Wednesday, November 23, 2011


"If and when the economic circumstances were right and to Britain's advantage, we should certainly consider doing so [joining the euro]."
Paddy Ashdown

ONE OF THE REASONS for the European Union was to curb German power after it had led the continent into two world wars within three decades of each other; at a cost in lives of some 30 million people.
                Another reason was to bring an end to all of  the internal European conflicts that had plagued the continent for centuries. The European nation states had made a habit of each drawing blood from the other through various alliances of convenience; and after the Second World War the politicians set about changing things.
                In justifying where we are today with the EU, those Europhiles who are at its beck and call whatever the anti-democratic behaviour it exhibits, will point to such reasons for justifying their support for a ‘Greater Europe’; as it is becoming known on the Right, since Angela Merkle and Nicolas Sarkozy so easily dismissed two elected foreign leaders and (in all but name), appointed their successors.
                What we are watching is an ascendant Germany once more. It is the wealthiest nation in Europe and its leaders (without any referral to their people) have poured billions of their people’s hard earned taxes into rescuing, not Greece, but the idea of a single currency; and their reward for saving it, will be their increasing power within a Europe of  political and monetary union, based of course upon a single currency.
                For German ascendency, such profligacy spent on saving the euro, is an investment in German power of the kind deployed against Greece and Italy. But Merkle dare not put it in such blunt and crude terms to her people. For they may conclude that German history is yet again repeating itself; be it through much more benign methods than her earlier historical ascendency.

GERMAN POWER AND INFLUENCE over a whole continent will now be made absolute – not by any Nazi doctrine or other such prejudice: but merely through the hard work and efficiency of its people who create the wealth that has elevated their leaders to such a powerful position - a position where the rest of the world wishes to purchase their products.
                The wisest act that any political leader of this country did, was to keep us away from joining the single currency. Gordon Brown kept us free from its maligned influence and should be thanked for so doing. In doing so we may not be fully  immune from the consequences of the single currency’s disappointment; but we can, if we so chose, keep ourselves independent from the ascendant Germans.
                When last week David Cameron met Angela Merkle to discuss what we were told were to be a series of diverse issues - although we all know the issue they were most interested in. They gave a press conference afterwards which, according to one report beforehand, Cameron never wanted, but Merkle insisted should take place – so it took place!
                At this press conference Cameron seemed a somewhat poor relation of Herr Merkle while trying to remain prime ministerial. His whole posture had nothing to do with any sense of inferiority on his part, but more to do with  his own innate belief in a Federal Europe which he tries to conceal from his own people. But, after the events surrounding the euro zone, his admiration for Germany’s leadership, despite her anti-democratic behaviour regarding Greece and Italy, never failed to impress
                So, even after the catastrophe of the sovereign debt crises in Europe; a United States of Europe, headed, it seems by a flourishing German economy, is still in prospect.
                In this week’s New Statesman, George Eaton has collected a fine selection of quotes from the old pro-European guard, who have renewed their belief in the euro after remaining somewhat shy of comment  until now. The names Heseltine, Blair, Ashdown, Clarke, Hutton and Mandelson, have all come out to renew their faith, so to speak, in the euro. They remind one of the Communist Left, at the fall of their own cherished ideal… yet they still believed!

WHAT THESE yesterday’s men who continue to support the euro also seem to be supporting is the following.  For a single currency to work, political and monetary union must predate its introduction. This was one of the reasons for the euro’s failure. It was an obvious error of judgment pointed out at the time. But, it seems, Blair, Heseltine and Ashdown, were like the proverbial three monkeys when it was introduced so naively – idealism can leave you deaf, dumb, and will blind you to reality.
                The next time it will be done properly. We have Germany’s word on this. What will probably happen, will be a single currency of fewer nations and an outer ring of those 10 nations that refused the salesman’s pitch at the time.
                But just what does it mean to become part of a single currency? Those three monkeys fall somewhat short on any detail when they continue their support for a single currency.
                Because of political and monetary union – the single currency’s pre-requisite; we will have to abandon the nation state and its sovereignty. We will no longer have the complete independence that allows us to make our own laws  as a free people. We will fall foul of the Gormhangast that is Brussels; and we will find it increasingly difficult to determine our own futures; and for what? To stop us from fighting each other? As was the original purpose.
                Those who still support a single currency have to explain the consequences of such a monumental folly in terms of the nation state and its sovereignty. We have already seen how a nation’s sovereignty will be treated by a European super state, by Germany’s treatment of Greece and Italy.
                Heseltine, Blair and Ashdown, must have the honesty to tell the British people what their enthusiasms for a single currency will mean to the nation state and its sovereignty. They will have to confront the British people with the prospect of denying them a nation; after millions have died and suffered in its creation.
THE BRITISH PEOPLE MUST defy such poisoned overtures from Europe to relinquish their past as a nation. By calling for the abandonment of our nation state, which is what a European single currency will mean – then, if this is not treason, what is?
                I challenge those yesterday’s men to deny that their continued support for a single currency will not ultimately lead to a federal Europe of cantons… where nations once flourished.
                The European Union is the most undemocratic institution outside of  the once Soviet Union. Yet little is challenged by the British media when it comes  to the European Union. They seem to accept the way Greece and Italy have been treated; but seek the moral high ground when it comes to Egypt, Libya and Syria.
                We have been for- warned by what happened in Italy and Greece, of what we can expect if this whole United States of Europe sees the light of day.
                The British people have already tasted the medicine, via the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and its autocratic governance of our law- making in this country. If the British people allow our politicians to accede to further federalist acts, then we must turn to a party whose  sole reason for  existing is keeping this island nation free as a nation. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), is such a one ‘policy’ party – but what a policy!


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