Tuesday, June 9, 2015

If Israel dies, then so will Europe

ROCKETS LAUNCHED from Gaza have been landing on Israel for several days without comment from the Western media. You have to turn to such publications as the Jerusalem Post, Harretz, and Arutz Sheva to know what is going on. This is the usual pattern: Israel is attacked by Hamas' rockets and Israel responds with its Iron Dome defence system…the silence continues, and the rockets keep coming and Israel issues a warning to Hamas of a ground intervention if the rockets continue… the silence continues - and so do the rockets.
                The Israeli prime minister whomsoever he or she is, now has no choice but to engage Hamas on the ground; tanks and heavy artillery are sent to Israel's border with Gaza: men and women are mobilised ready for combat and are sent into Gaza … the silence ends. Washington and the Western media begin to take notice. Washington pleads for restraint by Israel; while the Western media send their correspondents into Gaza (no doubt at the invitation of Hamas) to report Israeli 'atrocities' committed on Palestinian civilians who are being used as human shields by Hamas.
                 The Western journalists in Gaza are escorted to the latest Israeli bombing 'atrocity', by Hamas – it is a hospital. This is where the Western media enjoy a symbiotic relationship with what even the UN regards as a terrorist organisation. The self-inflicted suffering endured by Palestinians because of the acts of terror by their overseers, is blamed on the Jews; and the Western media strum Hamas's tune.
                 Once more the Israeli's are put on the back foot by the international coverage of their actions; and are now seen as the aggressors – even seen as war criminals by the liberati and the Left generally. There is no evidence that the IDF (Israeli Defence Force), or the Israeli government, ordered the targeting of Gazan civilians. This is not to say that some individual members of the IDF did not commit such appalling acts. But so did rogue individuals in the American and UK military in Iraq. This does not mean such acts were sanctioned by their respective governments. All conflicts produce such behaviour, usually by people who have witnessed the killing of a comrade in a way they consider a cowardly manner by a ruthless enemy.
                The Palestinians want a state of their own, as do the Jews who have found one. The trouble is, that the Palestinian state they seek is 'occupied' by Jews. The Palestinians do not want a two state solution because they do not accept the Zionist dream of a Jewish state. Indeed, if you visit Palestinian websites they talk openly of a Palestinian state that covers the land of Israel.
                 But all we hear in the West is talk of the belligerence of Benjamin Netanyahu to any two state solution. This is because such a 'solution' is predicated upon the Israeli Jews return to the Diaspora, as far as the Palestinians are concerned.

LET US CONSIDER this. What would happen if every Jew in Israel suddenly decided they had had enough of this; and turned again to the Diaspora? What would happen if the Palestinians were finally given their state under such an 'arrangement'? These questions have never been considered by Western liberals whose only function is to hope that the Jews remove themselves, or be removed by the Palestinians (with the help of the many Arab nation's that encircle Israel) itself: not of course to be rounded up and to be put in gas chambers as an earlier 'solution' to the Jewish problem attempted. Good God No! The liberal enthusiasts for a Palestinian state would never sleep at night if the Jews were sent on such a journey once more – their departure must be clean; which is why I suggested a 'voluntarily' one.
                But let us promote, for arguments sake, the state of the Middle East and the West without Israel. Does the West believe itself to be more secure without Israel? The last thing such an evacuation will deliver is peace to the region. After the celebrations in the Arab world and among the Western liberals at the final victory of Palestinian statehood; as was shown by them with the overthrow of the apartheid regime in South Africa; the Left will be in a state of ecstasy after snorting the political cocaine of Palestinian statehood; but disappointment will follow, as it has among many of South Africans blacks with the National African Congress since they took power.
                Political factionalism, religious communalism as well as secularism will still dominate the Middle East. The evacuation of the Jews will not change the body politic of the Arab world. With the march of ISIS, as with the Islamist cause generally; the Palestinian people may be far worse off with a state of their own, than they were on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
                As for the West, it will have lost an ally of great significance in the Middle East; at a time when the Muslim world is in chaos. Israeli intelligence gathering is the finest in the world, and without the presence of a Jewish state to gather intelligence in that part of the world on behalf of democracy; then by not standing full square behind the Jewish state, the West stands to lose another war in the battle against Islamism: perhaps even a significant battle when in Europe particularly, it accommodate 15 million Muslims.
IF ISRAEL goes to the wall, then so shall Europe. Today Europe is in a state of navel gazing, transfixed by their addiction to a federal EU. But they should adjust their political antenna toward the Middle East and forget about internal EU politics (they are even burying their heads in the sand when it comes to Putin).
                If the Jews were once more driven into the Diaspora, and a Palestinian state were to follow their exit it would not represent an end but a new chapter in human suffering; a far greater suffering than we see today in the Middle East.
                Here is one scenario. Because of Western weakness, ISIS manages to create a caliphate but only embodying Iraq and Syria. At the same time, after much secularist in- fighting between the two Palestinian factions, the state of Palestine finally settle downs to communal tolerance.
                Suddenly the Muslim world could realise their new power after the interregnum provided by both events. Finally the Palestinian question will have been 'settled'. Muslim leaders throughout the Middle East would be mad if they did not see the greatest opportunity since the days of Saladin to vanquish what many Muslims today regard as the crusaders - you think if fanciful? Well, just wait until it filters through to the Muslim conscience.
                The Ottoman Turks tried and failed to extend its empire into Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries. Today Islam would find it much easier to spread the faith with over 15 million Muslims already in situe within Europe. Its success however would depend upon Shia and Sunni factions within Islam forming a united front to advance the cause of an Islamic world caliphate beginning with Europe.
                Until such a marriage takes place the West, in the short term has little to fear. But what would provoke such a union would be the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel.
                Under the circumstances of a Palestinian state there are many other scenarios, but I cannot think of any that would secure a peaceful outcome for Europe. Muslims despise the liberal overtures represented by multiculturalism – having planted themselves within the host; they bide their time until the demographics favour the caliphate within Europe; and Europe will finally go the way of ancient Greece and Rome.


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