Friday, January 6, 2012


DIANE ABBOTT HAS been given more political lives than any other of her contemporaries, and for two reasons. She is black and a Labour MP; and as such had to be given a place in Ed Milliband’s  cabinet as a shadow public health minister; despite her previous. She it was after all  who sent her children to a private school, despite being on the Left of her party and therefore could not counter the charges of hypocrisy; she it was who tweeted her party’s latest poll findings during the annual two minuets silence on Remembrance Sunday.
                Now a further tweet has caused charges of racism to be levelled at her. Charges it seem that cannot be easily dismissed. Comrade Abbott tweeted the following, 'white people love to play "divide and rule",' adding that 'we should not play their game'.
                The flat bat approach of ‘taken out of context’ was deployed by Ms Abbott when tackled over the issue by a journalist. However, this by now discredited flat bat approach, only undermines its users position. It is seen as a holding manoeuvre used in the hope that the fuss will die down and be quickly forgotten.
                But racism is in the headlines at the moment; both in football, as well as the criminal court - with the judgement in the Steven Lawrence trial.
                It was Toby Young writing in today’s Daily Telegraph who pinned Ms Abbott down. Using the OED’s definition of racism, ‘the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races’. Mr Young pointed out that by using ‘divide and rule’ as a specifically white characteristic, Ms Abbott did indeed justify the charge of being a racist.
                She later clarified her position by insisting that she was referring to a 19th century colonial practice. However, the tense she used, referred not to the past, but to the present. She used ‘love’ instead of ‘loved’. The latter may have got her off the hook, but the former certainly does not.
                So what now for Ms Abbott? If Ed Miliband sacked her from her role in the shadow cabinet, it would once more reflect badly on his judgement in picking her in the first place. So, it is up to Ms Abbott herself to fall on the sword. But I doubt that she will – after all, she has a child’s private education to pay for.
RACISM IS A two-edged sword that those on the Left who brandish it at every opportunity have not given much thought too. They seem to think that it would only apply to blacks, leaving the whites to pay for their colonial past; as we should according to such conscience stricken liberals.
                But even if whites were excluded, there is enough racism to go around between Afro-Caribbean’s, West Indians, Indians and Pakistanis. Racism is not a white exclusion zone, as the likes of Ms Abbott may assume. Racism applies to all ethnicities; which is why multiculturalism is fraught with danger. The white population are the scapegoats for other ethnic minorities who seek a common cause against the white indigenous population.
                Ed Milliband should make an example of Ms Abbott; not because she may or may not be racist. But because she plays the racist card when she thinks herself invisible, as she still naively believes herself to be on twitter – even after her Remembrance Day experience.
                Being black and not racist; yet choosing to play the racist card at every opportunity to hold on to her constituency; is, in many ways equitable with racism. It may be the case that the Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, has a 61 per cent white constituency; but this is a divided constituency. Many, I would suggest, the majority of those white voters are die-hard Old Labour and so would  vote for their candidate of whatever colour so long as he or she is Old Labour, and Ms Abbott certainly is that, and she knows it. Just as Bolsover chooses to re-elect its Beast!
                All parties have constituencies that, if they put a Red, Blue, or Yellow rosette on a chimpanzee: that primate would be successful in becoming an MP; and so it is in Hackney North and Stoke Newington. Those 61 per cent whites are largely working class and Labour Party loyalists who will continue to hate the Conservatives until all hell freezes over. They are traditional Labour, as were their parents before them, and will vote accordingly, and Ms Abbot knows this.

ABBOT MUST GO? She must resign her seat at the next election, if she applies the same severity to her own actions as she does to others whom she perceive as racist. She will after all, still be elevated to the Lords and maintain her presence at Westminster.
                Racism, or the charges of, are crippling our culture and creating a new Puritanism where it is not a heretical religion, but racism itself that exemplifies the ultimate criminal act, in a Multicultural society.
                Ms Abbott still believes that whites today are no better than their 19th century colonial predecessors. She has admitted as much in her tweet and by doing so has allowed us a glimpse into her true feelings. The racist card is becoming the joker in the pack. By applying it to almost every occasion it loses the resonance and seriousness it had in the 1960s in America and the 1970s in this country.
                To deny that racism does not exist today is stupid; but to pretend that things have not improved since the 1960s and 70s, let alone the 19th century, takes dim-wittedness to a new level.
                There will come a time when ordinary white people will just put their hands in the air and tell the law to do its worst; rather than have whatever they say on the subject of race being outlawed and overseen by the multicultural police.
                Ms Abbott was the victim of the same process that liberal Britain seeks for all its citizens. She fell afoul of the overseers who trawl the pages of Twitter for politically incorrect statements made by politicians.
                Unfortunately the ordinary citizens would find themselves in front of a court of law for falling afoul of the Orwellian sounding ‘hate crime’ that Ms Abbott and her party were responsible for creating; and for which Ms Abbot herself nearly became a victim of.
                Time and a multiethnic, but monocultural society, will end racism. Multiculturalism will only inflame it – and as everybody knows, it does not come down to colour any longer with the influx from eastern Europe. Numbers also matter and if to challenge this means you are a racist, then the law can go hang.


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