Sunday, September 26, 2010


THE UN PANEL ON HUMAN RIGHTS HAS ACCUSED Israel of unacceptable levels of brutality, and of ‘wilful killing’, when the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) attacked a flotilla heading for Gaza last May in which nine ‘activists’ were killed. Is it little wonder that Israel refused to give evidence to the UN’s human rights panel when they managed to reach such a hideous conclusion? The video evidence was there in black and white for the world to see. As the IDF landed on the deck of the Mavi Marmara, they were beaten with iron bars by the so-called ‘peace activists’. There is even footage of one IDF member being thrown overboard.
            A few weeks ago the BBC’s Panorama programme carried out its own investigation into the events of last May. In the programme footage was provided where some 30 members of the Turkish ‘Islamist’ contingent on board began preparing for any expected assault by the IDF. They were seen using cutting gear to slice through the ships railings to provide themselves with weapons. Their intent from the moment (and probably before) the Mavi Marmara set sail, was to provoke an international incident that would embarrass Israel.
            There were many legitimate, if naive passengers, who had nothing to do with the Turkish Islamist’s aims and were genuinely shocked by what they were seeing unfold before them.
            The Islamists were, by the time of the IDF’s arrival, in virtual control of the Mavi Marmara and ready for action. Apart from the iron bars they had equipped themselves with, there was also an arsenal of knives and catapults in readiness.

I HAVE NO TIME FOR THE UN. I believe it to be both impotent and open (like most international bodies) to corruption. Its many attempts to end conflict by sending in a military force to bring peace has, since the Korean War, proved exceptionally poor. Neither British or American troops will wear that ridiculous blue beret that exemplifies their inadequacy.
            Did the UN Panel on Human Rights carry out an investigation into Srebrenica when thousands (not nine, like on the Mavi Marmara ) of Muslims were massacred without the protection from the UN’s Dutch contingent? How dare they even attempt an inquiry into the actions of a member nation, when the whole institution of the UN failed so many in Kosovo.
            The Israelis refused participation in this inquiry because they knew what the outcome would be. Why waste their breath when such an organisation can invite the likes of Libya onto the human rights committee of the UN.
            This wretched body is a disgrace. It presumes to be the spokesman for conflict resolution and peace. But we all know that it is governed by the permanent members whose votes are an extension of each of their nation’s foreign policy on any given issue.
            Any one of the permanent members can veto any proposal put forward by the central body. Yet we pour billions into this institution to continue its survival.

MOST OF THE MEMBER NATIONS are not fit or morally competent enough to either criticise or judge Israel, the one true democracy in the whole of the Middles East.
            How dare the likes Syria, Iran, Jordon, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Lebanon and Libya; (all members of this august body), so much as wag a disparaging  finger at the state of Israel after what they have inflicted on their own people over the years.
            These governments have managed, between them, to kill more of their own kind including the Palestinians themselves, than Israeli has ever managed to do since 1948.
            The United Nations, like its predecessor, the League of Nations, was the product of  well meaning idealism following two world wars. Its scope and visions were admirable. Many who fought in the last war (many of our post-war politicians in particular), saw its creation as our only hope for world peace in the future.
            However,  almost immediately following the Second World War,  the institution became divided into blocks between communism and the West. Human nature being what it is, and has been for thousands of years will eventually predominate; either in the form of self-interest, pragmatism, or outright villainy.
            Today the UN has been exposed to such a mix for the past 65 years and it now resembles a kind of Babel where the self-interest of countries, continents, and hemispheres dominate its proceedings.

ISAREL WILL NOT CONCERN herself at this institutions findings into the events of the Gaza flotilla - nobody else does. Israel will continue to look after her people’s interests as every serving member seeks to do. To be criticised by this body is becoming an embarrassment felt for the UN itself.
            There are too many members involved in this body that weaken its moral purpose and credibility. Members whose behaviour should have led to their departure. This is why the modern United Nations is indeed a blasphemy of its original purpose.

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