Sunday, January 20, 2013

Algeria’s handling must be praised

THE TAKING OF hostages at a gas field in the Algerian Sahara; is being talked of as being a consequence of France’s intervention in Malawi. While this may not be the sole motivation for the terrorists, it is certainly being described as such by the terrorists themselves.  An Algerian hostage was told by one of his kidnappers  not to worry, as they only wanted the foreigners, the crusaders; and also to warn America.
The West must not continue in denial before it is too late. The Arab Spring was seen by the West as a force for good. Cruel and bloody dictators like Mubarak, Gaddafi, and Assad were either overthrown or put in peril by popular uprisings. The West thirsted for Arab democracy and supported the departure of the despots. In the case of Libya, we even leant a hand by destroying Gaddafi’s heavy armour from the air.
In Egypt today the Muslim Brotherhood bides its time, until Egypt can be fully Islamised under sharia and all the architecture of a democratic state is disposed of. In Syria we have armed the opposition who are daily proving themselves worthy competitors to Assad when it comes to cruelty and malevolency.

In helping to defeat Gaddafi, those mercenaries he employed to buttress  his regime are now fighting in Malawi. All Cameron and Sarkozy did was throw a bloody great brick into the pond causing ripple after ripple of Muslim radicalism to increase its diameter throughout North Africa; while in the Middle East, once Assad’s fate is sealed the Syrian and Tunisian Islamists will link up with Hezbollah and Hamas and turn their attention toward Israel. By which time Egypt itself will be radicalised and no doubt prepared to join battle. A time will come when many in the West will have realised what friends they had in Saddam, Mubarak, Gaddafi and Assad.

I still do not believe that our leaders fully comprehend the danger that is unfolding from within the Muslim world. If they did, instead of imperilling our armed forces through defence cuts, they would have increased expenditure. In the case of the UK it should have been secured. We have within our military all of the intelligence and fighting skills needed to successfully conduct a modern war on land, sea, and in the air against the most sophisticated opposition. This has been history’s greatest legacy to this country and it should have been given primacy – if not over health and education; then almost certainly over foreign aid.

THE SITUATION IN MALAWI has been advanced by the events in Libya. We should have stood back from intervening in Libya, as we should be today in Syria. Those coming to power in those nations that were part of the Arab Spring are no friends of the West; yet our politicians cling to nothing more than hope to the belief that they will all become good democrats.
            Turkey has a population of  over 74 million people, and is seeking to become a member state within the EU. But the EU is less than eager to agree to such an accommodation: and the reason why? Well, Turkey is a Muslim nation, and Europe already has 15 million Muslims living within its borders. In the UK we have over 2 million. If the EU had no concern over the religious status of the Turkish state, they would have already allowed it entry. But despite their protestations that Turkey’s religious demographic has played no part in their decision making, Turkey remains out in the cold.

            In the UK over past 45 years; the citizens have never been so ill-represented by their politicians. Think of them as a class; study their liberal upbringing and education; as well as their teachers and lecturers who moulded them and prepared them to become politicians. Great Britain was once the world’s greatest empire that did much more good than harm to those who fell under its wing.
            Yet harm was done and, since the 1970s in the UK, academics, teachers, and pupils, have all been circularly coerced into feelings of guilt for the way their country managed the empire; or even having an empire in the first place; and all the tutorials have been modified by such guilt to create a liberal hegemony of the type we are living under today.

            As an act of liberal guilt we allowed wave after wave of ex-colonists to live among us. Despite them hating British colonialism; there was no shortage of supply to the shores of their ‘colonial masters’ during and after the 1950s. In the greatest act of patronisation, liberal Britain paid great attention to multicultural sensitivities and created a new law to make themselves feel guiltless and to punish those indigenous peoples who sought to be impolite to the various other cultures.

ONE PARTICULAR CULTURE has, however, been seen as a threat. Not by politicians, but by the likes of myself. The Pakistani community accounts for something like 80 per cent of the Muslim population of this country. According to the Guardian, of Tuesday 8 April 2008, the Muslim population had risen to 2 million. Four years on I doubt it has moved in any other direction than upwards.
            The Islamic world is far more of a threat to Europe than it was in the 16th century. The threat is greater because, unlike its earlier intrusion; the latest one will see its mission already accomplished by the Muslim demographic throughout Europe. What was it the ‘demonic’ Enoch once said; to paraphrase, ‘they will [all minorities] eventually get the upper hand’; something which set the liberal pulses beating and lead to the great man’s wilderness years from which, unlike Churchill, he never re-emerged.

            Throughout the Muslim world great changes are occurring; all to the detriment of the Christian West. The Muslim world is rejuvenating its past, and ever more people are rallying to the prospect of Sharia being spread throughout, if not the world, then at least Europe, because of its liberal tolerance, and 15 million Muslims.
            As far as the Islamists are concerned, the Islamic invasion of Europe has already gained a head start because of liberal guilt. In the UK, for instance, London has always been described on the European continent as Londonistan. Because of the radical clerics in London’s mosques who have been allowed to cultivate young people into the Jihadist movement.
            The events in the Sahara desert  should not have shocked anyone who smelt the coffee at the time of the Arab Spring. Our guileless politicians whose liberal instincts helped bring about the Islamic threat to the West and made the Muslim world believe that it could succeed, are today shell-shocked by the latest attack by Islamists seeking to attack the West; but even more so by the actions of the Algerian government.

            But even now I doubt whether much will change in terms of the psychology of our leaders regarding the perceived threat to the West by the Islamists. When, to their credit, the Algerian government acted ruthlessly to end the kidnapping without getting into long weeks of bargaining with the terrorists, Western leaders took exception. They would have preferred liberal reason to have been  tried first, leaving future hostage takers with the belief that a deal can be struck with the degenerate West

THERE IS A PART OF me which would like to see the Islamists succeed, if only to help rid the West of its liberal complacency, and in the hope of readdressing the imbalance between us and the Islamists. We have all the military might on our side but we lack our enemies ruthlessness, and until we bite the bullet as we had to do in the Second World War, our military might will account for very little in the upcoming battle.


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