Thursday, September 6, 2012

The useful idiots

JULIAN ASSANGE’S BACKERS have lost £240,000[1] between them after the egomaniacal Aussie broke his bail conditions and decided to hole up in the Ecuador embassy. Among those who he betrayed  were Jemima Khan, John Pilger, Ken Loach and the former Sunday Times  journalist Philip Knightley. Also included was  the wife of Lord Evens, Lady Caroline Evens.
            It is a pity, for instance, that John Pilger never put his skills as a campaigning journalist to good use before signing the cheque. His natural scepticism, usually on display when targeting anything American, seemed to desert him in the case of Mr Assange. As we have seen on many occasions; when it comes to exposing  right wing misdemeanours (as opposed to left wing ones of the Latin American type), Pilger is usually thorough with his research. But in the Assange case, the fool’s gold that is Wikileaks; brought forth a kind of greed in the hack; of the kind fraudsters and mountebanks like to exploit.
            I wonder if the Ecuador One feels any kind of remorse over his betrayal of so many kindred spirits from the Left. Poor old Ken Loach the socialist film director must have had uncontrollable amounts of saliva foaming from his mouth at the prospect of Assange releasing all those leaks that Loach hoped would, like Pilger, damage Western interests and provide him with his next film synopsis.[2]
            Whistle-blowing is a seductive concept (especially for the left). While it can disclose fraud, for instance, within a company or public and private institution, this is wholly good. When it comes to government and government secrets and the publishing of thousands of sensitive US diplomatic cables and military files; then whistle- blowing is a great threat to a nation’s security - a concept I believe the left does not recognise?
            Whistle- blowing from within, for instance, the Ministry of Defence or the Pentagon cannot be, and should not be tolerated. Which is why Mr Assange is desperate to keep clear of American jurisdiction via his deportation to Sweden; and is now taken up residency within the Ecuador embassy.
            Those admirers of Assange like Pilger and Loach, have reached their sell by date. They have given this Bond villain their money and support, and are regretting doing so, but of cause, a public admission of such would make Pilger a laughing stock. So he and Loach will bite their tongues.

JEMIMA KHAN, unlike those natural cynics, Pilger and Loach, cannot be blamed for giving the wretched Assange her support. She acted through idealistic impulses; and not through a sense of bitterness toward the West in general, and America in particular - unlike Pilger and Loach.
            As for those other lesser financial contributors, apart from Captain Vaughn Williams who, you may remember, allowed St. Julian the occupancy of  his Norfolk county mansion as a bail address – they should have indeed known better. 
            Ms Khan still believes in the blessed Julian, but would like to see him, “… confront the rape allegations in Sweden and the two women at the centre have a right to a response.”
            She feels no bitterness toward Assange, or at the loss of her financial contribution to his bail money[3]. Unlike, no doubt, the many minor contributors who could ill afford the sums of between £5,000-£10,000.
            I am reminded by Julian Assange of a phenomena that presented itself during the reign of Nicholas II of Russia in 1917. The grip on Nicholas’s wife, Queen Alexandria by Gregory Rasputin, as well as on the whole Romanov dynasty in its final years: this  grip, that the mad monk had on the Romanov dynasty, for a short period, does indeed remind me of Mr Assange’s grip on the liberal dynasty which we in the UK have been living through for the past 50 years.
            Assange seems to have the same hold upon, what they themselves like to refer to as ‘progressive opinion’. Such opinion does indeed act like a dynasty. Especially as it has overwhelmed our culture since the beginning of the 1960s. The great liberal post-war dynasty, like the earlier Romanov one, is hopefully coming to an end.

KEN LOACH was never an artist, but a journeyman, which, no doubt, he will find flattering. Without doubt in the coming years after Julian Assange’s expulsion from the Ecuador embassy, Mr Loach will find an individual, without acting experience of course (for this is his trade mark), to play Julian Assange. He should preferably have a northern accent, and have worked at some stage in his life as a labourer, or, much harder to find these days, a miner.
            Julian Assange uses people to advance, not the truth, but only himself. His appeal to whistle-blowers is an appeal for them to contact WikiLeaks in order  to give him credit for whatever piece of prurience is passed on to him.
            The likes of Pilger, Loach, Khan, Knightley, Lady Caroline Evens, or even the Marchioness, among many other idealists including Nobel Laureates; have all fallen entranced, like the Romanov queen to Rasputin… to Assange’s appeals.
            We are entering a period when state secrets will matter more than at any other time in our modern nation’s history. When I say matter, I mean to the British people. The source of  any leak  that involves the security of our nation should be tracked down and the “whistle-blower” given whatever the law decrees suitable punishment for disclosing state secrets.
            Assange today sits in his new bolt-hole out of the reach of the British government and the useful idiots who put up his bail; he no doubt charmed and convinced the likes of Pilger and Loach, who he knew were useful to him because of their militant leftist credentials, which to someone like Assange, means, they would believe anything that incriminates capitalism and the West.
            Assange has played these two like Lenin played Wells and Shaw, and the Western left of his time. Fellow travelling often ends in disillusionment for the traveller; but it is my guess that both Pilger and Loach will continue to support the Assange Party; for to do anything less would  show them for what they are – a pair of  useful idiots!


[1] According to the Daily Telegraph 22 June 2012
[2] For both Pilger and Loach anybody whose cause is anti-American will be given their support
[3] After all it was daddy who provided it

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