Tuesday, July 13, 2010


THE EU HAS RULED that all nurses from every country within the EU will be allowed to work in the UK without having to subject themselves to the safety checks administrated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). These rigorous competence exams will be halted this autumn in compliance with the EU rules. If the NMC refuses to comply, they have been told that they could be sued by the European Commission.

According to the Daily Mail , in the past five years 40,000 nurses from the European Union applied to work in Britain, but only 270 completed the course; deterred by its cost and difficulty. Presumably we will now be flooded with third rate and dangerously incompetent medical “professionals”.

What has our government to say about this possibly dangerous state of affairs? Well, like every other controversial decision made by the EU, our politicians prefer to remain silent, hoping the whole episode is just that, and will not grab the headlines for no more than a day.

Since when was the NHS part of the European Commission’s ambit. After all, is it not the British taxpayer who funds it? And since when did Europe have the prerogative over the British taxpayer, to dictate the terms and conditions under which it operates?

Some health professional are now saying that such an arrangement will lead to deaths, and one can see why. For as part of the testing procedure nurses from the EU would have had to show that they had carried out a minimum of 450 hours’ nursing in their own countries in the past three years. If not these nurses were obliged to attend a three month intensive course with tests on their knowledge and skills. This quality control will now be removed from the NHS.

WE CANNOT SAY WE HAVE NOT BEEN WARNED. For the case of the German locum, Daniel Ubani and his patient David Gary who died at his hands, illustrates all too well what happens if a foreign health professional’s expertise goes untested. He was eventually struck off from practicing in the UK by the BMA, but still practices in Germany.

When it comes to the health of people in this country, the EU should take second place, and if our politicians refuse to accept this because of their own Europhilia, then it is up to the people themselves to make it plane to those who are considered to be our servants in a democracy, that they will not vote for a party that wishes to subsume our national identity into a potage of federalism

I believe we are a Eurosceptic country being manoeuvred into becoming a state within a Federal Europe. I also think that the vast majority of politicians within all parties wish for such an outcome.

But I believe the people themselves reject such a diminution of their nation into a mere state within a federation.

IF WE ARE BEING DICTATED TO regarding our National Health Service from the outside, then what is the point of the British taxpayer funding it? Either we, as we are told, own the NHS through our taxes, or we do not. But if we do, no outside body should declare any kind of interest in it without the approval of the British people through a referendum.

But I think that this coalition government will be no different to the last when it comes to approving referendums on any proposition enacted by the EU.

In other words nothing has changed from this to the last government regarding the European Union. There is a scheme afoot by all politicians from whatever party to integrate this island nation of ours into becoming a mere canton of a super state within a Federal Europe, and whomsoever you vote for among the main parties, their leadership will be Europhile.

The EU’s latest pronouncement on the NHS is only the beginning and will be further rewarded by many other pronouncements on British law which fails to meet other European directives.

At one level I feel that the British people have, through their apathy, allowed this dictatorship by the EU to proceed. The current state of the European Union is like the dominance of a kind of Napoleonic code that every country within Europe has to accede to.

I find it outrageous that this island nation should have to pay attention to the dictates of a foreign country or continent as far as its spending on health is concerned.

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