Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The racket that is multiculturalism

'While beautiful in theory, in practice multiculturalism had become a racket '  Trevor Phillips

TREVOR PHILLIPS, the former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (yes, another  Quango), has finally said what most of us none liberals already knew: that liberal Britain, the supposed acme of tolerance, free speech and progressive views; has in fact acted as censor-in-chief  to any opposition to mass immigration and multiculturalism by enlisting legislation to include hate crimes as a means of adding to our over populated prisons. On top of which, the casual references within the white indigenous population to nigger, sambo, paki, and the dozens of others, of what is now regarded as part of the racist lexicon; has been criminalised by the liberal ideology of multiculturalism.
                Bigotry would mean very little if a truly liberal progressive society was allowed it to flourish – at least free speech would have been protected and the Orwellian sounding hate crime would never have  been needed; as would the costly growth in prison cells needed to keep such views silent.
                There would, after all, be millions of anti-bigots to challenge the million or so bigots in a free society without reference to the criminal law to stop them expressing their opinions. The law should only intercede if a bigot went beyond a liberal society's cherished right to free expression, and tried to inflict physical harm on a member of any minority community: just as it would if a Jihadi set about beheading a British soldier in a part of London.
                 It is not bigotry that should be tolerated, but free speech. But under multiculturalism, where many dozens of different minority cultures are expected to live side by side (note, I do not use the term integrate, for this can never happen within multiculturalism, with its ethos of diversity) free speech has been strangled by multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is comparable to a cyclone silently gathering  its strength before finally imposing its destructive energy upon free speech; that salient feature of a liberal society.
                 Multiculturalism has been described as a 'beautiful theory' by Trevor Phillips. If he truly understands it; then it was never beautiful in any empirical or metaphysical meaning of the word. There is a saying that birds of a feather flock together. But as far as the white indigenous population are concerned this saying would be considered racist under the aegis of multiculturalism. But as far as the dozens of other cultures that are allowed board and lodging, and eventually citizenship in the UK; they are perfectly entitled to keep themselves apart from each other without being considered racist by the liberal hegemony and its multicultural cure-all for human inter racial conflict.

TREVOR PHILLIPS, I feel, is now trying to save his own skin by his               great multicultural rethink. When did such a change of heart first take place after all? Can Mr Phillips honestly say that multiculturalism was doomed to failure when he first took up his role as the chairman of  the Equality and Human Rights Commission? He now says that multiculturalism was a 'beautiful theory'. A theory that he must have once must have supported – for no-one supports an ugly theory.
                Perhaps he was naive. I was naive in my youth when I became a Marxist; but now at 65 the past is a foreign country to me and I only look to what is left of my future. I try never to look back (only for reference). But I do not think that Trevor Phillips can blame the naivety of youth for his mistaken faith in multiculturalism - as was the case with my own youthful idealistic belief in Marxism.        
               Multiculturalism (the diversity of different cultures living apart) negates a multiethnic society whereby all foreign cultures obey the same rules and laws of the country they take up residency within and become citizens of; even if those laws outlaw some of their own ethnic practices.
               The multiculturalists will say that this approach represents bigotry (and a few years ago racism) . But it is not the case because multiculturalism promotes as its lynch-pin, diversity – while inclusiveness within the white indigenous culture of the UK is the multiethnic approach that would have staved off a troublesome multiculturalism; which liberals were seeking to bring about but failed because of their innate political correctness.

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