Thursday, June 25, 2015

Calais is the new Normandy for the Islamists

YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE it on trust that I am not an evil person or a racist; but after reading this piece the easily convinced leftists among you will think differently.
                There is a wildcat strike taking place in Calais that is weakening French border controls and encouraging illegal immigrants (not migrants as the British media are describing them) to make a dash for Dover, knowing that once they land on English shores they will never be sent back. So their incentive is very great – the prize is worth the effort.
                These illegals - as they should be termed - are mostly all young men. There are very few women and children among them. If they are married then they have left their families behind, and have paid four figure amounts (and where did they get such amounts in the first place?) to cross the Mediterranean in un-seaworthy vessels to land on the shores of Italy: and upon their arrival they are hosted by Italy before they make their way north to France and south to Calais, where they have been told, the streets of London are paved with taxpayer's gold – as they are, compared to what they are use to in the countries from which they fled.
                Once they get to Calais, they try to make it to Dover. They are given, presumably by the French, 30 euro's a day to live on, and issued with, of all things, mobile phones. The liberal media seek to portray them as the 'desperate ones' in order to solicit sympathy to their cause.
                They deserve sympathy for their plight but they do not deserve to come to the UK. The free movement of peoples from within the EU are already straining our national health and education services; and are also undermining our housing. The British taxpayers are beginning to exhaust their reputation for tolerance that our politicians patronisingly suggest we have in abundance.

SUCH AN attitude, held by our democratic politicians, is the very attitude that drives public opinion further and further to the Right until, as we see in many parts of Europe today, they are proving ever more popular in the polls.
                Let us think for one moment of the truck drivers who are caught up in all of this. Not being part of a bourgeoisie liberal profession, like many of our liberals, they face the daily harassment of their vehicles being used by these young men to smuggle themselves into the UK, hoping to live on welfare. If, however, they are found in occupation of their vehicles, then the drivers face, I think, a £5,000 fine: and as I read recently, if the Lorries are carrying food stuff, the whole cargo will have to be unloaded and disposed of because of any possible human contamination.
                If these truck drivers, who are trying to earn a living for themselves and their families, are suspected by the authorities as carriers of illegal migrants they are expected to pay the fines. It is outrageous that ordinary working men and women, whose only purpose in life is to earn a decent living for themselves and their families; should be subjected to this costly indignation.
                Just watch the various videos that have been created of the events at the port of Calais, now visible on the internet. You will see young men attacking and breaking the locks of these trucks heading for the UK and boarding them. They are not desperate. Their actions are disgraceful and no sympathy should be shown for their actions. They are not the poor and dispossessed of the earth the Left would like us to believe.
                 The lorry drivers are doing all they can to avoid a fine and the removal of their unwanted cargo. Such drivers are becoming worn down by the activities of people who are costing them their livelihood. I have more sympathy for these men and women than I do for the illegal migrants who are ruining them in order to claim benefits this side of the channel.
                 These illegals should have been sent back to whence they came long ago. I do not blame Italy for acting humanely as they did by rescuing them. But Europe should have turned them back to Libya from where they sprung.  Europe left Italy to pick up the mess. This migrant invasion (for this is what it is) should never have taken place, and would never have taken place 40 or even 30 years ago. Or even before the 2011 bombing of Libya by the British and French in order to help overthrow Gaddafi, the one stable force in the region that would have kept ISIS at bay – but Cameron and William Hague knew better.
                 It was the 2011 bombing of Libya and the overthrow of Gaddafi that unleashed our present mess of migrants retreating to attempt entry on European soil with the advance of ISIS; which may never have occurred if Gaddafi had been left in power: and all because of the political ambitions of the Cameron and Hollande governments that orchestrated the Libyan debacle which brought them temporary applause for their actions.
                Having got rid of Saddam, it left Libya vulnerable to whosoever had the power to rule in his place. But the sad fact is, is that no one was left strong enough to gain power. The West in the guise of the UK and France helped Gaddafi's opponents to seize power. But all they did was unleash the very sectarianism Gaddafi had held in check because of his authoritarian rule over his people.
                Now we have ISIS advancing its control of Libya and driving more and more people to the north shore of Libya to cross the Mediterranean to Europe. The British people have unfortunately suffered a dearth of qualative leadership in the country from within the three main parties, and have done so since the rise the liberal state 70 years ago in the UK, after the ending of the Second World War. In those years only one true statesman shone above all others, and she has been the hated from within her own party as well as the opposition parties.
                Our actions in Libya have only provided a beachhead into Europe for ISIS and all the other Islamist organisations who will find comfort within the 15 million Muslims that now swamp the continent – what a fuck-up!

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