Monday, April 30, 2012

The rise of the Right and the distress of the liberals

 I JUST SAW HELENA KENNEDY on the Andrew Marr Show bemoaning the rise of the extreme Right in Greece; and Andrew thought that the Greeks should have had enough of Right-wing dictators after their experience with the generals in the 1960s and 70s.
                What Ms Kennedy and Mr Marr failed to do was proffer us a reason why that country should be drifting aimlessly toward what they would see as support for fascism.
                Greece is suffering its current circumstances because European idealists of the calibre of Ms Kennedy and Marr  thought it a good idea to create a single currency among the contradictory economies of northern and southern Europe, in the hope of realising the liberal wet dream of a United States of Europe: and as with all ideals, the many warnings against them were dismissed out of hand as Eurosceptic.
                Of course, what was warned of eventually happened, yet those responsible for this Ponzi scheme have shown little contrition. I know Ms Kennedy was not (like millions of other European liberals) part of creating the architecture for the euro zone; but she, like her fellow European elite believed the vision, and who are to this day still pouring billions of European taxes into rescuing the ideal at all costs – to the taxpayer, that is.
                The Greeks should never have been invited to join a single currency; but, as they were, their membership of the currency meant that the northern European economies stood guarantor. Which of course meant that the Greek government could borrow and borrow to their hearts content. They were given cheap loans by the banks with northern Europe standing surety. They were allowed billions of euros that would never have been granted to such an economically backward country had it not been for its membership of the euro zone.
                Ms Kennedy, and the all powerful liberal elite to which she belongs, should not lament or bewail the possible rise of the extreme Right in Greece but only the part played by those, like herself, who believed in the European dream – and sadly, still do.

TODAY GREECE, and possibly Spain and Portugal tomorrow, may also pay for their flirtation with European idealism with a dose of fascism. The austerity measures demanded of the people of Italy and Greece were implemented ( remember?) by EU appointed technocrats who have been effectively ruling  both countries.
                Where was Ms Kennedy when Italian and Greek democracy was taken away from the people by, effectively, France and Germany? If she had spoken out, as a human rights lawyer, against such a gross infringement of the Italian and Greek people’s rights, then I never heard or read of her disquiet.
                Perhaps she did; but she never used it as part of the reason for the growth of the Greek far Right, on Andrew Marr’s Show. She just  shrugged a ‘Well, what can you do?’, leaving those like myself bemused by her apparent  surprise at such a development: after all, it was the politicians of her cut that have caused the rise of the Right. If we add the European euro mess to the pile already built comprising multiculturalism and immigration, then the picture is complete - the liberal Left are culpable in the growth of the Right throughout Europe.

MS KENNEDY  has all the qualities required of a red rag to a bull. When it comes to her liberal views freely and generously aired on the BBC  whenever she requests an appearance, or when one of her ‘sisters’ working in production at the BBC needs a sound liberal voice to be heard in an on air debate, she rises to the challenge.
                If the Right enjoys a resurgence throughout Europe, then it has been gifted them by liberals within all parties who have enjoyed hegemony since the Second World War, especially within the UK. Whether (in the context of the UK) you are a socialist, or conservative; it has been the liberal centre of each of those parties that have sought, and successfully so, the creation of a left of centre liberal agenda.
                The liberal-left has, virus-like, taken occupancy of every institution, academic, educational, or political, as well as other institutions that make and form opinions – like the BBC.
                When will the liberals within all parties and institutions within the UK have that great Damascene conversion that brings them to an admission of being in the wrong ? Liberalism has robbed us of the cultural roots (via multiculturalism) that made us a nation. Our own culture has itself become a mere feature among dozens of others  that are now branded as just another branch on the multicultural tree.
                Is it little wonder that the extreme Right are beginning their successful harvest of the popular vote in other parts of Europe? Does Ms Kennedy not understand that it is the likes of her and her liberal elite that has brought such an impasse about.
                It is the liberal enterprise that has failed and promised through its failure, an unsettled Europe competing for extremes. The three great points to the liberal pyramid within the UK are, at its base, multiculturalism and immigration; while at the pyramid’s apex stands the EU.
                Is it little wonder that so many of Europe’s people are seeking a way out of the austerity measures by contracting themselves to the  political extremes?
                The great liberal wet dream and only the great liberal wet dream is responsible for the rise of the Right in Europe. These romantic optimists believing as they do, in some form or other of a rose-tinted future for humanity within a United States of Europe, are now becoming as vicious through seeking its creation as were the communists that sought the same kind of imperium long before them.

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