Wednesday, November 3, 2010


WHAT DELIGHTS ME ABOUT  the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, is knowing how much both tabloids are loathed by the Left. The paper’s headlines are so deliciously provocative to liberal sensibilities, that the challenge they bring to the smug self-regarded liberals, have, for their own self-righteous certainties, brought about a kind of limp-wristed disdain from them, culminating in their usual dismissive response  of  “It’s just the usual Daily Mail stuff”. Like an unpleasant eruption from someone’s bowls in public, the Daily Mail and its sister paper are treated by liberals as being both bad mannered and anti-social.
            To me the Daily Mail digs out the stories that liberal Britain would sooner have had swept under the carpet. For the paper has rightly sought to undermine all of the so called “good work” that liberal Britain has expedited over the past 45 years, with Comprehensive Education, Multiculturalism and a somewhat dystopian attitude to crime and the criminal justice system.    
            What the Daily Mail does is to trawl for those stories that undermine liberal thinking; stories that the liberal media deem examples of prejudice and not representative of their reality.
            The Daily Mail is a conservative newspaper in the same way that the Guardian is a liberal one. But the extraordinary thing is, is that despite the fact that every cultural institution in this country has a liberal bias and is usually supported by the tax payer, the vast majority of people are, I suggest, small ‘c’ conservatives.
            Compare for instance the numbers of Daily Mail readers with those of the Guardian. The strength of the liberal power base in this country is far outweighed by the numbers who hold a contrary view, but are rendered helpless because, from Parliament to the BBC, and any other publically financed entity, the liberal ethos dominates, and acts contrary to the innate conservatism of the British people.
            In today’s liberal climate the Daily Mail represents the mouth-peace of the most radical approach to all aspects of society’s problems. Problems that have, in the main part arisen from the well intended solutions of a liberally directed social culture.
             In other words the remedies and solutions to our many social problems have, for the past 40 years, lain within the remit of, in one form or other, a liberal perspective. Our teaching departments within our universities have been primed toward impregnating a liberal prospectus into the minds of our children.
              Social science departments have also helped in the crowning of the liberal hegemony; resulting in political correctness. A political correctness that even permeates our police force, where the rights of all minorities are put before those of the majority indigenous population.

LIBERAL’S SEE the Daily Mail as a hindrance to their multicultural dystopia. If only the Daily Mail would go away, all cultures, numbering over a hundred in our society, would live quietly, unperturbed by Daily Mail prejudice, side by side.
            Liberal’s also see the Daily Mail as a hindrance to their ‘progressive’ criminal reform. If only the Daily Mail would not bring the public’s attention to the plight of a pensioner so brutally attacked by some yobs. Or, in another instance, the act of a publically spirited citizen who challenged the behaviour of feral youths who threatened his home and family, but suffered the consequences when he challenged such behaviour and died as a consequence.
            Almost every day throughout this country liberal laws are being exploited by, as in some cases, mere children, who rightly see themselves as being above such laws simply because they no longer fear them - only because there is nothing left for them to fear. They no longer fear them because liberalism has intervened on the criminals rather than their victims behalf.
            Liberalism seeks a formula whereby criminal nature can be mollified by the latest academic thinking into improving human behaviour and thus reducing our prison population.          Such a prospect however is undermined by human history. If nevertheless liberal academics wish to pursue their age old thesis then let them do it at their own expense instead of the public’s. Human nature remains the same as it has always done despite the intrusion of man-made speculation in the form of philosophy.
            Conservatism has traditionally sought a junction with human nature and required at least an understanding. The Left, on the other hand, has sought a radical departure from human nature and in so doing has tried to revolutionise it into a paradigm for liberal tolerance.
            The liberals little understand human nature simply because they are at heart idealists. They see only the good in man and obfuscate the bad. This is not however a time for idealism but for pragmatism.
            The Daily Mail speaks for conservatism and not idealism. As a conservative entity, the Daily Mail is in perfect synchronisation with the beliefs and wishes of the British people. For the British people believe in the continuance of their island nation as a sovereign state protected by their armed forces.

THE DAILY MAIL TODAY is the only truly radical mouthpiece of the British people whose only ambition is to remain a nation free from Europe and multiculturalism. For these are the two forces retarding our national sovereignty and culture. It is because the paper exposes the many failures of liberal Britain from education and crime, to the over promotion of minorities via system of political correctness and human rights laws imposed on us from Brussels, that it is despised and patronised by the Left.
            Long may the Daily Mail continue to cause the liberal-Left much discomfort. To paraphrase the Duke of Wellington on another occasion : “We always have been, we are, and I hope that we always shall be detested [by the liberal].”

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