Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Geert Wilders is no Nazi

THE ANTI - ISLAMIST DUTCH MP, GEERT WILDERS has gone on trial for inciting hatred against Muslims. He has compared the Koran to Mein Kampf and faces up to a year in jail, or a 7,600 euro fine. His presence in court is the result of an appeal against an earlier judicial ruling that found he had committed no crime that he had to answer for under Dutch or, presumably, European law.
            Mr Wilders is popular in Holland (and, no doubt, throughout the rest of Europe), having been described by almost all other parties and most of the media as being an extreme Right-winger; a nickname that would no doubt find sympathy in this country among our own political elite from all parties as well as all of the written and visual media; just as it has done in Holland - such is the fear of our political elites, of Islam.
            Geert Wilders has spoken up for the ordinary European citizen who still see themselves belonging to a nation state rather a mere canton of Europe.
            Mr Wilders is not a Nazi as his many liberal detractors seek to label him. If he were he would be demanding that all racial minorities should face eviction from Holland.
            In France, for instance, they are currently, and rightly, seeking to send the Roma community back to Romania. Why therefore is President Sarkozy not standing where Mr Wilders’ is, in some courtroom somewhere in Europe.
            The fact is, is that both politicians are in touch with their people’s concerns, unlike the EU commissioners who are a bureaucratic entity devoid of democratic legitimacy.

GEERT WILDERS has struck a chord with his people and he, despite his somewhat comical Aryan physical appearance, is right. Islamism is the West’s enemy. It is more potent an enemy than Communism ever was because the West has allowed itself to be flooded with followers of Islam by guilt ridden liberals, who to this day feel some kind of culpability for the colonial past their ancestors unleashed upon the world.
            We in the West have tortured ourselves with guilt about our imperial past. In so doing we  have sought an ideal that would hopefully accommodate all cultures. This we, in Great Britain, introduced as multiculturalism, and through its ideology we allowed a multiple of other cultures to live among us as cultural equals, leaving the indigenous culture as a mere equivalent to other cultures, in a land that for thousands of years we called our own.
            If ever there was a concept that would cause, at its mildest, disharmony, then it was the wretched and destructive concept of multiculturalism. Different cultures mean different ways of life. Ways of life that have much significance to those who live the way of life that, in the case of this country, we have fought over for centuries to hold on to.
            Mr Wilders is not the Nazi that the liberal Left wants us to believe he is. What he is against has nothing to do with the colour of a person’s skin, but the person’s culture.

WE LIVE IN A WESTERN CULTURE, and any other citizen of any other culture must accommodate themselves with it if they wish to be part of it. This is Wilder’s message. A message which will hopefully lead to some kind of harmony within, not a multicultural society, but a Western society. Multiculturalism delivers only disdain for the indigenous culture and its colonial past and leads to social conflict.
            Multiculturalism is, like all other liberal creations, well intended and idealistic, but runs dangerously against the tide of public opinion.
            What Geert Wilders seeks to accomplish is the continuance of a mono-cultural Holland, irrespective of the colour of the skins of those who seek admittance to Dutch citizenship. Mr Wilders seeks only the hegemony of Dutch culture. As such he believes that he is anti-multicultural, just as I hope  most British citizens are.
            We had the opportunity of making a multiracial society work; a society I believed could have worked but was displaced in this country by multiculturalism. Multiracialism could have united the different ethnic minorities with the indigenous white majority if those minorities accepted that the indigenous culture that they chose to live within, was to be the dominant one. It would have meant that all minorities had to obey our laws customs and traditions…our culture, and our culture alone, would have been the preeminent one that stood above all others; and if this was not acceptable to any particular minority then they were free to return to their own preeminent cultures in whatever part of the world they were practised.
            Under such conditions we could have moulded a multiracial society in which minorities were free to come and go, and where the indigenous population could hold on to their own culture, putting it before all others.
            But our politicians, both here and throughout Europe decided to downgrade their indigenous cultures and make them equal to whatever other culture came to live among them; leaving a feeling of bitterness among their peoples. A bitterness that was the outcome of European politicians’ promotion of multiculturalism. Is it any wonder that the ordinary European citizens seek policies further to the Right than any mainstream party or politician is prepared to go?

GEERT WILDERS should not be on trial, but rather our own politicians. Fortunately stupidity is not a crime, if it were most if not all European politicians would be where Mr Wilders is today.
            His attack on Islamism is fully justified, and has been since the events of 9/11. The Islamic faith still lives in the medieval world - a world Christianity escaped from via the Reformation and Enlightenment. Today Islamism is the enemy of the West, as Islam was in the past. Today Islamism recruits from the West, from countries like France, Britain and Germany. It is able to do so because of the 15 million Muslims they can chose from now living in Europe.
            Our politicians are frozen by fear of the numbers of Muslims they have allowed to live among us. Decisions are being made by politicians on basis of not upsetting the Muslim community.
            In Britain, for instance, this has taken the form of not disclosing the numbers of Taliban dead in Afghanistan, for fear of unsettling the I.5 million Muslims living among us.
            I can only assume that what our politicians hoped for with multiculturalism was that (in an inverted form of snobbery) that those other cultures, once having been introduced to the Western ideal, would quickly vacate their own centuries of culture in favour of ours. Is this what multiculturalism hoped would happen?
            Mr Wilders will have his day in court, and probably his year in prison. For I do not think that he will miss the opportunity of martyrdom. The ineptitude of European politicians, elected and unelected, knows no bounds.
            This whole continent including that part of which my country belongs, has never been so ill served by the politicians that govern them today. They have all gambled on a throw of the dice called multiculturalism, and have lost.

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