I WOULD HAVE loved to have been a fly on the wall of the
Oval Office when Bibi Netanyahu had finally been crowned the winner of the Israeli
general election. The hugging-loving, golf-addicted, narcissist president who now manages the affairs of the
United States, and, God help us all, the world as well; must have been cursing
the Gods when Bibi foiled his ambition to get rid of him via his interference
in Israel's election.
News, and the BBC, were (using the Israeli exit polls) insisting it was neck
and neck between the two candidates; and when Bibi Netanyahu appeared in front
of the cameras to declare himself victor 'somewhat prematurely' they thought; the
media must have thought he was attempting some kind coup. For such a
declaration went against what they were telling their viewers in the desperate
hope that the Left might still find a way of forming a coalition following the
tight result they were predicting.
As it
turned out Netanyahu, in terms of the Israeli system of proportional voting,
achieved against every expectation from Western liberals – a landslide. Even if
it only meant 30 seats: Likud can now govern comfortably with other
centre-right parties.
If you
believe the liberal spin; the moment when Netanyahu made a final appeal to his
voters on the eve of the poll, was the turning point. Why so? Well, because he
warned his Likud constituency, and the other right of centre constituencies,
that the Arab vote was being mustered to help keep a Likud coalition from
office. Harretz, the left-wing
Israeli equivalent to the Guardian, was also reporting the same
news independently of, and before Netanyahu's final appeal. But when Netanyahu
warned his own voters of the same news,
he was called a racist.
Arab-Israelis account for 20% of the population and could therefore have had a
significant impact on any Left of centre coalition if the Left had won the 30
seats the Likud Party achieved. Bibi Netanyahu knew this and he did what any
shrewd politician would have done in similar circumstances (although,
admittedly, there are very few circumstance to be compared to Israel's); he
rallied his troops like Henry at Agincourt. He had earlier addressed the
American Congress with a brilliant précis of the threat to the West, as well as
Israel, of Iranian nuclear ambitions.
speech to Congress was Churchillian in its analysis; comparable to the great
man's warnings in the UK parliament of the rise of Hitler in the 1930's. Like
Bibi Netanyahu, Churchill was seen as a warmonger by his political enemies for forewarning
of the danger to democracy of Hitler's rise to power. In this imaginary
comparison I would place President Obama alongside Neville Chamberlain. At least
Chamberlain was probably driven by memories of the First World War, and no doubt
these played a part in his judgement
when it came to Hitler - but Obama has no such memory to excuse himself from trusting
ISRAEL, ALTHOUGH MANY on its Left cannot admit to it, is a
country currently surrounded by enemies who wish the Israeli state dead and
buried; and what after-ward will be left of the Jews, will be driven out and
once more back into the Diaspora (ala Obama). The Palestinians want the territory
that is Israel for their own. They want the Jews out – but the Western liberals
chose to ignore the inherent racism of such an ambition; yet continue to
support such an ambition: and they do so without realising that they themselves
are racist in the true sense of the word by supporting such a manoeuvre. The
liberals only hide behind a two state solution to justify their attack upon
Israel. When however Hamas start landing its rockets onto Israeli soil and
Israel has to respond for the sake of their own people's survival; the Western
liberals go into disproportionality mode whenever Israel is forced to respond
in the most effective they know way of defending their people.
Netanyahu is Right-wing – and so what? Churchill was considered Right-wing; and
in the mid 1930's was meeting the same response to his warnings of the rise of Nazism in Germany as Netanyahu
is meeting today over his warning to Congress about Iran's nuclear ambitions.
The Israeli
liberal opposition sought a trouble-free way to a negotiated two state solution; when there
is no such effortless way out. The Palestinians are determined to see the Jews
evicted from the Middle East. If you do not believe it then read the
Palestinian web-sites – particularly Hamas's.
THE STATE OF Israel is an unconditional entity. A Jewish
state is as bona fide as, if not more so, than the United States of America who
replaced their native Indians, in a kind of mini-holocaust, with the detritus
from Europe over centuries to help make the modern USA.
has as much right to exist on this planet as any other nation: indeed far more
so than those who, through colonialism, laid claim to the world – including
America. The Jews were the original settlers of Judea. The wailing wall in
Jerusalem was not constructed by Palestinians.
Judea was ruled by who else but the Jews. The Jews are the rightful residents
of ancient Judea, which is now part of modern Israel.
PRESIDENT OBAMA hoped that the liberal opposition to Likud
would have won out. He could have then orchestrated a two-state solution with a
friendly, and he hoped, easily manipulated, Left of centre Israeli government
who he could have used his undoubted rhetorical ability upon to flatter;
and who he hopefully could have settled
the long serving conflict between Palestinians and the Jews; and thus by doing so helped transform his
presidency into such greatness; that it could only be comparable to that of Abraham Lincoln.
won his presidency on his undoubted gift for rhetoric. But words can only go so
far. They may get him past the first hurdle into the White House; but when it
comes to praxis far more is required
than Obama was able to deliver . He is a wordsmith; a rhetorician of the first
mould and a showman. But he is not a practitioner of the political arts; just a
Netanyahu is a master of the political
game – and if Obama had, instead of removing the bust of Churchill from the
Oval Office, had, like Bibi, studied the great man, he may not have found
himself moping in the Oval Office today.
is first and foremost, America's first black president - this was his first
ambition; because whatever he did afterward, this would have readily given
himself his place in American presidential history – even if he spent the majority of his time
on the golf course during his second term; leaving the world to fend for
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