I HAVE TO TALK DEFENCE once more. This time, not only about
the forthcoming further decreases promised by Cameron to the MoD's already
paired down budget; but also to the way we are deploying our forces. It seems
that our military are being used now as some kind of paramilitary wing of the
Department for Oversees Aid, instead of being used for its primary function of
defending this nation.
army has already been reduced to a mere 84,000, to be topped up by the
recruitment of 50,000 reservists (or part-timers; or weekend soldiers). But
even these 50,000 reservists have yet to materialise. Despite this, another
round of cuts to the defence budget is promised by the newly invigorated Tory
government emboldened by their recent election victory.
At this
moment the Royal Navy are sweeping up human detritus in the Mediterranean. HMS
Bulwark the navy's amphibious support vessel is acting as a kind of …what? Max
Hastings suggests a ferry service for migrants: he is not far off the mark. The
coast of Northern Libya is the Dunkirk beachhead for those migrants from the
various conflicts that currently engulf Libya, Iraq, and Syria, all seeking to
make their way to Europe.
wretched of the earth are paying unscrupulous people vast amounts of money to
provide transport from northern Libya to Italy; and having survived this
treacherous sea journey in 'boats' that are ill-fitted for such a journey: they
will sooner or later be given European citizenship, if they succeed, as they
surely will be, due the EU liberalarti. They will then have ready access under
the EU's free movement of people's treaty to join us in the UK.
I DESPISE CAMERON; not because he presents himself as a
Conservative, when he is obviously no such thing (he is instinctively a social
democrat); for why would he allow his chancellor to pare to the bone this
nation's ability to defend itself; while staying loyal to the overseas aid
budget? I despise the man because he despises his party's own true conservative
traditions. Cameron is a modern media creation. He lives and breathes the
modern media as did his mentor, Tony Blair.
Barak Obama requested that Cameron sticks to the NATO rule that all member
nations commit two per cent of their GDP to defence: Cameron has yet to promise
to do any such thing, indeed, he is about to do the reverse at a time when, I
for one, believe there is a definite 1930's feel about today's Europe. There is
no Hitler on the horizon, but there is a threat and an equally disconcerting
attitude among our leaders in Europe to bury their heads in the sand when it
comes any kind of military preparedness to meet such a threat…in fact they do
not acknowledge that such threat exists.
what is the threat to Europe? At a non military level we see the threat
crossing the Mediterranean in the thousands; and as far as the UK is concerned,
we see the same threat currently bottlenecked in Calais.
As for
the military ones; our politicians in Europe are depending as they always have
done during two world wars; and the peace following the latter, on American
military might to see off any threat; first from communism, and now from
Vladimir Putin if the worst comes to the worst.
threat, and a far more problematic one for Europe, is the growth of Islamism
and the success of ISIS (and for those of you who believe Iraq, Syria, and
Libya, to be faraway places that need not concern us … then look to the
Mediterranean to be convinced of the opposite.
has 15 million Muslims living on its soil; brought about through the modern
liberal conscience; whose feelings of guilt regarding their various countries
colonial histories, have welcomed those from Europe's colonies to come live
among us. This will sooner or later end in tears when comes to the Muslim
communities spread throughout Europe.
increase in defence spending has never been more needed since the 1930's; but
it seems that it is not going to happen despite Obama's plea to Cameron. The
only way to shake Europe from its complacency would be for the USA to announce
the withdrawal of all military support from Europe. We Europeans have grown fat
on the handouts of the American taxpayer, with little appreciation for what
America is providing. In the UK, for instance, we have only been able to create
and continue to support the NHS, because American military might has subsidised
a large part of our defences.
In fact
many European liberals despise America despite what it has achieved for them in
the past. So why, when America is now looking toward the Pacific region rather
than Europe, does she not do what the Roman's did in the fifth century after
Rome was on its last legs … and order its European cantons to look to
themselves? The same message needs to be sent to Europe. Only then will they
take the continents defences seriously … and only then would Cameron and
Osborn, as well as all the other European leaders become invigorated with the
needs of national defence.
When it
comes to America, she is molly-codling Europe. It is the USA's presence in
Europe that allows the likes of David Cameron to cut back further on the MoD's
budget; knowing that the US taxpayer will pick up the bill. In other words
Europe's leaders, including of course our own are living off American welfare.
But we
do so only because it serves the interests of America; when such an arrangement
ceases, as it will; Europe will be left to its own pitiful devices. We chose
the NHS over defence spending; we also chose overseas aid over defence
spending. We have made our choice and we must now live with it.
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