Sunday, February 12, 2012


‘The term racism functions not as a word with which to create insight, but as a slogan designed to suppress constructive thought.’
Adding, ‘decent people are not only afraid of voicing certain thoughts, they are even uncertain of their right to think those thoughts.’
Ray Honeyford, born February 24th 1934. Died February 5th 2012

RAY HONEYFORD THOUGHT the unthinkable and was hounded out of his teaching career in the mid-1980s. He was, you may remember, the headmaster of a Bradford City school, the Drummond Middle School, 95% of whose pupils were either of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin. 
            He became the target of the liberal bien pensant, when he set about attacking Multiculturalism and how it would inevitably lead to the segregation of the country into ghettos. The demographics of his own school was proof of the kind of isolation the cult of cultural diversity would have on the rest of society. Now, some 25 years after his warnings, various liberals have begun stepping out into the sunlight to be compared with to those who have been imprisoned by a religious cult, but recanted. They themselves are now speaking out against their folly, in much same way as Mr Honeyford did, but without suffering his fate.
            In 2006, the then Communities Secretary, Ruth Kelly, recanted, followed, at various times by, Trevor Phillips, David Cameron and Angela Merkle – none of whom have had to suffer Mr Honeyford’s exile.
            If, at the time, Mr Honeyford used less than diplomatic language, as some of his critics on the Right have suggested; then maybe it was because they themselves lacked the courage to say what they thought. If this issue of multiculturalism was to be faced, then it had to be faced head on: and Mr Honeyford did exactly that.
            If those liberal fools had listened to what he said instead of how he said it, and turned their backs on this great liberal experiment, which of course, one of its main architects, Roy Jenkins, had doubts about before he died, then today that awful concoction known as ‘cultural diversity’ would never have seen the light of day.
            The authors of Multiculturalism, without no doubt realising it at the time, created a whole dictionary of unacceptable names and phrases, which in popular culture has become known as political correctness. It is this aspect of the multicultural credo that might have given Roy Jenkins his second thought about the whole project.
            Political correctness is to liberal Britain what the Inquisition was to Torquemada. It has turned name-calling into crime – a ‘hate crime’ in fact. Whereas the great Inquisitor General sough to rid Spain of Muslims and Jews, our own liberals seek to seal the lips of those deemed ‘racist’, by threatening them with the law.

BEFORE HE DIED Mr Honeyford gave an interview and was asked whether he felt vindicated by Ms Kelly’s remarks in 2006 and would they make a difference: he is reported as saying that, it was too late for that.
            Sadly he is right. A few liberals, be they at the centre of power; are too late to change the unfolding tragedy that they or those who think like them, have set in motion. Multiculturalism is only an ideology. It is primarily constructed on liberal guilt for the way the British Empire behaved in the past.
            Reading Mr Honeyford’s obituary as well as the many articles in the conservative newspapers; he was no zealot, demagogue, or ranting extremist. He was an educationalist who believed in its many virtues. The colour of one’s skin was an irrelevance to him. He genuinely loved the pupils he oversaw at Drummond Middle School, and by all accounts, his pupils loved him.
            He was no Nick Griffin; his gripe was with multiculturalism not with the presence of people of a different skin pigmentation living among us. The sad thing is, is that the liberals have deliberately confused his anti-multiculturalism with the BNP.
            The whole Multicultural circus has been based upon liberal guilt, and a condescending attitude toward ethnic minorities. Especially those minorities for whom they feel themselves responsible for after what they see as their country’s ‘enslavement’ of them under colonialism.
            Our whole culture today is being directed by such a patronising attitude. Thus we have the ideology of Multiculturalism. Liberal guilt has lapsed into condescension. Which is, for instance, why, in particular at the BBC,  they seek at every level of their output a minority presence.
            The BBC is the primary multicultural conduit for employing ethnic minorities and remains a bastion of Multiculturalism. Whatever the field of BBC coverage; from street level vox-pop to the news rooms; an ethnic presence is regarded as being obligatory. Colour other than white, is the BBCs starting point. This is a deliberate decision taken by the BBC’s Multicultural programmed management.       

RAY HONEYFORD warned people of what was about to occur, but was rebuked by the liberal intifada that set its sights against him. To be against the ideology of Multiculturalism was to be racist; but thankfully it is no longer so as his views are now shared by many within the liberal establishment itself.
            Ray Honeyford never courted martyrdom; he had it thrust upon him, and he lived the rest of his life as a hermit in comparison to what he was trained for. Teaching was taken from him and he remained, rightly embittered by the way he was treated for the rest of his life.
            But thankfully he lived long enough to witness his exoneration in the form of much recanting – especially from Mr Phillips. The whole episode was comparable to a left-wing McCarthyism: a McCarthyism which is sadly still proceeding apace as our modern day witches conjure up more hate crimes and politically correct memos, that throughout our culture from factory floor to office, are distributed like Papal bulls for the public to digest and show reverence for, or fall foul of unemployment; or, in extremis our law courts.  

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