Thursday, December 1, 2011


RESEARCH CARRIED OUT by the Joseph Rowntree Trust has shown that the white working class (yes they do still exist) feel aggrieved by the way they are treated when it comes to social housing as well as other issues.
                They see themselves as being second in the queue to minorities - although the report of the report by the Daily Mail does not say this. But all you need do is live within such a community to understand the breadth of their concerns about foreign migration.
                Council housing is just one issue. But at the top of such communities grievances is immigration and the way it has colonised their towns. White working class resentment is real but it remains sullen and fearful of speaking out because they know a single wrong word  can now be regarded as a hate crime - that Orwellian creation of Multiculturalism.
                I live in a seaside resort that once thrived on receiving holiday makers from all four corners of the country, before the cheap package holidays brought famine to the holiday industry. But Great Yarmouth has had its fair share of immigrants. Foreign languages now prevail where once only regional accents dominated during the summer months.
                Many of the people of Great Yarmouth dare only speak their concerns to each other when it comes to what after all could become a criminal act. Immigrants have, it seems to many, taken over the town. Of course this is an exaggeration. But when you walk down almost any street in the town and hear a tongue you do not understand; and when you visit your GP and find yourself as a citizen of the UK having to wait longer; and, on occasions, being the only English speaker in the waiting room; and when you visit the local hospital and see instructions written in 13 different languages; and when you receive a correspondence from the local council offering the same variety of languages; then you begin to feel alienated.
                Immigration is becoming an existential threat to the white working class, and it did not need the Rowntree Trust to say things we already knew as white and working class.

THE LAST LABOUR government from 1997 until their removal from power in 2010, deliberately sought to swamp this island with immigrants from all four corners of the world. 
                In the end, hundreds of thousands of, mainly Poles, turned up at our ports and airports. By the middle of this century, the population of Great Britain will increase from just over 60 to over 70 million people; and the pressures this will put on the country, in terms of the NHS, housing and welfare generally will cause friction, and in the present economic climate social unrest or even breakdown. It is estimated, for example, that three cities the size of Birmingham will have to be built to accommodate such an increase.
                 The Labour Party began this invasion because they deemed their traditional support among the working class was diminishing. So a whole new Labour supporting constituency had to be created – and where else would they find it, but among grateful immigrants from Europe armed with an automatic right to vote.
                Many in New Labour also saw the remnants of the white working class as racists in track suits. The chav was born; and New Labour was embarrassed. Except that the chav was just as despised among the white working class as it was among metropolitan New Labour.
IMMIGRATION IS THE elephant in the room as far as the Rowntree Trust is concerned. As a liberal body they dare not dig to deeply. If however they are serious about white working class sentiment, then immigration closely followed by our relationship with Europe governs their thinking and it is right that it does so.
                I hear from taxi drivers as they take me to hospital and the doctor’s surgery; I hear from people in the local pubs, as well as from friends and acquaintances in Yarmouth; all of them talk of the new tongues that are present on our streets. They are not racists, although New Labour would have convicted them as such (remember Gordon Brown at the last election?).
                By criminalising all comment on anti-immigration as racist, this country has allowed the swamping (as Margaret Thatcher referred to it) of our country by large scale immigration.

NEW LABOUR and the last Labour government have done much irreversible harm to this country and it will pay a heavy price in terms of social conflict, as future demographics threaten social cohesion.  The white working class want their nation and its culture to flourish; but both are under threat. The nation because it faces integration within a European super state; while the nation’s culture has lost all of its authority, and become just one more culture of equal rank to the dozens of others due to Multiculturalism.
                No wonder you hear from people of my generation, the now much overused phrase ‘Enoch was right’. New Labour tested the white working class’s tolerance to destruction. Their programme of ill-thought through social engineering that brought so much resentment and effectively criminalised what they were allowed to say and not to say when it came race and all other cultures, has left many a scar on my generation at least.
                I am 61 and had been a lifelong Labour voter until May of 2010. By then, enough was enough. New Labour’s cultural revolution had tested my loyalty to its limits – my God! They even  arranged for the opening hours of our pubs to become continuous, in the hope that it would foster a European cafe culture. Instead it increased the amount of inebriate behaviour on a Friday and Saturday night, which embarrassed the nation throughout the world in this multi-media age.
                I have a new ‘ism’, Metropolitanism. It is meant to describes how a uniquely London-centric multiculture has gone viral and sought influence over the rest of the country. Our Labour metropolitan elites blueprinted our white working class futures and we were left to take it or leave it. The white working class were passé as far as New Labour was concerned. Our out-datedness was, in a small way exemplified by the presence of Dennis Skinner, the ‘Beast of Bolsover’, on the then government back benches, wearing the same tired couture that he had worn since the 1970s, and was now using it as an antidote to the Armani suits of New Labour.
AS YOU WILL HAVE gathered, especially if you are one of the authors of the Rowntree report, and are now honouring me by reading this blog; I have not read a single word of  your report’s conclusions. The fact is, is that I know what the white working class feels most aggrieved by - as does the many Labour MPs whose white working class constituents have impressed upon them their concerns when they visit the constituencies and hold their surgeries.
                The Labour Party has to be held to account. The economic harm, they caused, particularly by Gordon Brown, is another issue and the subject of another piece. But their dystopian ventures into social engineering will do the most damage. For they loaded this country with the burden of mass immigration, and defied those who challenged their policy by labelling them racists or even fascist. Anyone who questioned them became tarred with the BNP brush.
                Most  white working class people vote Labour because they hate the Tories and for no other reason. Even those who vote who are against our Europeanization and mass immigration, remain loyal to Labour. But they are becoming fewer in number as both issues become dominant. Loyalty goes only so far, which is why, after all, New Labour sought their new constituents from the new migrants.


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