Monday, July 22, 2013

"three generations of imbeciles are enough"

“What we as eugenicists have got to do is to ‘scrap’ the old Poor Law with its indiscriminate relief of the destitute as such and replace it by an intelligent policy of so altering the social environment as to discourage or prevent the multiplication of those irrevocably below the National Minimum of Fitness. Sidney and Beatrice Webb

HERE IS A SCIENTIFICALLY unproven observation but one which rings true. Most eugenicists have emerged from liberalism and socialism. Historically, among their number were the Webb's, Marie Stopes[1], John Maynard Keynes, George Bernard Shaw, Virginia Woolf , D H Lawrence, and Oswald Mosley.
            Fascist has been the traditional sobriquet applied to the Right by the Left. But the Left itself [2](especially today) share the same impulses and outlook of fascism when it comes to eugenics (and also, in the case of national socialism - economics). Eugenics means filtering from the genetic pool those individuals who are deemed unworthy of the name human. Unworthy in the sense of an inherited mental or physical impairment that they, the eugenicists, deem unfit to survive and may prove to be a "burden" on society.
             Now, modern liberal's and socialists may say this is all true of the past, but today they proclaim themselves more enlightened, and more than a bit embarrassed by the behaviour of their heroes. But if I were, for instance, Archibald Church, an MP and member of the Fabian Society in the 1930's who introduced a Bill in parliament to press for the sterilisation of those who are in every way a burden to their parents, a misery to themselves and in my opinion a menace to the social life of the community”: and if I returned for a brief visit to 2013, I would congratulate today's politicians for the advancement in eugenics that they had created; as well as the scientists for making it all possible.
            Also, if I were Archibald Church I would award a Nobel Laureate, not to a scientist, but to one of my own calling- a politician. It would be David Steel who, as a Liberal MP, introduced the 1967 Abortion Act in parliament that came into law. The act was introduced on the back of back-street abortions that brought ignominy, or, even in a few cases, death to those who were its victims, which, needless to say were tragic.
            Since the 1967 Act, the embryo has lost all status, while eugenics has flourished. We were told that the Abortion Act would mean no more than the destruction of a few thousand embryos a year. We now know, in 2013, that the act has resulted in over 240,000 abortions conducted each and every year. Which tells me that abortion is being used merely as another form of contraceptive which not only cheapens life, but encourages the belief that the embryo is mere waste matter, like toilet paper filled from the residue of a wiped arse.

BUT IF HEALTHY embryos are being disregarded in such a lazier-fare manner - then what about the unhealthy embryos. Well, while the healthy ones are subject to a time limit, those deemed eugenically flawed can be destroyed at any time before or soon after their birth. If this is not an act comparable to Nazism, then I know not what is.
             To help justify such an arrangement needs professional ethical legitimacy, and it comes from Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva[3] who wrote a piece in the Journal of Medical Ethics,  and sees new born babies as not actual persons and therefore subject to post-natal abortion.
             These two reprobates, for what else can we call them, are the perfect follow-up to Nazism. They consider that any human being born that cannot comprehend their environment as fully functioning human beings, has no entitlement upon life. This does not only include the physically or mentally disabled, but also any fully fit child immediately after birth (including themselves). At least the Nazis picked and choose who they experimented upon and sent to the gas chambers.
             They argue that not only does the foetus not have any automatic right to any kind of human status, they also consider that the new born are equally bankrupt of such an identity, and killing a newly born child would be no different from killing a 14 week foetus. Rather than being "actual persons", newborns were merely "potential persons". They then proceed to make their case.
             My point is that advocating a time line of abortion which includes birth, is being made today because back in the 1960s, Steel's Abortion act set time limits on abortion and judged those limits to be based on the same criteria[4] used by  Giubilini and Minerva, who prove the same criteria can be used equally to allow  us to "abort" the newly born.
            We see the lengths we can go to once abortion is legalised, and how far it can be extended on the  Abortion acts ethical criteria. While Giubilini and Minerva may not find much support (at the moment), David Steel has opened a Pandora's box.

THERE IS ONE group of people however, that can be killed off and their deaths  remain within the law. These are those born "severely" disabled. Now, "severely" covers many a cruel state handed down by either God or natural selection, depending upon your beliefs. But one such disability brought about by a missing chromosome is Down's Syndrome.
             It is an injustice to those with Down's syndrome to regard them as "suffering", as they are not; they are just different. But the criteria of "severely" disabled set down by government, which was meant to cover the most excessive forms of pain and suffering, has been applied to those with Down's Syndrome to reassure the prospective mothers by so-called medical councillors.
            Of those pregnancies diagnosed with Downs, 90%  are terminated. Only a eugenically inclined culture would ever consider such a situation. But there is something darker afoot because what Giubilini and Minerva  are advocating, applies today with those who have Down's Syndrome.
            This is eugenics pure and simple; and it is happening, not in a fascist society, but in one that has been run by a liberal establishment for nearly 60 years; an establishment that has increased its powers over that time until it now serves as a hegemony over the whole culture.
             Eugenics is indeed an ugly concept, but one which both Left and Right have subscribed too. But today's Right cannot be described as fascist regarding eugenics. The right today are anti-abortion. The Left believe in the women's right to choose, and in giving her such a right, the law has allowed millions of aborted foetuses to be sent to a very, very, early grave; as well advancing the procedure beyond it original purpose.          

[1] She called for the sterilisation of  the, "hopelessly rotten and racially diseased".
[2] By the "Left" I mean liberals and socialists.
[3] Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom, and the arts… an excellent  liberal cv.
[4] As they put it: “The moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a foetus in the sense that both lack those properties that justify the attribution of a right to life to an individual.

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