcher.
                Blair, or is cronies, eventually sought  to replace the ever diminishing white British working class vote, due to technological innovation and the demise of heavy industry, by looking to Europe for a replacement; and he settled upon eastern Europe – particularly Poland – a nation that shares his wife's Catholic religion and will, through his efforts, will no doubt eventually replace the Anglican Church as the country's established church – but what the hell, Anglicanism is facing its own liberal extinction anyway.
                Lord Bates has served his nation well by his contribution to the immigration debate; but whether his own party will take heed of his contribution is another matter.


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